Golf course developers to use waste tyres

| 27/01/2016 | 12 Comments

(CNS Business): Developers of a proposed golf resort in the Frank Sound area have struck a deal with a waste company to use the recycled shredded tyres from the George Town dump as fill for an Arnold Palmer 18-hole golf course. Officials from the Ironwood project said they have signed an agreement with a company that has won the government contract to remove the tyres from the dump and the Department of Environment has given the greenlight for their use. Read more and comment on CNS Business

Category: Local News

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  1. Anonymous says:

    In my opinion, the Ironwood development will not materialize to the scope presented, if at all. However, to use old tyres as a fill base defies logic and is probably no more than a ploy by the developers to get more concessions, of any sort, from Govt. I’m no engineer but surely the concept of a shredded rubber and metal wire (tire threads) base for such a project seems questionable.

    Wonder if they can reference any other golf course, or engineered project, in the world which has such an under-base?

  2. Anonymous says:

    pie in the sky. end of story.

  3. UK Driftwood says:

    Think we all know like the ice rink, Bodden Town hotel complex will never see light of day

  4. Anonymous says:

    New study shows kids exposed to toxic,cancer causing chemicals on artificial turf.

    Artificial Turf: Exposures to Ground Up Rubber Tires – Athletic Fields, Playgrounds, Garden Mulch. Health concerns have been documented in rubber tire fabrication workers that are attributed to exposure to chemicals and dusts. Use of recycled tire shreds or crumbs in athletic fields, gardening and playgrounds involves repeated and direct exposures for both children and adults to tire dust and some chemicals similar to those in tire plants.

    • Anonymous says:

      Relax – only mini-golf courses use artificial turf. The tires will be used as landfill meaning they will be buried underneath dirt and topsoil; then real grass will be grown on top. Now all you need to worry about are the fertilizers and pesticides they will use on the grass. I’m sure there are studies out there showing those are harmful too. Best not to leave the house.

    • Me says:

      I think you should be more concerned about what Wendy’s, Burger King and KFC do to Caymanian kids!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 8:12am Very nice post; however I suspect that at golf course the public will not be in direct contact with the shredded rubber.This shredded rubber is intended to filter out pesticides etc before they enter the water table and will probably be installed under a layer of top soil. Perhaps we can hear from a representative of the project on this.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Waste of space

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