Urgency increases to address same-sex discrimination
(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has revealed an urgency by the government to address discrimination in immigration legislation impacting same-sex couples but he said the goal was to stave off the need to recognise same-sex unions rather than a step towards them. He said that the British government has been approached by Argentina’s ambassador to the UK over the Leonardo Raznovich case and the failure of the Cayman government to recognize him as a legal dependent of his same-sex spouse.
He said the local government had also received a letter from the couple’s constituency MP in the UK, Helen Grant, questioning the discrimination, as the pressure and criticisms mount over the issue.
Speaking in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday before he left for London, the premier told legislators that he considered the issue as important as the matter of beneficial ownership. He said he was doing his best to stop or at least delay any imposition by the UK through an Order in Council to recognize same-sex unions by addressing the immigration problem urgently.
McLaughlin said that it was clear that claims that the regulations in the immigration law are discriminatory had merit and the government was likely to lose this argument and be forced to address the law anyway. Concerned that the pressure would mount to go further, the premier told legislators that this could be prevented by widening the definition of dependents and giving more discretion to the immigration board to include common-law partners and same-sex couples. Parents are now recognised as dependents after a recent amendment to the law.
While other members raised their concerns that this was tantamount to recognizing same-sex unions, the premier stated that was exactly what government was avoiding by tackling the issue of dependents in general. But he warned that the matter was one that the government had to address.
“There is no doubt in my mind this is a train that is not going to stop coming,” he said. “But if we are able to make suitable amendments to accommodate persons in Dr Raznovich’s category, we may avert, for the time being at least, the pressure to formally recognise same-sex unions and avoid the possibility of being forced to do so by the UK.”
He said that there had been no indication from the governor that the UK was planning to force the issue on the recognition and legalisation of same-sex unions but he was clearly concerned that the human rights challenges may lead to increased pressure to do so.
The issue follows a ruling in Bermuda regarding the matter of discrimination against same-sex couples there as well. Despite the same populist and religious objections to gay marriage, a ruling from its Supreme Court has given same-sex couples equal rights on immigration and employment issues, which the premier said was further evidence that the Cayman Islands needed to modernise its own laws.
The decision, however, has led to the resignation of Anthony Eden from the government benches and clearly has the premier and other members of the parliament unnerved that the UK will, sooner or later, impose an order that not only must the discrimination end regarding immigration but that full equality and rights should be extended to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community.
The Premier is talking a lot of dribble. Stop bending our laws to satisfy a few disgruntled few. Leave us alone. We are only protecting the principles that our nation was built on. If individuals coming here do not like it, then why are they staying. I cannot go to the USA and expect them to change their laws to accommodate me. Looks like the Premier is fighting hard to destroy every good principal this country was built on.
Leviticus 18:19 “I am the Lord. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” I think he just meant tell the truth to men but don’t bother with women, no?
Yes, this is a post you may all correctly identify as “trolling”…although I don’t live under a bridge.
Well, bring me a heifer three years old, a she-goat, three years old, a ram three years old, a turtle dove and a young pigeon (Genesis 15:9). And while you are getting all Leviticus on us, remember no tattoos (19:28), no protection of the disabled, after all they are unclean (19:16-23), no equal rights for women because they are worth less (27:1-4) and on and on and on . . .
Alden I suspect is relishing the UK telling him it has to be done here. It gives him the excuse he needs to his voters “had no choice, Mummy told me to do it”
Why don’t they let this couple go the route others have to use…. pay hefty legal fees to have your case heard!
The government should then defned our rights as Christians and constitutional right to traditional way of life and culture AND religion! What about our rights?
You don’t have to become gay you know? Your rights aren’t affected in any way at all.
I would like a better appreciation of disco.
I believe Hon. Mr Anthony Eden will be a hero in the history of these islands. I respect his stance. He is NOT a hateful person. He is simply upholding the principles set out in God’s WORD and that were supposed to be a part of this island-country’s Christian heritage.
Whatever happens, he made a brave stand to uphold a healthy, clean and honourable lifestyle that seem strange in today’s “modern” world.
He is a hero! God bless you Mr Eden and your family. May this country realise that a brave man like you stood for God’s principles among a generation that has forgotten and twisted God’s plan for man and woman in a sacred institution called marriage.
It is unfortunate that we haven’t realised that fornication, adultery AND a gay lifestyle have one thing in common. Sin’s destination: Hell. Not the one in West Bay.
As a supposedly Christian country, too long have we turned a blind eye to the other sins in this country. Sin is sin. God loves us and offers forgiveness when we repent of our sins. But sadly some of us want to cling to our sin and are so brazen as to think we will waltz into heaven without regretting or repenting of our sin. God is love. But NOT wishy-washy love.
Thank you again Mr Eden for your bravery. It has not only been noted in this country’s history but more importantly in the eyes of Our Heavenly Father who shall one day openly reward you. No one will be able to refute that.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May we stop and remember the GREATEST gift God gave to the world was His Son Christ Jesus. Sweetly and innocently the LAMB of God came to rescue us from our sins. Why not accept this marvelous gift and walk into the new year with a new heart? A new person committed to living a clean life with the help of a loving God?
Oh he will go down in the anals(sp) of history all right, just not for the reaapn s you’d like.
How anyone can even try to justify Edens hate speech is beyond me. Talking about God’s love and preaching the reverse is duplicitous and bordering on the insane.
According to the ‘like’, ‘dislike’ and ‘troll’ selections, 12.5% of the population stand with you and your view and 87.5% think you wrong.
Holy Christ (don’t worry, I crossed myself)! Thank you Anthony Eden, you are my one true hero…oh yes.
Now can another hero please step forward to the revered position and start defending some other Christian and bible principles, like killing children, raping women, silencing women, eating your own kids if you’re disobedient, accepting slavery, rejoicing in nakedness (come on cruise ship tourists, whip ’em off love!), getting animals to savage kids and genocide.
Peace out.
12:38 Excellent post.
I buggered my wife last night and she liked it, does this mean we are both going to hell?
Did you have shellfish first?
Does a fish taco count?
Sure hope she was not wearing a nylon thong with a cotton gusset.
Only if I don’t get a chance to join you tonight for a threesome, foursome or moresome
Depends, are you male or female?
Little to no discussion is being had about how Alden proposes to provide the support and resources should Cayman acknowledge civil unions or legalise same sex marriages. I’m not here to say whether or not I agree, I am here to say that if it does happen do not simply pass a law and leave it there. Cayman has a culture and it is primarily more supportive of heterosexual partnerships than same sex.
So just a few things would need to be addressed:-
1. Amendments of legislation/legal practice – immigration, labour, intestacy, trusts, pension, health insurance, wills, penal code just to name a few
2. introduction/familiarity/education for residents in Cayman (includes children in schools) as to this fundamental change in our current status quo. My child for example, may not have seen same sex interactions before so I will need to educate her and have answers to her questions AND the schools will need to provide the same as well as the workforce
3. Police training – dealing with same sex situations with respect and fairness.
4. Social services – training to deal with same sex situations including where children may be involved.
I am not saying there are heightened needs because they are same sex, I am saying that the same issues that arise in heterosexual relationships may arise in homosexual relationships but may require additional resources to understand how to assist, educate and generally include same sex relationships within the culture here. Don’t make the changes to the law and then leave the beneficiaries without adequate resources to function on a day to day level in a respectful, peaceful and equitable manner.
The gays already exist, so your points 2 through 4 have nothing to do with changing th law to recognise the legal basis of gay relationships. We should be doing those anyway.
Excuses-any new law requires the same, but it doesn’t stop new laws being passed. Why are you trying to make an issue out of nothing?
A new law introducing as fundamental a change as this one deserves the support and resources needed. I never said gays didn’t exist before but the acknowledgment of their unions didn’t so if we do proceed you have to ensure you dedicate the resources to making assimilation as easy as possible. Every other country that has similar legislation also has support in the areas I outlined above, it is not too much to ask for the same to be done here.
Some Caymanians are against gay marriage today, just like some Americans, Brits, Australians, and Europeans are against Brown, Black, and Muslim people.
*Interestingly, many of the anonymous posters on this very post supporting the call for gay marriage while waving the anti-bigotry flag would NEVER accept their daughter bringing home my son as her potential partner. After all, they are doing everything in their power to separate and “protect” their beloved children from those of native Caymanians. E.g. Gated communities, exclusive play-groups, private schools, firm-based conveyor-belt generational employment, etc. *
In fact, many of the aforementioned countries have democratically supported political parties that carry mandates excluding people of colour and “foreign background” from becoming members … in 2015. (I believe there was a push during the last election to withdraw or condemn such mandates…but in reality, we know what is really what.)
Technically a British citizen, I would never move to the UK and try to join the UKIP party or the EDL (English Defence League), or relocate to France and try to join the National Front – due to my appearance and background. This is simply because those organisations essentially do not welcome persons like myself into their circles. Glaring examples of blatant and modern discrimination and bigotry.
It is what it is. Not every place is for everyone or every thing.
Yes, I could “fight the power” and campaign to break down those barriers … but I respect the right for White Europeans to be racist as many clearly uphold. Just about every western European country has racist political parties today and reports show that their support has never been stronger. Fact.
Anyway, I should probably stop speaking on such matters. After all, there are Brits in the room and I wouldn’t want to be cornered in an alley, cornered by 4, and be killed via an ice axe to the skull simply because of the colour of my skin. (Google it – and when you do, pay close attention to the political party leanings of 2 of the killers in particular.) One never knows who is who these days after all, right?
On a more serious note, I truly believe it would be helpful for our local gay community to speak up on the issue of gay marriage in the Cayman Islands. We ALL have gay family members, colleagues and church brethren, and as far as I am aware, there existed no notable grievances regarding gay marriage prior to the “foreign / expat” couple raising the issue in this gloriously public manner.
However, if my lesbian cousin was truly feeling discriminated against in terms of her rights to marry, I would be more than willing to listen to and address those concerns. (Again, as she is as outspoken as any typical Caymanian, I do not think this is the case. She is “out”, for lack of a better term, our entire family knows what is what, and there is no issue whatsoever. Every Christmas she is in Granny’s yard with the rest of us.)
Nevertheless, I welcome any holistic and internal discussion on the issue.
What many fail to understand is that the primary and underlying issue here is the fact that outsiders took it upon themselves to point fingers at an entire island nation under the fashionable critique of HOMOPHOBIA without bothering to consider the unique context of homosexuality therein. Such an approach was guaranteed a defensive and, at times, hostile reaction.
Cayman has progressed remarkably peacefully and civilly for as long as my ancestry has been rooted within these shores. For anyone to come from practically anywhere else and attempt to throw stones with their past and CURRENT legacy as outlined above and beyond, they best check themselves … twice. Then talk.
– Whodatis
*As stated in an earlier post, the challenges that gay couples are allegedly facing in Cayman could be easily addressed without touching our definition of marriage or our marriage laws. Instead, we could simply introduce civil partnership agreements, which would, in many instances, grant even greater rights over those that are traditionally married. (However, that would create an entirely new wave of legal discrimination against those who are not “civil partners”, but I digress.)
In any event, this ongoing campaign for gay marriage in the Cayman Islands is less about gay rights in the Cayman Islands and more about dividing and fractioning an already cracking society.
The more we fight internally, the better their chances of achieving whatever ill-conceived agenda they have up their sleeves.
Peace and love to every one … gay and straight alike – and to all the devious characters out there hiding behind a cloak of feigned righteousness … kiss my juicy, plump Caymanian ass.
(If you are vex right now then yes, it is YOU I am speaking to!)
In closing, and in all seriousness, I would just like to remind the room that if you are unwilling to embrace my Caymanian child as you would an expatriate / immigrant gay couple – then you are fraud, hypocrite and yes, a bigot.
You are right. I would not want my daughter taking your child home because I don’t want troll DNA introduced into the bloodline.
You know, by now I always know when I am on to something by the ratio of “troll” votes and replies that ensue.
You guys are so cute. However, you may want to switch it up a bit. Quite predictable now.
– Who
Trollette is calling other people predictable? He/she/it has three points that are on auto-repeat 1) poor native Caymanians, how awful they are treated 2) the British are evil 3) Tony Blair is worse.
My friend, you are a damn liar.
No one could ever accuse Whodatis of ever singing a “woe is me” song. In fact, it is my opposite mindset of truth and self-respect that invokes the ire of my many detractors.
Nice try tho.
– Who
I attended the UCCI course ahead of my PR test. It was excellent and would be good as a mandatory condition for any second work permit, not at the end of ten years in Cayman.
It pointed out things like the slavery Cayman endured (until 1835); the very real racial and skin tone-based discrimination (direct and indirect racism), former discrimination against women (formally allowed to vote in 1959…not that long ago) and certain religions/practices (obeah is still illegal). Also discrimination along lines of family, position and power, which still hold a little today.
My point in the LGBT discussion here: these practices and conventions used to be part of Cayman’s social structure, but changed….for the better and to the benefit of many Caymanians who would otherwise still be on their losing side. Why shouldn’t/can’t this newly highlighted fundamental human right be changed? The only reason I see, that didn’t apply to other now-changed principles, is that being gay is stated in the good old bible as being wrong (as are many other terrible passages justifying rape, infanticide, genocide, revenge killings, etc.: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/6120373/Top-10-worst-Bible-passages.html).
Religions do not like change. However, the pope has changed his view on this; Cayman can too. I also suspect that if Ozzy or Anthony Eden found out that a relative of his, a close friend, or business partner, or major/potential client was gay, or who finally came out as being gay, they would accept them…after the stages of grief (shock / denial, anger / pain / guilt, bargaining, depression / loneliness / reflection and acceptance).
Why do some people still think they are intrinsically better and more entitled than others? I’m a white, European and straight and have benefitted from huge entitlement all my life. However, I still whole-heartedly believe in, support and fight (like here), for equality on all levels whether people have similarities to me, or differences. Are you human and good to other humans, the planet and animals? Then you’re okay in my ‘book’.
The PR course also highlighted to me how Cayman used to be dependent on Jamaica and at various points in history has seen economic migrations to other places, such as Honduras, Cuba and the US. It also highlighted how everyone here is an immigrant…everyone.
Why is this relevant here? A couple of reasons. Yes, Cayman has come a long, long way and turned the tables on and surpassed other places it used to rely on, but this history should (if thought about and discussed publicly, instead of the stupid popularist political and nationalistic rants we hear and read daily) teach: –
– tolerance,
– that everyone needs somebody else at some point
– no-one is better than another merely because of the soil they were born on.
The irony in some of today’s Caymanians’ views are that many past discriminations and inequities (slave/master; landowner/non-landowner; colour/ethnicity; income/wealth, being a dependency of the UK, through Jamaica without any representation, etc.) have been suffered through, fought over and overcome, to the benefit of many current Caymanians and expats; we are all benefitting from these entitlements. No-one would want to go back on those principles and practices…hopefully. Maybe not being so far removed from the various insecurities and hardships of early Cayman makes some of the current population so defensive. It does not look good on you.
I see blatant hypocrisy, irony and double standards, which I attribute in part to a lack of having had to compete, as you would overseas, and come up through the ranks, as most of the world has to. It took me 20 years to get to where I am in my career today (and I should add: I smash my head into a concrete advancement ceiling every bloody day, just as Caymanians complain about!).
I also attribute the hypocrisy, irony and double-standards to Cayman’s real history not being fully taught in a balanced, unbiased way, or being highlighted by your ‘leaders’. I say this because I have talked to three younger Caymanians that I know very well (and have a great deal of respect for, all in very different ways) and all seemed not to know important aspects of their history well at all. All three are well educated in various fields.
So, Cayman-kind: love thy neighbour. Pretty-please.
usual “two wrongs make a right’ nonsense from who…..
why always try and look at other countries faults/problems?….
maybe one day cayman will be brave enough to stand up and lead….(i doubt it very much though)
cayman will eventually have to bend over and take it……and i can’t wait…..
Skipped what I assumed to be the inevitable “poor oppressed Caymanians” rant with a bit of “the British are awful” thrown in, pressed “Troll” and moved on. Trollette, be off to under your bridge.
Correction: Upon review I’ve realised that I referred to the UKIP party at points where I actually intended the BNP (British National Party).
Sorry Nigel! (However, you know a sizeable amount of your supporters would comfortably slot into the other party regardless
In fact, when putting aside my self-identity and adopting a mainland UK perspective, I actually support many of the policies of the UKIP – especially as it regards the sovereignty of the country.
– Who
Yes, and you see how well UKIP and BNP did in the elections. Your supporting extremism is not a surprise.
Poster, we also saw how well the National Front did in their last national elections.
Furthermore, in terms of gains and growth, far right political parties and groups in the UK and EU are enjoying new support that are quite concerning for the respective established counterparts.
In fact, I predict the next cycle of national elections will be very interesting to behold. (Note, I have been referring to this growing phenomenon from the inception of this forum.)
Anyway, as I always say; “It is what it is.”
Good post man. Thanks!
Thank you for the mature feedback. Bit of a rarity around here.
Much appreciated.
– Who
One troll’s “Mature feedback” is another man’s “inane teenage agreement”. Must be great to be a narcissist.
Wow … someone needs a girlfriend, or a better go-to genre of porn.
– Who
Confused. Thought you posted earlier this year that one of your parents was not Caymanian by birth, and you were not either but grew up here. Now we have “as long as my ancestry has been rooted within these shores”. Do I mis-recall, or is there only one leg of the family line rooted here?
PS Happy to treat your Caymanian child as I would any other, and as for the opening salvo, don’t even own an ice axe, can confirm that I wouldn’t be joining the National Front, British Defence League or even UKIP. Doesn’t mean I agree with most of what you say, but its to do with your views, not your nationality, skin colour. appearance or background.
PSS and to clarify, found this a thoughtful post with a lot of merit – I do agree with you occasionally!
Well, blow me down!
(Pun not intended.)
Thanks for the feedback Diogenes.
Regarding ancestral background – I respectfully refuse to clarify the matter for obvious reasons. However, I will confirm that I am Caymanians by birth.
– Who
Missed the point (deliberately?) –
1) The discrimination you refer to in the UK is unlawful by order of the state. Here it is lawful by order of the state.
2) Arguing that an opinion on this topic is less/not valid based simply on a person’s nationality doesn’t bolster the strength of your underlying ‘argument’.
3) Note to self – don’t feed the troll. Damn it!
Just press the “troll” button and move on. Best with the likes of that one. You know it will be the usual dirge.
It is also unlawful by the order of state in the UK to corrupt war crimes and crimes against humanity while holding public office.
Nevertheless it has not preventing it from taking place with no fear of prosecution.
Discrimination on the basis of colour or creed is also illegal under UK and EU law yet we see the existence and continual growth of the aforementioned political parties.
Moral of the story is, apparently human nature and national culture care very little for orders of states the world over.
– Who
“Who” and “morals” in the same post? Oxymoron.
“we could simply introduce civil partnership agreements” – sounds like a good idea to me – provided the legal rights and obligations of what is called “marriage” and what is called “civil partnership” are the same then this would be an excellent solution. Don’t know why you had to post all that other garbage before getting to the point.
Actually, you’re half-correct poster.
Whodatis supports civil partnerships.
Such partnerships would allow any 2 people (how long before we see legal action to raise the number to 3 or infinite on the basis of discrimination?) to appoint themselves as equal civil partners in the eyes of the law. It should not be limited to romantic or sexual relationships, but could exist between siblings, familial generations, trusted friends etc.
Actually, with time, it may evolve to a situation where one would be advised to establish such civil partnerships despite being married to one another…or regardless of family connections as traditional laws e.g. trusts, inheritance, medical decisions etc have been thrown thriught the ringer far too many times.
Feel free to share your thoughts.
Thanks for the feedback.
– Whodatis
BTW, by “all that other garbage” do you mean truthful context?
One doesn’t get to choose and refuse what constitutes an “excellent post” I’m afraid.
– Who
Interesting, would have been fair if the first sentence had acknowledged that ‘some in the UK’ may also not be supportive of gay rights just because a government sets the laws to end forms of discrimination doesn’t mean it will end… so while you point to the so-called advances in law, in practical terms the enforcement and need to still fight the intrinsic feelings of some groups in any society will always exist. This may be the impetus to change the laws and while fundamentally I too agree with allowing civil unions I am disappointed that our society might feel compelled to do so.
Fair points. Appreciate the feedback.
– Who
Let the UK come here and force it. Nah today bobo!
Equality under law should always be enforced, period. For fAr too long women have had lesser rights (and unequal pay) so fairness amongst all humans regardless of sex should be enforced. I speak as a Caymanian voter and a catholic. Just because my country and church are stupidly biased does not mean my vote is too. I support equal rights for all humans and that should be the word of God too. Men wrote the bible thousands a years ago and it may have suited men then, but it does not suit mankind today.
OMG. He gets it, he actually gets it!
The train with the union jack is coming around the corner, and there is nothing you can do about it, oh what a democracy we live in, God save the Queen. What choice do we have, independence?:) this sort of discrimination does not happen in England, so as long as we are under British rule, we we have no choice in the matter; it is a matter of short time before government will be forced if they fail to act now that this matter is on the world stage. So Mcfield, Eden, and any-other who think they can stop the British train, then think again. Who are you to play God, some of you are ISIS in a democracy, there is only the BRITISH rule of law stopping you from doing as you feel, and justice will always prevail, so get behind me children of Satan! as you will always be in line behind me
Many common-law heterosexual spouses have arrived in Cayman over the years and were made to orchestrate an expedient beach marriage so that a dependent wouldn’t get the boot. That is not the flavor of administrative discretion we need, a dept with far too much discretionary input as it is. Recognizing common-law unions in clear ink would be an advance, and hopefully free up the Immigration folks to start enforcing labour law legislation affecting Caymanians in the workplace, and the hundreds of PR files gathering dust – some on appeal for half a decade or more.
Some Caymanians are also in long term relationships with non-Caymanian heterosexual partners and are either being forced to leave Cayman or forced to marry (against their human rights) so their partners can continue to stay here past their term limit. Not everyone wants or needs a piece of paper to prove that they’re committed to another person and we shouldn’t have to leave our homes because we love an expatriate and don’t want to be separated for a year.
I am sorry but this is nonsense – do you really expect that Cayman should make a long term commitment to your girlfriend when you are not willing to do so? If you want your legal rights and obligations to extend to your partner then I think it is pretty fair that the rest of society asks you to also make your commitment legally binding. You dont need to get married in a church you can go to the registrar if you like. I am loath to quote a Beyonce song but in the interest of expediency ‘If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it”
Firstly I am a woman but thank you for being sexist and believing that I must be a man to not want to be married! Not needing the government to sanction my relationship is not fear of commitment and it is infringing upon my rights to imply that if I want to continue to live in my home with my partner that I must marry him.
Alden need not pretend that he supports with this issue from a “proactive” perspective. Simply put, he’s being pragmatic, the Cayman Islands cannot successfully fight this on the international stage. He knows it can’t be avoided.
Like it or not Cayman, by the next sitting of the House, this matter will be enacted into law. Perhaps not only from the immigration standpoint but by fully legalizing same sex unions.
At the same time, just legalize the herb!!
Your comment was ok until you mentioned herb. Do not associate equal rights with your need to get high.
herb is equal rights, aint nothing wrong with it.
Is the Herb the Bear? He is a cutie pie.
@4:37am, maybe if you smoked some herb you might get some sleep! Up at 4 in the AM on CNS! Insomnia maybe? LOL
Gay lives matter.
Wotes matter more to Alden.
Merely giving discretion is still discriminatory, especially in a place riddled with bigots. Equality is equality, nothing more nothing less.
Alden really needs to get this point. Because otherwise the law will not comply with rights obligations.
It needs to extend to employment benefits too (health insurance and pension) as well as rights where health issues arise such that access to a patient by a partner cannot be denied.
Thank God for the UK and HRC if not for them this island which I call home would still be living in the dark ages. Hats off to Bermuda for seeing the light and doing the right thing. BTW I am a Caymanian before you start assuming and hating !!! Not a paper one either. We are not all zombies being blindly led by the bible.
What about Caymanians with a same-sex expat spouses? How will that be addressed? As the Immigration Law stands persons married to Caymanians must apply for Permanent Residence on the grounds of being married to a Caymanian. However, Cayman does not recognize same-sex marriages.
So an expat will have the right to add their same-sex spouse as a dependant to their work permit but a Caymanian will be denied the right to have their same-sex spouse reside on Island with them?
Despite stating that he is trying to stave off being forced to recognize same-sex marriages, that is exactly the Premier’s goal. To be forced to accept same-sex unions thereby absolving himself from having to make a decision and lose votes.
The one thing that is transparent about this government is you Mr. Premier. You’re fooling no one. A Leader you are not.
This seems to be a “divide and conquer” strategy. The idea being that if they give the ex-pats equality then they will stop agitating for equality for all people. It remains to be seen whether this will work – but I would guess that at this point it wont. The ground swell of support for the granting of civil rights to homosexuals is no longer an ex-pat issue – voting Caymanians see the gross inequalities that gay people face in Cayman and wont accept it being swept under the rug any longer. These are our brothers, sisters and friends and we wont watch them suffer any longer.
I do think it will take a very brave Caymanian or group of Caymanians to make themselves the central figures of this drive to equality – to be the “Rosa Parks” of the cause. Dr Raznovich and his husband can not be the test case for Caymanians demanding their full rights. Whoever does step forward will be subjecting themselves to a difficult road but they will no doubt be a national hero in the end.
You are absolutely correct 2:33. Though I am only lowly driftwood, I’d be proud to stand beside any Caymanians (gay or otherwise) who demand that the same right to marriage, and the right to be treated equally under the law, be extended to them. About half of the comments say my voice doesn’t matter because I can’t vote, but the other half say expats run the country and our voices are all that are heard, so you can decide whether or not you’d like to take me up on that.
Alden cannot stop the train. But his lack of leadership skills keep him in front of the train heading from London until it careers into him. He is scared to pass the necessary legislation because he has started his election campaign and all he cares about from now on is votes. If it is a choice between votes and the right thing then votes will always win (and always have done with Alden).