Archive for December, 2015

Bush calls for unity in his Christmas message
(CNS): The leader of the opposition called for unity in his video Christmas and New Year message. McKeeva Bush said it was unity that builds a country, regardless of where people come from. People may all be different but “we are all God’s children”, he said. Echoing the sentiments of the premier in his Christmas message, […]

Elderly man run down on Christmas Eve
(CNS): A 77-year-old man spent Christmas Eve and parts of Christmas Day in hospital after he was run over by a car on Thursday evening, as the mayhem on local roads continued. Police said the elderly man was struck by a Ford Ranger at around 9pm on Eastern Avenue as he was crossing the road. […]

Cops called to Christmas fights
(CNS): Three men were taken to hospital this weekend after two separate fights involving machetes. On Christmas Eve a man in Bodden Town was badly injured when he was chopped with a machete during a fight at a bar, and on Christmas Day one man was hit in the face with a block and another […]

Panton battles latest blacklist
(CNS Business): Financial Services Minister Wayne Panton is still battling to get the Cayman Islands taken off the latest blacklist, maintaining that the inclusion of Cayman on the European blacklist of financial centres was completely inappropriate and misinformed. However, he said that stigma and the position taken by some nations on tax competition made the battle […]

Woman bailed after arrest in car smash
(CNS): The road crash toll continued rising on Christmas Eve when a 21-year-old driver smashed into a parked car outside a home during an early morning crash Thursday. Police said the West Bay woman, who was driving a blue Chevrolet, collided with a Honda Civic parked in the yard of a home on July Street in […]

Post office to pilot CIG’s first electric car
(CNS): The first ever electric vehicle to join the government’s fleet of cars is a new post office van. With a price tag of $36,520, the van is expected to save the public purse some $4,000 in annual fuel costs and cut maintenance expenses by 40%, paying for itself within five years. The post office […]

Gas price fall not enough, says activist
(CNS): The cut in the pump price of fuel to just under $4 at some local gas stations is not enough, local activists said as they announced plans to pump up the pressure on government to in turn press the two bulk fuel importers to cut prices by much more. George Ebanks, the spokesperson for […]

Cayman has plenty to give thanks for, says premier
(CNS): Given the “tragedy, turmoil and treachery” in the rest of the world, Premier Alden McLaughlin said Cayman was “blessed beyond measure” in his annual Christmas message. Accepting that there are issues, he urged everyone to count their blessings and be thankful this season. “In a world where so much seems to be going wrong, we […]

Cops record 146 smashes in three weeks
(CNS): Despite the best efforts of the police to raise awareness about road safety, from high visibility patrols and road blocks to a documentary on the impact of careless driving on people’s lives, there were 146 crashes on Cayman roads between 30 November and 21 December. Over the same period, officers conducting the Christmas crime prevention […]

MLAs pick up tips on sustainability
(CNS): Three local members of the Legislative Assembly learned more about climate change, energy security and cutting consumption to ensure a more sustainable future during a recent trip to Trinidad. Winston Connolly, Bernie Bush and Arden McLean attended a four-day workshop, hosted by the United Kingdom branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA UK) and the United Nations […]

Cayman prepared for Zika virus spread
(CNS): Following the confirmation of ten cases of the Zika virus in the in the region, the Pan American Health Organization has expressed confidence in the level of preparedness of local public health officials, including the Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU), to detect, respond and control the spread of the virus if there is a case […]