Local celebrity marries TV co-star on 7MB
(CNS): Local actress Grace Gealey (31) has married her Empire co-star Trai Byers (32) after a year-long engagement. The couple opted for Gealey’s home turf for what was described by the celebrity press as an “intimate ceremony” on Seven Mile Beach last week. According to reports on TMZ, the first of the entertainment online media to report on the couple’s nuptials, there were no other stars from the show in attendance, just a small group of family and friends, including Sports Minister Osbourne Bodden.
In the popular Fox TV series, Gealy plays Anika Calhoun, a.k.a. “Boo Boo Kitty”, the former fiancee to Terrance Howard’s character Lucious Lyon, while Byer plays Lyon’s son Andre.
Category: Local News
As an educated man of the soil who has done everything by the book – got a tertiary education, helped take care of his mother, continues to be a role model for Caymanians, continues charity work as a belief that that is what we should be doing etc., can’t help to think about an old saying that my Grand Mother use to say “Caymanians are like a barrel of crabs; if one gets to the top, the others will do their ever best to pull that one down”. For heaven sake people, let us be PROUD of one of our own who has made us proud and rejoice in the fact that if we put our minds to doing something / anything we CAYMANIANS can achieve it!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations Grace!!!! You are as humble, kind, sweet and intelligent now as the day you were in my class as one of my students. Take great care, enjoy your new found fame, love your new life, and pay it forward when you can.
First of all congrats to the newlyweds! But most likely the photos weren’t leaked, it was probably part of the “Hollywood publicity stunts” make it look like someone leaked the photos but it’s really the way to get news out and start the buzz! I’m glad Grace has landed a tv show I just wish that it didn’t have to be at the cost of compromising her Christian walk/beliefs.The Empire boasts of unscrupulous behavior and In her role as Annika I read that she has slept with her ex-boyfriends son, a lesbian, has portrayed to be deceptive and manipulative. come on Cayman girl make us proud and find a respectable show/movie to act in but don’t play into the hands of Hollywood and lose who you really are!
Why is this news?
One thing Cayman is full of is Badmind people…… People get marry, people died, people get lost, peel get lock up, people get a job, people loose a job and all people do is cuss….. Can’t do nothing with out people talking s**t. Leave them and let them be….
The leak was not by a guest! Note the photos were taken during the dress rehearsal – long before guests arrived. Staff of one of the service providers? Yes!
How can you tell it was dress rehearsal? Guess they got a few bucks from TMZ … Maybe it even came from the printers?!
All the best with your future family plans Grace !!
No one made a big deal when Jeff Webb married his American wife. Wasn’t Isn’t he a celebrity in another sense? What happens if Frankie Flowers marries outside his nationality? What about that other Caymanian in New York who helps produce? Or Selina Ebanks since they are all “Caymanian”. [Love] has no nationality or territory boundaries. She’s not the only Caymanian to marry outside of her nation whether in the islands or out; is it only because she’s a celebrity beautiful and handsome? Heck he could pass as a Caymanian–skin color and looks. We have so many mixtures in our blood. Grace, congratulations to you both and I hope you are very happy for a very long long time. God bless you both and I hope you made sure he got full compliments of your culture–especially the food and beaches– and family, true Caymanian Way!
And some sleaze leaked photos to TMZ! Hope they lose whatever money they were paid!!!
So what for Pete’s sake … Does it matter.?
Can’t believe a guest at her wedding leaked the entire seating chart AKA invite list. Now, that’s just so wrong esp since ti was such a small and private ceremony.
OMG I’m sure they will ALL be traumatized for years,may even need counseling….!!
Give me a break.
Why would she marry a Cayman man? They are no good and broke LOL
You sound like a Weak Trick with a mutual situation!
You must be shipwrecked Dave we keep hearing about. Turn up on a shore and crow down the locals. Kissmeteet
No baby! I’m caymanian. And it is the truth majority of Cayman men are no good!
It is very sad that NATIVE CAYMANIANS can no longer find other NATIVE CAYMANIANS to marry.
I agree! Incest is the best!
It’s all relative I s’pose.
Really? You couldn’t just wish them happiness and move on with your life. She married the man she loves….that’s all that matters.
Google “sarcasm”.
You can’t really be that humorless. Well maybe you can. So sad.
PLEASE GET A LIFE!!! Now we have to love the same Nationality ??! Wow Ignorance at its Best!!!
Grace very proud of your achievements, Ambition, and the foresight for young people to not only dream but pursue ! There are many more of us out there that just get lost in the system or society and/or our family has let us down. Hopefully one day your able to schedule in a visit and you along with other successful locals can speak to the schools about perseverance, ambition, education and dreams. IT IS SO NEEDED , God Bless and Congratulations on your marriage! My 9 year old son will be disappointed but oh well :-))
(Full caps so you understand the importance…..)
Congrats Grace and Trai. Sensible , kind, intelligent Caymanians love you both. The others are so jealous it is unbelievable. Keep up the good work!!
EXACTLY MY POINT “GET A LIFE” and stop posting crap!
And my apologies for the delayed response but evidently unlike you I have no time to screen each reply to foolish comments such as yours another reason why you should “GET A LIFE”!
You’re still here? It’s over. Go home. Go.
There are 6 billion people in the world. Is there some good reason to limit ourselves to +25k locals?
Yup they’ve all become Jamaicans.