Archive for April 3rd, 2016

West Bay police tackle crime with proactive patrols
(CNS): During a proactive police patrol in West Bay, two men, aged 44 and 45, both from West Bay, were arrested Friday by detectives from the district on suspicion of possession of drugs, consumption, and other drug-related offences. The 45-year-old man also resisted arrest, police said. A spokesperson from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service […]

Allen and DoE complete joint coral restoration plan
(CNS): Following very public disagreements over culpability and how best to remediate a large section of the coral reef off the coast of Seven Mile Beach that was severely damaged by the anchor chain of the luxury yacht owned by billionaire Paul Allen, his company, Vulcan Inc., and the Cayman Islands Department of Environment (DoE) […]

Fraud training for home affairs staff
(CNS): Accounting and management staff responsible for managing public funds Ministry of Home Affairs will attend fraud prevention and detection training over the next two weeks. According to the ministry, 29 staff members will learn to perform comprehensive fraud risk assessments; and to detect a wide variety of internal fraud and corruption. This includes but […]