Fly troubles tackled on Little Cayman

| 06/01/2016 | 6 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): An infestation of flies on Little Cayman over the holidays has been tackled, officials have confirmed. The cause remains uncertain, though government contracted a local heavy equipment company to clear the landfill in case that was behind the problem. Readers contacted CNS about the significant number of flies they were battling while on the Sister Island over Christmas, which in some cases had made it extremely unpleasant to go outside. 

The Department of Environmental Health officer with responsibility for the Sister Islands visited the island on New Year’s Eve and met with the owners and managers of food premises, including hotels, to see if they were being impacted but by that time the swarms of flies had apparently begun to abate.

Concerns had been raised that the new poultry farm on Little Cayman was contributing to the infestation but officials visited the site and found no evidence that flies were excessive or breeding there.

While the source of what was described by one CNS reader as “an explosion of house flies preventing us from going outside” has not been identified, the DEH officer said there is often an increase in the local fly population during the grouper season, but there is no hard evidence to suggest that the increase in fishing was responsible for the relatively short-lived infestation.

“Precautionary measure were, however, adopted by treating many large garbage receptacles at most of the major businesses as well as the landfill with fly bait,” officials from the DEH told CNS.

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Category: Land Habitat, Science & Nature

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Seems to be a growing issue to all Three islands!! DEH/Gov needs to do something about the dumps! Period

  2. Shoo-fly-don't-follow-me says:

    What about the fly problem in Grand Cayman?! I understand that all the dead animals that are collected by Environmental Health are placed in a particular part of Mt Trashmore, and are supposed to be covered properly, however, the “top-dog” responsible has apparently been promoted beyond has abilities (where have we seen that before in Cayman?) and with his blasé attitude he apparently doesn’t think that it is necessary to follow protocol in covering the animal corpses properly – hence the flies. Look into this – you’ll see I’m right.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Was probably the rain that started it

  4. On the Wall says:

    So, what does one do when they see this many flies? The old saying is watch flies ….!

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