Cyclist mugged on Walkers Rd
(CNS): A man riding a bicycle on Walkers Road, George Town, Wednesday night was robbed by three men, who stole his phone and some cash. Police said that just before 11pm, the victim was riding his bike near the Cayman Academy when he was accosted and threatened by the three robbers, who demanded his valuables. Two of the muggers wore hoodies and had their faces covered, but the police did not supply descriptions of any of the three suspects.
Anyone with information is encouraged to call George Town CID at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS).
The best description of robbers would be for them to identify them on the spot. No need to have to search for them. Let the offender speak for himself.
Why not provide a description and a sketch of what the individuals looked like and then also the pictures from the CCTV? Help us help you catch them!
black or white men?
With how Cayman has declined over the last decade; does anyone think it’s safe to ride or walk at 11pm at night?
And walkers road?
Ja Rule!
1.08 remember the 3000 status grant?
Bingo! It is good to see that people are starting to recognize what many warned of at the time and that 2+2 does indeed equal 4. Our leaders have been morons and let there be no doubt – THEY and their failure to uphold our laws have done this to us.
Stay classy Cayman!
Remember now H.E. Madam Governor said crime is under control and not a problem. SMH
Gangs of Animals just doing as they please.
Kayman of today and tomorrow
Sorry but that’s what happens when a culture of entitlement non parenting and illiterates is welcomed in Kayman
Hear that noise that is the planefulls of expats abandoning ship and that silence is the condoning of the behavior by those that look the other way In other news there will be another 5k run hosted by yours truly Franz and Co.
It’s important not to provide the description of robbers, we could offend someone.