Archive for December 23rd, 2015

Cops record 146 smashes in three weeks
(CNS): Despite the best efforts of the police to raise awareness about road safety, from high visibility patrols and road blocks to a documentary on the impact of careless driving on people’s lives, there were 146 crashes on Cayman roads between 30 November and 21 December. Over the same period, officers conducting the Christmas crime prevention […]

MLAs pick up tips on sustainability
(CNS): Three local members of the Legislative Assembly learned more about climate change, energy security and cutting consumption to ensure a more sustainable future during a recent trip to Trinidad. Winston Connolly, Bernie Bush and Arden McLean attended a four-day workshop, hosted by the United Kingdom branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA UK) and the United Nations […]

Cayman prepared for Zika virus spread
(CNS): Following the confirmation of ten cases of the Zika virus in the in the region, the Pan American Health Organization has expressed confidence in the level of preparedness of local public health officials, including the Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU), to detect, respond and control the spread of the virus if there is a case […]

Blake willing to rethink CIFA review panel
(CNS): Following the Office of the Auditor General’s refusal to take part in the independent review of the Cayman Islands Football Association’s books and the sports minister’s insistence that the CIFA executive remains well away from the review panel, the CIFA president has said he was willing to rethink the situation. Bruce Blake, who formally took over the […]

CONCACAF sues sports firm for Webb’s kickbacks
(CNS): The regional football body, CONCACAF, is trying to reclaim money, amounting to tens of millions of dollars, that it says was given to its former president, Jeffrey Webb, and other officials in the association as bribes to secure lucrative travel contracts. CONCACAF sued Cartan Tours in a Los Angeles Monday, claiming the company paid off Webb […]

Police warn holiday shoppers to stay vigilant
(CNS): The RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit is warning holiday shoppers to be careful of card skimming and internet scams, especially when purchasing goods online. With an increase in wire transfers resulting from scams, police are urging people to be distrust banking instructions received over email purporting to be from genuine banks, treat any communications carefully and call the bank to […]