Fights erupt outside 7MB nightclub, teen injured
(CNS): One woman was injured and taken to hospital in the early hours of Saturday morning (5 December) after multiple fights broke out in the parking lot of the Nectar Bar and nightclub in Seven Mile Shops, along the West Bay Road. The location is becoming an increasingly troublesome spot after a number of weekend brawls and violent incidences outside the late night venue.
In the latest incident an 18-year-old girl received a cut to her hand during a brawl at around 2:48am and was taken to the George Town hospital for treatment. She was released some time later Saturday morning.
The incident is currently under investigation by the George Town Police Station and anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact the Station on 949-4222 or Crime Stoppers at 800-8477 (TIPS)
Couldn’t hear anymore foolishness, you all need prayer! Goodnight
Age limit should have been increased long ago. And the security guards shud actually PRESS FOR ID!
The real problem appears to be youth not being able to adequately hold their liquor. Increasing the age requirement for night clubs to 23 would help.
Because being a few years older before drinking makes a real difference, right.
Close it down and the crowd will move to the next nightclub and start over as they have done for 20 years. It wont change when the ignorant crowds that flock there are not policed. Remember Rockets? Start policing the clientele…they innocent ones wont care and will welcome it.
When the bars closed at 12 on Saturday night people complained we were a backward country and Cayman had to get with the times. Fast forward a few years later, now we having muggings, rapes, accidents and fights. So we want Cayman to be like the rest of world, what did you all expect? Now we going down the road of gay marriages, opening supermarkets on Sunday’s, bigger port at the expense of the environment, etc, Cayman will be no different than the rest of the world and pretty soon the tourist will stop coming to these shores as it will not be the place where time forgot but little Miami on high speed.
Yes, let’s go to church, molest children, oppress homosexuals and physically abuse women. Keep it traditional.
…or we could just do #2 and #4 on your list and stay true to our British affiliation.
#4 on Cayman levels ended around 1870 in England.
Pleased to see you left #2 well alone.
Smart chap. You must be very familiar with British culture.
Or acknowledge that you have a nightclub in your mall catering to the late-night, drug-fuelled, ice-pick-wielding demographic, install $300 worth of lights, make them hire their own parking lot security, and/or evict them per lease agreement. If it’s not in the lease agreement, ask someone to slap you awake, and have the lawyers immediately amend the agreement going forward. You don’t want crime tape in your swanky mall.
Depends on the drug. If they were on ganja they would wield the ice-pick quite slowly and miss on account of the distance perception. If they were on coke they would drop the ice-pick to chase after the first skirt they saw. Now if they were on molly I would run like hell.
Let’s not pretend this is just a Nectar or Seven Mile Shops problem. Many notorious hospitality locations repeatedly fail to apply any corporate obligation to secure their immediate environment for their customers. From hotels with no cross walks, to obvious street and walkway lighting issues, to chronic muggings and security issues, to failing to prevent their customers driving home impaired: there is ongoing willful “not my problem” social negligence all over the islands. It’s a symptom of the lack of foresight, maturity, and leadership that has prevailed for decades. Where are CITA, DoT, and Chamber on these happenings and topics? Silent. Mute. Looking the other way. When the predictable happens to a tourist, it suddenly becomes real and everyone offers their heartfelt prayers for their full recovery. Let’s back it up, do an audit, and take steps to prevent these things from happening in the first place.
Simple solution. The landlord of the complex install additional much brighter parking lot lights – LED – so less power is used. These could come on about mid-night until 4 a.m. Persons with bad intentions hate lighting. This should be the norm for the exterior of all night clubs. Easier for security cameras to record what happens. Easier for RCIPS to spot the drunk drivers. Less violence and stupidity.
Why is there licence just not revoked and the place shut down for a set period of time pending a review!!!!!
So sad that we can’t go out and have fun in peace anymore!! Always some fools fighting over stupidness! Grow up people!!!!!
Close it down.
so, if your partner is cheating on you in your own bed… you throw the bed to solve the problem?? is a good thing you are not a decision making person…
Worst analogy of the year 2015 has been won there folks.
If it happened a half dozen times, I think I would consider a new mattress.
Send it to me. It would save on the import duty on Japanese schoolgirl underwear.
6:46, I would hope that you too are not a decision making person either.
Three options that I can see: 1. Close the place down 2. Close it down early 3. Police presence in the parking lot during every closing hour to move the crowd home.
Why comments are closed for XXXXXXXXXXXXX but comments are opened for the brawl at the night club? Just wondering!
CNS: No one has been charged for the fight. The other case you mentioned is going through the courts and we can’t allow comments until it’s over for legal reasons.
Too bad. Wanted so so much for this to be a racial issue. Aw
local spot….when was the last time you heard of a fight outside an expat bar/venue?
Oh trust me, many expats frequent this establishment.
However, to realise this fact one has to do away with the term “expat” being limited to “white, westerners on work permits in the Cayman Islands”.
It will be a cold day in hell before many of our “expats” align themselves with their actual status-colleagues in this country. Except, of course, for when it comes time to rally against proposed “expat taxes”. Never have we seen such an array of close knit multicoloured expats in Cayman … and never since!
Ok when was the last time you heard of a fight outside a white westerners on work permits bar/venue?
Wasn’t aware that was the issue at hand.
Why are you so defensive though? Something I said?
No, no, I took your point on board. The reference to expat was meant in a more narrow PLU sense, so it was better to make that clear.
What the hell is an expat ber/venue? Please stop with the divisivness of Caymanians and Expats.
Seems to be a reference to class? Expats are better than Caymanians? This is the unfortunate mindset Foreign business owners seem to perpetuate in order to obtain WPs for the controllable expats they hire…who respectively send their money off island weekly or take their stuffed pockets of savings off island when they leave for their homes to retire early……circling and spiraling, can there be an end in sight? Can Caymanians be respected, in their own Country?
Respect is earned. Caymanians have a long way to go. I have never met a more lazy ignorant and self entitled group in my life. I find it comical that you think there is an expat conspiracy not to employ you. Why would any business owner pay work permit and associated costs if they could avoid it by employing a local. Why??? because you are TERRIBLE workers. Despite the obvious economic benefits, firms are more willing to employ an expat (at significant extra cost) to get the job done. Its time to stop blaming everyone else for your problems and actually look internally at the issues effecting Cayman society. A local water sports company recently advertised for staff…out of the 7 local applicants not 1 passed the drug test….but what do you expect when your leading starts (and good Christians I might add) are the likes of XXXXXX. Very embarrassing..
Respect you?? you have got to be joking.
A WP holder is a ‘controllable’ employee. Complaints to the Labour Board? Never, as they know they will be fired and sent off island. There is nothing wrong with Caymanians and their work ethic, ability, education. The stigma has been perpetuated as excuses from employers who choose what is easier and more profitable for them. Why would they want whistleblowers who would bring attention to their greedy agendas?
So if a company does what its designed to do you blow the whistle (like its wrong to make money or something). Damn…I better just hire expats then.
well said …the truth hurts…… caymanians can’t handle the truth….
Why should anyone respect you if your being hateful and racist?don’t bring that type of attitude here or anywhere else cause you will get what’s for for ya?
Well said! Reflects the experience of many.
An expat bar/venue is kind of like The Lodge. Ex-pats get together and conspire on their next move in the takeover of Cayman. That drunkedness is just a ruse for their devilish manifesto to romance the women, turn men gay, and take all the good jobs.
They get together to share tactics. Examples: redundant, over-qualified, under-qualified. The drunkedness is why they isolate themselves from family and seek employment on an Island. They bond with each other.
Are you related to Who by any chance?
No Tony Blair quibbles. At least a second cousin.
Only because we don’t know where they are.
This night club Needs to be closed down
It not need to be closed down……it these kids don’t know what wrongs and rights due parents failed to teach their own kids!!!!!
No;these eejits need to grow up; old enough to buy a beer; not mature enough to handle it.
The new “Stabbin Cabin” of the Cayman Islands. I’m sure RCIP or CIG will not intervene to protect the general public from these wild group of home grown gangsters. Its just a matter of time before one of them takes out a tourist during one of these fights over…”you been hittin on my woman”. Caymankind…come enjoy our cool clear waters and beautiful beaches but wear a flack jacket if you go out dancing so you don’t get stabbed.
I can guarantee that not one UK or Canadian national was involved in this.
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