Elderly tourist punched by robber

| 12/01/2016 | 62 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Three American tourists were robbed at knifepoint on the beachfront porch of their vacation home in Rum Point, North Side, on Monday evening in the first robbery of the year. Police said that a 77-year-old man, who was injured during the robbery, his 76-year-old wife and another female friend (61) were sitting outside on the porch when a man brandishing a knife approached them from the beach and demanded money. 

The villain punched the male visitor in his face, injuring one of his eyes. He then took off in the direction he came from along the beach with a substantial amount of CI and US cash, as well as jewellery, an iPad, three cell phones and a wrist watch, police said. The crime was reported to 911 just after 6pm on Monday 11 January.

The robber was about 6-foot tall, well built and of dark complexion.

The man was transported to the George Town hospital by ambulance but the two women were not physically injured. The three visitors from Kentucky had arrived in Cayman on 12 December, police said.

Anyone with information about this robbery is asked to contact the Bodden Town CID at 947-2220, or the RCIPS tip-line at 949-7777 or Crime Stoppers at 800-8477 (TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (62)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Meanwhile we still promote a “certain culture” in education because we mostly only hire or promote teachers from certain countries and scare off the rest.

    If your educators are sympathizers to this type of savagery because they are used to this as normal from growing up in Jamaica/Central America/Africa, then you wont see any shock or solutions from the very same leaders in education.

    In fact they will just laugh it off as a lesson that all visitors will need to learn. The kids in school pick up on this and BAM, instant and perpetual crime that makes their racists mums, dads and teachers happy.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Since the RCIPS can not or will not do the job with which they are charged,it is time the friends and family of these punks take responsibility for the position they are putting these islands in and turn them in. Soon people will stop listening to the DOT saying how safe these islands are and start going else where. Then all except the very rich will all starve.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The appeal of cheap, exploitable labour results in 20,000+ work permit / expat workers, which results in the general resistance of hiring of locals, which results in a high number of unemployed, which results in a growing culture of petty and violent crimes being committed by those affected.

    Nevertheless, to address the above will apparently prove “harmful” to the business community and economy as a whole, so the band plays on.

    We know what the problem is. Our politicians don’t want to fix it. Our high salaried expats and PR holders won’t admit it (because any issue that suggests changes must be made to our workforce carries some degree of risk to their positioning in the country), and every local Caymanian that addresses the issue is branded an uneducated xenophobe.

    The one certainty is the situation will only get worse if left unchecked.

    – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      Who-you have this nasty habit of tarring everyone with the same brush. I for one would welcome a change to the education system to get Caymanians qualified and working in the private sector. Don’t blame us. Your elected government(s) have pursued hopeless education and work strategy policies which have made many unemployed and unemployable, as well as spoon feeding them and developing (in some) the “entitlement” attitude which does not work anywhere and especially not here. Do you think we want to live in a place with rising crime that risks becoming another Jamaica? No thanks.

      • Anonymous says:

        Poster, who have I tarred? Do you believe I was attempting to lay blame for the situation on one particular group?

        For the most part I was trying to highlight the fundamental flaws in the system as it stands.
        By the way, I agree with most of your observations and have referenced similar on numerous occasions.

        – Who

    • - dat says:

      started reading this comment, smh, then got to the sign off and laughed. New year, but Who still peddling the same argument hahaha

      • Anonymous says:

        And what exactly is that “same argument”?

        Perhaps some folks react a bit sensitively when they identify their role in a general description?

        – Who

    • Anonymous says:

      WhoDatIS are you saying this robbery was justified ?

    • Anonymous says:

      What a crying shame,

      Trip Advisor is full of stories like this from people who have been robbed in Cayman. The RCIPS standard response of ”No one was Hurt, So all is well” doesn’t suit this situation. Why in the world would he have to punch the guy in the face, that could have killed someone of that age, I mean how much of a threat could he have been to the robber. I wouldn’t be surprised if these folks are already on their way home never to return.

      The sad thing is that a lot of Caymanians attitude will be good riddins to them because they were foreigners and whoever did it was just doing it to get something to eat or feed their starving family because they have been disenfranchised by foreigners in Cayman and not able to find work, I guess this was an out of work Accountant or Store Manager with a Masters Degree that can’t find work because all the jobs are taken by expats so he has no recourse but to beat up old people and steal to put food on the table. This is the result of all the hatred of outsides being spread throughout the Caymanian society, much of which is spread by those in charge.

      On another note if it was a foreigner, them and their whole nationality will be deemed to be the worst threat to Cayman.

      All the responses from CITA or the RCIPS are all bull, this “IS” no longer contrary to the usual Cayman experience. People that live in and visit Cayman are aware that you can’t sit on a secluded beach or take a evening stroll down the street without risking getting robbed, now you can’t even sit on your own back porch. These guys know that there is practically no chance they will get caught in the act because by the time the cops show up they are always long gone, which probably isn’t a coincidence.

      I am actually in the process of gating in my whole property because I know that Cayman isn’t that safe haven it used to be. Gated communities will be Cayman Future, it’s already starting to happen. I personally would like to have an 8 foot fence with Barbed wire, Planning can no longer say it’s not justified, such things are now a requirement for your personal safety in and around your own home..

      I love Cayman and still feel it’s one of the safest places around but the complacency of the CIG when it comes to the rising crime level will ultimately be the reason why paradise was lost.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The RCIP need to do more stop and chat with people they see just hanging around instead of just driving by.

  5. Who Said What says:

    Wait until he turns on the iPad, use the iPad to locate hm. Yes this is built into the iPad RCIPS. Should be easy work to solve this crime.

  6. Anonymous says:


  7. Denver says:

    I’m very disgusted with this so sad and unfortunate circumstances with my dear friends.
    They call this little rock their second home, but it’s more like their home because they soend more time and money here than they do in the US. They have been visiting here fir over 40 years, and I have had the distinct privilege of knowing them all these years
    I wish I had been there cause that sucker would be Dead!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I hope the scumbag’s friends( or the scumbag’s parent/s) beat the crap out of him when he brags that he beat up a 77 yr. old man and robbed elderly tourists. Disgusting. Cowardly. Pathetic.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I hate to say it. Again. And again. If we all were allowed the tools to protect ourselves, these kind of events would be much more infrequent. Why? Because criminals are cowards — they prey upon those whom they believe to be vulnerable. If it was known that ANY citizen (or property owner) could possess a simple self-defense tool such as pepper spray, the criminals would balk at taking victims at will.

    It’s. Just. That. Simple.

    • Cornwall says:

      Only an idiot would want tourist to be packing guns to the Cayman Islands. Why don’t you say something sensible like, more police presence, if a condominium they were staying – employ security guards, etc…such dumb noise only makes a lot of static and no contribution to the efforts of fighting crime on the island. Don’t you think if the criminals know you have a gun, they will come with a bigger gun?

      • Anonymous says:

        Who said anything about guns? I said pepper spray. I think you might be a tad predisposed toward a firearm argument, and that’s fine. Many places capsicum spray is registered to a particular person (one qualified, with no police record) and if used in the commission of a crime, that person is responsible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes because there is no crime in America. Or do guns kill more people there than care (yes, they do). If the civilians are tooled up the criminals just tool up more.

    • Judean Peoples Front. says:

      Yep … Nothing like getting “tooled” up just to go on holiday!
      If I had to do that, I wouldn’t go.
      Something tells me that there are enough tools on the Island already.

    • Anonymous says:

      @6:28, having pepper spray is not going to work in this situation either. If you are sat on your porch with a nice bottle of wine watching the sun go down, you are not going to be sitting with a can of pepper spray next you too. It would kind of kill the vibe a bit. This attacks come out of nowhere, so unless you live in fear all day with your finger on the button, a self defence weapon will be useless. I would rather not turn into certain nation (who will remain nameless), who are afraid of EVERYTHING!

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately, people who write these comments very often have no experience of using the various commercially available non-lethal defensive weapons like pepper spray and stun guns. If they did they’d know that their value in untrained hands is, at best, questionable. I’m not against legalising weapons for self-defence and home protection but if we are going down that route at least let us use something that will do the job properly like .40 S&W hollow-points.

  10. Sharkey says:

    CNS can you please forward the GPS comments on to the police ASAP ,to help get this scumbag of the street and into pair of concrete boots.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I hope the Investigating Officers check surrounding homes for any surveillance footage that may have been captured. I hope these low life cowards meet their match soon!

  12. Sue says:

    These folks have owned their home for a couple decades. I doubt this will change their winter plans. But I’m guessing they will be more security conscious.

  13. Anonymous says:

    …and the politicians are already politrickin’ for 2017, instead of focusing on what is truly affecting this country right now, id est, the Cayman Islands tourism product going to hell in a handbag, due to local unemployment. Welcome to the beginning of the end.

  14. frangipani says:

    what a crying shame!!!!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Such a brave robber, punching and terrorizing elderly tourists. Scumbag. Will be more great headlines for Cayman…please catch this one RCIPS and put him away for the longest time…and hopefully get their property back too. Talk about biting the hand that feeds.

  16. Anonymous says:

    We can’t pretend there aren’t deranged people in our communities doing vicious things every day. At some point I sincerely hope the victims organize and sue the CI Government, DoT, and RCIPS for the full cost of their misfortunes and injuries. Perhaps if enough foreign and domestic victims were to organize and initiate a contingency action over the decades of negligent inaction, their hand would finally be forced to pursue the appropriate response – ie. to actually have a functional traffic dept 365/24/7, credible anti-transhipment policy, and community patrols all year long. There ought to be expensive consequences for doing nothing. Clearly, we need to reduce response time in our most sensitive areas, and make it harder for recidivist crack-head thieves to risk a target of opportunity and then move around – no doubt with impunity on unlicensed, headlamp-free dirt bikes. The same ones that everyone but the crime-tolerant officers of the RCIPS can see. How bad will it need to get?

  17. Lily says:

    Well, needless to say they won’t be returning! Slowly but surely these hardened criminals are taking over our beautiful island! tourists will stop coming here….

    With an ipad and cell phones stolen is there no way the police can track one of the devices and see where they ended up?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Disgraceful lowlife! Perhaps that’s one couple who won’t be returning, yet I note the Commissioner’s word is that crime has decreased! Hope the NS public will respond and turn-in this creep!

  19. Anonymous says:

    If caught and found guilty this should be a mandatory life sentence. Make an example out of those who target tourists!

    • Anonymous says:

      So, it is OK to target locals?

      • Anonymous says:

        Black on black crime is more acceptable yes.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’ma tourist and I’m Black, does that make it OK for you to attack me..? AIs it true that all locals are Black and All Tourist are not ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Less damaging to our country, but as damaging to the victim, so yes, attacking a tourist is worse.

      • Anonymous says:

        What makes this crime so outrageous, imo, is that it was committed against an elderly man and his elderly wife and helper.
        To me, it would not matter if it was against a tourist, a Caymanian, Jamaican, yellow, orange, purple, green elder….it is an elderly person!
        THAT is what makes this crime dispicable.
        The only thing that should be given to our elders is the utmost respect, care and kindness.
        Horrible and for that, the criminal should rot in jail for a long, long time!

  20. Anonymous says:

    The beginning of the end.

  21. Anonymous says:

    the attacker was a west indian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or an east Indian, no hold up it could have been a native American Indian, no wait could have possibly been a Mayan or Aztec Indian, for christ sakes don’t tell me it could have been Jamaican or Trini Indian.

    • anonymous says:

      is this the new term used for “caymanian”

  22. Anonymous says:

    This story just angers me. More so because it was elderly people. They need to catch this person and publicly lash him with a cat n 9 tail. So sorry they had to experience this.

  23. Anonymous says:

    When you catch the bastard, charge him with treason on top of everything else. In the UK attacking a coal installation was deemed treasonous, such was the importance of that industry. Tourism is no different to us, and that is without even taking into account the absolute abhorrence of our guests not being kept safe by us.

    • Anonymous says:

      They won”t catch him

      • Think of all possibilities says:

        They rarely do. Until we implement rewards for turning people in, we’ll forever deal with ever-increasing crime. This “anti-snitch” culture has to stop.

  24. Freed Spirit says:

    What a mess this little island is in. They beating up tourist now and all Alden seem to care about is amendments to the law but I bet you that alleged drug boat got lots of Gov’t resources to respond though.

  25. Anonymous says:

    So it’s reached Rum point, there goes that neighborhood now as well, anyone who would do something like this to an elderly person has no concern for his fellow man and needs to be hunted down like the animal he is. But I am sure everyone feels he just did it out of desperation because he couldn’t find a job and was just trying to feed his family and wold now have been a criminal if all the jobs weren’t taken by expats. Oh unless it wasn’t committed by a Caymanian at which point they will be deemed to be the worst threat to Cayman.

    I am sick of this happening over and over and this one takes the cake, it’s time for people to take their own safety seriously and be prepared to protect your own. The old way of turning the other cheek isn’t working any longer, how much of a threat could this old man been to this creep, for him to punch him in the face which could have killed someone of that frail age.

    Come around my place, I’m waiting for you…….

  26. Caymanian Donkey says:

    I’m not a police officer and hopefully the RCIP investigators have already done this, is to get the passwords for the ipad and phones and track the location of them on these items phones.

    This person needs to be caught ASAP and taken fishing!!!!?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Imagine the stories these folks will bring back home…

  28. An None Moose says:

    How terrible for those affected.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully they enabled their “Find my Ipad/IPhone” function on their devices which will help track their location.

  30. Cheese Face says:

    The beginning of the end? I hope they catch him and send him to the bottom of the sea.

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