Miller calls for affirmative action for locals

| 26/10/2015 | 99 Comments
Cayman News Service

Ezzard Miller, North Side MLA (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

(CNS): The independent member for North Side has revealed his intention to being a private member’s motion to the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly calling for quotas and affirmative action in the workplace to secure jobs for locals. Ezzard Miller said that with the persistent failure of government to address the problem of local employers doing everything they can not to take on Caymanian applicants, it was time to introduce direct action. He said if government did not have enough legislation to do it at present, then it needed to make new laws that would address the fundamental problems.

The independent MLA said that employers have no fear of government enforcing the immigration law but the problem of Caymanian unemployment could be easily addressed if government issued the necessary directives to the work permit boards.

During the private member’s motion brought by Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush requesting that government establish an emergency fund to help people at risk of losing their homes due to unemployment, Miller said that every one of the members of the LA knew what the problem was.

Going through numerous job advertisements in the paper, most of which appeared to be for positions held by permit holders, he noted the very low salaries given the considerable qualifications and experience employers want.

Miller said that he was accused of being anti-business when he pointed out the failings in the system and demanded that the law be implemented. He said he was not anti-legitimate business but he was anti-businesses that came to the country and deprived Caymanians of opportunity or employment and those who imported labour and treated people like slaves.

Legislators had talked about the problem year after year “but we do nothing”, he said and berated government for not being willing to govern.

Miller said MLAs were well aware of what is happening and the issue was made worse by the lack of knowledge of the law by the chair of the Business Staffing Plan Board who did not know that employers were required to provide a certain number of scholarships before they got permits. Instead, Miller claimed, employers are being assured that they will get permits regardless.

“Employers are breaking the law and depriving Caymanians of economic opportunity in their own country,” he told the members in the debate, in which many MLAs pointed to the problems with the work permit system.

Cabinet could address the problem immediately, Miller said. It could, under the law issue a directive this week to the immigration board not to grant any more permits to employers that have not provided scholarships, as required under their business staffing plans, until they do so.

Pressing home the point that government was scared to enforce the laws because of threats made by companies that they will leave if they do not get what they want, Miller said the government must call their bluff because he doubted that most of them would follow through on such threats.

“The only reason why we have the problem is because we, the 18 of us, are not doing anything about it,” he stated.

He said the legislation was there to protect local workers and every single job belongs to a Caymanian because the law is very clear: it states that you cannot employ anyone on a permit unless you can prove that you cannot find a suitable Caymanian. He insisted that there were many suitable Caymanians who have migrated and done well overseas after employers here rejected them.

As employers show no signs of following the law willingly, government must press the issue and force them to do it.

“Let’s do something about this,” he said. “Enforce the existing laws.”

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Category: Politics

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well ,3 of my kids went to a community college in Canada and when they graduated they got jobs starting at Can$ 15 per hour. So I was happy they were offered CI$ 8 per hour here as born Caymanians. All three have had promotions over the years the youngest is 28 . The eldest is 41 Two of the eldest have houses in excess of 800 thousand the younger has been promoted 3 times and is now making decent money while even paying taxes. So I would say they take the jobs here where are children can’t get a job for not being qualified . So our kids will take their jobs over there because they are not qualified to hold jobs in their country. Tit for tat …..etc.

  2. Anonymous says:

    ill continue to do what is thought of expats anyway. Work hard, make some great money, and send it back home. I retire, soon come. thanks Cayman

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ezzard’s comments would almost be funny if it weren’t so sad. Education policy rather than business policy has failed 99% of the unemployed Caymanians.

    How about providing an education that fits the local economy? Bartender courses? Hotel/restaurant management classes? Boat piloting? Not everybody can be a lawyer or banker…

  4. Anonymous says:

    why is it most of the police are from Jam or Hondo is it to ensure chaos because that sure is what you have I wonder why that one young English cop had to go suddenly is it because he knew too much

  5. Anonymous says:

    Certain politicians, buzzard and ozzie amongst them, just love to stir up problems between expat and locals, not realizing they are doing lasting harm to the Island. They are just trying to get votes from those Caymanians who feel hard done by. Yet, it is those very people who are not harmed at all by the expat community, but by the failure of this and previous administrations to provide them with the right education and skills to be employable. And they twist their own failings to make others, who have no control over policy at all (that’s expats, no voting rights) apparently guilty of all kinds of ridiculous crimes. The stupid bit is, that most expats can see this clearly. If we had the vote, pretty much everyone I know would be focusing on sorting the education system out to make it world class, not third class.

    • Anonymous says:

      What about internationally educated, experienced and smart hard working Caymanians? My son tells me all the time about his frustrations with the expats who try to single him out and hold him back. It is a real problem but the more smart ones there are the more things are going to change for the better. It is just a matter of time.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your son is manipulating you and trying to get you into believing expats are against him when in all likelihood it is his own weaknesses holding him back.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ex-Pats are ‘all bad’ until sich time as they open their doors to Caymanians to allow them into training programs in their Premier League Football/Basketball Clubs etc…then they’re suddenly ‘the best thing since sliced Bread’ – all over the TV/Media etc…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Can someone tell me who looks after the gardening around the Government building, Caymanians or Expats? If the Government cant even get “locals” into work at their own offices what chance have they expanding this to the whole country?

    • Anonymous says:

      Foreign workers are imported into most societies and many do crappy jobs. Nothing to see here…

  7. Haranguer says:

    95% of those Caymanians who are not working DO NOT WANT TO WORK!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or they will want wages to support the new SUV/Boat/Central Air/Helper/Yardman/newest I-Phone for each of their primary school kids/new computer for their stay at home grown children/hot lunches from restaurant everyday/ and yes the $1 bill for church collection.

      • Anonymous says:

        I was begged for money by a West Bayer outside the liquor store in the Strand recently. Before begging me, he was staring at his smart phone.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I personally know of several top expat professionals here who were unemployed before they came here and are now multi millionaires. They were unable to secure a job where they were from but are now the at the top here? Really?

    Some expats are correctly qualified, hard working and deserving whilst others are not. The same goes for Caymanians.

    Yet the top jobs are held pre-dominantly by expats due to the old boy system.

    Change is needed.

    • Anonymous says:

      So the evidence is that expat staff not good enough to succeed at their home country are good enough to succeed in the Cayman market which had less competition.

      • Anonymous says:

        You could take a “slug ” from the workplace in the states,transplant them here and they would shine like a penny.

    • Anonymous says:

      !:35, do you really expect rational human beings to believe that first sentence? Here’s a tip: any time you see something begin “I personally know..” (with no names or evidence attached) we all know you are talking total crap.

    • Anonymous says:

      I doubt the authenticity of this comment and I believe that it has been put on to inflame the growing nationalistic wave and to further feeble attempts to gain sympathy from the uneducated.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you think a business would rather pay for a $30k for a work permit rather than hire a qualified local for free?

  9. Anonymous says:

    ‘Hardworking expats’ reading news and commenting on it during work hours…zzz… Oh what would your employers do without you!!!?

    P.s. I’m on a well deserved vacation.

  10. Anonymous says:

    when can we have some honesty here?
    first step is to ask the major employers here about their experiences in employing caymanians……
    truth hurts folks…

    • Anonymous says:

      True. But for balance we need to talk to the Caymanians about their experiences with the major employers. The truth will hurt everyone.

      • Anonymous says:

        And we need to talk to the Caymanians (the entitled element at least) to tell them why they are unemployable, and what needs to change to make them employable. No company does what its employees, tell it to do, the employees do what the bosses want them to do. That will be a novelty in some beliefs here.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Please this is gross. While there are tensions here with expats Vs. Caymanians, do not ad fuel to an issue that could explode. There are many and there has been many locals that are generations Caymanians that have held accountable positions both public and private and suceeded. They were/are intelligent and had what is like Polio in the free world, rare, work ethic. Many of posts are held by expats as alot of locals lack qualifications for a job, but the attitude of entitlement prevents them from advancing. You have to in many cases build the life you want……….you cannot just walk into it. If Cayman had a young work force that was able to be employed and had work ethic, this would be a non issue in many cases. Sorry but born here is not a real qualification. It helps but it won’t put the meat into the meal.

    • Anonymous says:

      So – your arriving by airplane is a qualification?
      Don’t start with the cheap reverse-psychology, and your confusing points.
      Just WHO has the entitlement attitude in our OWN home country?
      Yes, there is need for truth, cooperation and work on all sides, but please stop calling the kettle black!
      Or, as the Calypso song goes:”Take your meat outta mi rice”

  12. Anonymous says:

    Has it ever occurred to anyone to actually do a proper academic study of the issue? You know, instead of just spouting political opinions back and forth. Have impartial, outside people come in to investigate, interview and otherwise explore the actual reasons for the unemployment instead of making motions and decisions based on conjecture and opinion.


    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah but whenever impartial people come and report, they usually come up with bad findings, and then are subjected to a deluge of criticism and personal abuse just for speaking the truth. Then the CIG get another report. And the beat goes on…

  13. Anonymous says:

    Would the expats with jobs PLZ be quiet…….Thank you! You’re statting the obvious; you find every excuse but FINALLY looks like it will end and oh my good Lord that frightens you……..Yup you ran from Bermuda……cause you couldn’t do there what you’re allowed to do here……..Period
    Finally one of ours stands up for us and all hell breaks loose but NOT when Alden added more time for y’all………Typical……only people supposed to own, eat, travel, send children to boarding school are expats; not a “generational” Caymanian

    • Anonymous says:

      It does not really frighten me to be honest as it would be making the decision for me. Now, I find myself hanging on for either the money or in hope that is going to get better politically, criminally or the corruption to reduce. I am kind of hoping too that the fees and bureaucracy imposed on companies here will tip the balance to relocate to the Far East.
      It never does though, just not enough either way.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Too late Cayman gone!

    • anonymous says:

      You only confirming what expats are saying about us. Get motivated, we are taking our islands back and getting rid of the no good anti Caymanian ones.

  15. Anonymous says:

    When I think about the bleak future for my children here despite many generations of my family being here and any overseas education, training and experience it is funny and that the expats fight so hard to discredit us.

    In the future your children will be in the same position and it will be your fault.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Employers are breaking the law and depriving Caymanians of economic opportunity in their own country,” he told the members in the debate…

    Truer words never spoken.

    I could give a million instances of bs treatment as a Caymanian by ‘genius’ expats (who couldn’t make it where there from and are now Gods gift).

    Change is coming.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hallelujah! Thanks for letting ’em know…..every expat is God’s gift to humanity once they land on our islands yet they’re a nobody wherever they hailed from!! Read our history books, look at the homes earlier Caymanians lived in and read of the hard scrabble years; now look around at the mansions crowding the remaining wattle and daub homes and you’ll soon recognise that these islanders are a hardworking, industrious people.
      Yes they’ve survived centuries of hardships but never felt so depressed as the apple cart is moved further away from their entitlement! Like it or not Caymanians are ENTITLED when they’re qualified and should be the FIRST as they’re entitled to for jobs!! Now that one of our elected has finally stepped up and challenged your unethical practices:- hiring your own (a lil nook to see exactly what we experience with work permits, ck the oriental shop across from Anderson Square—not ONE Caymanian); bringing in many cases your bogus college certificates; swapping stories of Caymanians who are employed in your organisation on how to not promote spewing that they’re lazy and not motivated; promoting your own over longserving Caymanians and ensuring the only ones who gets partnership is of a specific nationality and color! Yes we see it; yes we endure it; yes we suffer financially and mentally because of your discrimination! Now this page is lite up with y’all negative comments; trying again to frighten “generational” Caymanians you’ll take your business elsewhere? Really? And when you go where you think you’ll be able to do as you please you’ll soon see those generational citizens of that place rise up when you carry the same trade marks there too!
      So yes we thank Ezzard, matters not that you appreciate his efforts; let it be known:- Generational Caymanians are finally seeing a light at the end of tunnel and are once again holding a glimmer of hope!
      Like it or leave it……..

      • Anonymous says:

        They are running the Ministries that are failing. Well done Cayman for promoting locals ill qualified to do the job.

      • William Wallace says:

        Tell all the ‘generational’ people to gather pitchforks and burning torches!
        This is our braveheart moment in our struggle against reality!

    • Anonymous says:

      Not from you that is for sure. You have a million instances of mistreatment of locals at the hands of expats. The main one I have is of myself an expat being bullied by my Caymanian boss and f all is done about it.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are right.
      Change is coming however I don’t think it is what you or most think.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Affirmative action for whom? The status holders who want the high paid jobs in the accounting and law firms?

    We have laws but they are not being enforced and we need a clear definition of Caymanian in terms of benefits and right to citizenship.

    I have many status holders, mainly from Jamaica who tell me ‘you Caymanians’ should be supporting Winston and Arden to get jobs in law firms and partnerships.

    However when I ask them why they aren’t speaking up to these ‘white people’ they say they’re not Caymanian. So if I speak up for ‘Caymanians’ they would benefit from any changes but I would be blacklisted because I spoke up. Too many playing that game, making locals do the dirty work, they remain buddies with the employers and then claim Caymanian to get the jobs.

    The persons agreed that ‘their people’ (what was said to me!) have most positions in legal and judicial but they don’t have the top jobs in law firms!!! Really? I know of two Jamaicans leading two of he top law firms locally but no Caymanian, because the firms can say they have a ‘Caymanian’ as long as he/she is Jamaican. [look around your office if you don;t believe my observations]

    So that’s the next step…….. we must put the token black Caymanian, status holder just like many white Caymanains, in top positions in law firms to be considered fair?? No regard for qualifications, freedom to select the best from around the world (er Jamaica, UK, Australia) or best candidate?

    I believe and support the following:

    1. All businesses including law firms should be able to determine their partners and select competent attorneys without political fear or favour.

    2. Any breaches of labour laws should also be enforced without the ability of these same firms exploiting Caymanians.

    3. A legal definition of Caymanian does not state African or white Jamaicans are more ENTITLED than any status holder. A child of Filipino or English parents born and raised here, now with status are entitled to same rights as any child to Jamaican parents.

    4. If Ezzard or Winston or any MLA is serious about prioritising opportunities for all native Caymanians, use the same definition of s.61 in the Constitution as the requirements for qualification to monitor hiring practices and succession planning in the civil service.

    • Anonymous says:

      Winston was well on his way to becoming a leading light in a major local law firm but he moved out. His fellow Caymanians say he was too laid back and indifferent to the hard grind needed in such a position. So now he’s an MLA.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I can confirm that Miller called for affirmative action and achieved precisely nothing, because even in his warped mind, he must get that his proposal just does not work, and never will. You make your job market free and the people soon get it..try to make it one sided and it always backfires because people feel they don’t need to work because they are protected. And it makes them useless to future employers. Great help for Cayman, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ezzie have you seen the cayman compass article today about the couple that was on a reality show that came to cayman to work? They applied for a job at “Regal Beach” One was a handyman and the other a house maid,I believe the permit was turned down, but nevertheless House maid for a permit???? Where are all the caymanians, I am sure they can do that job? Handy Man? Are you going to tell me no caymanian to do that job either? Don’t blame us the employers for filing for work permits you DON”T HAVE PEOPLE HERE THAT WANT TO DO THIS TYPE OF WORK!!!

  19. Just Sayin' says:

    Employable Caymanians are all employed. Ezzie worried he is going to become a statistic in 2017.

    • Anonymous says:

      Employable Caymanians are also being denied promotion and made redundant to make room for expats.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not if they are doing what they should be doing they ain’t. We had two of our Cayman colleagues recently promoted to very senior positions because they are capable and work not just hard, but smart. There are a few others who could go a long way too. Frankly, the others are just our “tax” for being here. They know it, we know it. Our head office is asking us why we are employing them, as they are not productive, so that might get reviewed shortly…

        • Anonymous says:

          And that’s usually when head office pulls the plug and the company from out of Cayman.

          • Anonymous says:

            There are plenty of other territories and countries for the “expat companies” to go to – just ask Saint Kitts/Nevis/Ireland/Delaware USA/Nevada USA/Isle of Man/Guernsey/South Africa/Singapore/Thailand/Hong Kong/Saint Lucia/Venezuela/Panama/and on and on and on.

        • Anonymous says:

          Bullshit. That is not what happens in my firm. Caymanians do great right up until an expat becomes Caymanian – then the existing Caymanian disappears.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you want some cheese with your whine?

      • Anonymous says:

        Being as expats are tied in to their postiions by their work permits, they are the ones who tend to be denied promotion because the work permit laws generally don’t provide for this

  20. Anonymous says:

    I love it that Ezzard says he is “anti-businesses that came to the country and deprived Caymanians of opportunity”. How convenient to ignore that businesses that do business on the Island must be majority owned by Caymanians. So it’s Caymanians who are actually depriving their own of opportunity.

    I know that a lot of times, this Caymanian ownership is a front for foreign ownership but again who has the ability to stop that? It’s Caymanians, not the evil expats. But again that is never going to be enforced because the Caymanians who are fronting make too much money and are too influential with the politicians for anyone to mess with them.

    • Anonymous says:

      In other words, we are totally corrupt. Screw the laws!

    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously have not heard of an LCCL exemption. More businesses are on Island without any Caymanian ownership than there are with Caymanian ownership. Can you name one hotel (biggest job provider) in Island that is owned by a Caymanian?

      • Anonymous says:

        I’ve heard of the LCCL exemption. One brownie point for correctly guessing who has the power to grant an exemption from majority Caymanian ownership? That’s right: it’s Cabinet. And I believe the members of Cabinet are all Caymanian.

      • Anonymous says:

        This information is easily established. Why don’t you do a freedom of info request see if you can back up your BS with real factual figures? There are very few LCCL’s those licenses are not easy to come by. Fact is, the majority of ordinary business in the regular economy is 60% Caymanian owned.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps he would prefer the businesses just do not come to island? Start creating a government that dictates and restricts businesses too much and they will simply not come to island. Where does that leave Caymanians? I don’t think he knows what he is talking about. He knows how to say things that get votes but not how to actually accomplish anything. He spouts rhetoric. That’s it.


  21. Anonymous says:

    Yeh, quotas worked so well in Bermuda that their government is totally bankrupt…jobs left the island, companies left the island in droves…go ahead…do it..and then figure where your income is going to come from. Or maybe you could do the right thing and properly educate Caymanians in how to work properly, and to get the right qualifications instead of encouraging this pathetic entitlement attitude that has been shown time and time again (and not just here) to fail every time. Which part of “you cannot force employers to employ people who are not up to the job” do you not get? It is true, we would all employ Caymanians if we could…its cheaper!! But we just get crap through the door (mostly) and we are not prepared to let our international clients be subject to substandard service. If we do that, we lose them. If we lose them, no money. No money, no jobs. Do you get it, finally??? It is really simple and Caymanians need to understand it. That is how the world works, not just here.

    • Anonymous says:

      I completely agree, I worked in bermuda for 6 yrs and saw a slow decline in that time with the youth feeling that they have a job just because their bermudian. This attitude has bankrupt the country. When a guy who drinks beers in the street begging for money spits at you and says ” get the f$&k out of my country, your the reason I don’t have a job” then it was time to leave!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Guess whose responsible for this mess – Caymanians. Maybe part of the problem is that so many in the Immigration Dept. have been suspended from their jobs. As far as scholarships are concerned the supply exceeds the demand – can Mr Miller advise how many Government school graduates have sufficient qualifications to merit entry into a prestigious university.

    • Anonymous says:

      The flip side of this is that when a Caymanian does get into a prestigious university, and enrol in a demanding course/major, they still must keep up the 3.0 GPA required of all scholarship recipients, whether they attend St. Leo or Princeton, whether they study teaching or physics….

    • Anonymous says:

      wide assumptions there buddy! Caymanian have been since Birth..scholarship mostly pre picked to certain peoples children. Gov’t give scholarships with stringent requirements ready to revoke if grade drops below 2.1 and if you do finish on a gov’t scholarship…I have….you need to come back and compete with the same “special” selected scholarship persons who are granted a job at first instance. All are not the same and we are thankful for the opportunities that have been given by some companies for the truly deserving but just like job discrimination lack of scholarship are the same. The world isn’t easy…Caymanians do know this {more than you think} but it is a problem when you often have to stand behind others from all corners in this country and as expected abroad…but, it will just make us better! so bring it on we have been through all types of storms and we still here!

  23. London says:

    Caymans govt has pandered too long to the whims of these businesses who wont hire locals and have contributed to creating poverty amongst Caymaians. These businesses should be taxed and have to pay for something. but then again that would justify their bias behavior so just enforce the law with heavy unforgettable fines to curb behavior. $25000 is a considerable reasonable fine!

  24. None says:

    Utter nunsense, of course. Business is al

  25. Anonymous says:

    LOL, what a smart move! You’ve already got a situation where these islands need all the outside investment they can attract and Ezzard wants to introduce a move guaranteed to drive potential employers away. If you force businesses into a system where they have to take on people who are unsuitable simply to make up a quota and they can’t find a way round it they’ll go elsewhere. Job protection is not job creation – it’s a lesson other countries have already learned the hard way.

    • Expat says:

      Cayman got hard ears.

    • George Town says:

      Ok if they want to leave, let them leave.

      Better to struggle and build again than to have never had control of your own. So call em bluff!

      The expats have a stinking attitude spurred by the inferior position our locals are pushed into; a corner of hopelesness. Education suddenly is an issue coming from expats mouths! shut up! We have always had educated people so where do you all get off at? A work permit qualifies you over a local person? dream on. One day you will all be dealt with and the younger generation that you look on with contempt won’t be as nice as the older generation that took a chance allowing you to come to Cayman and now regret having you here. we all regret voting for government giving you so much rights. I still believe that it is a conspiracy why so many of you are coming here with liberal agendas causing trouble, and making comments against our clergy and church people becuse most of ou re athiests.

      Seems like many of you are the same snaughty nose bunch that was in Bermuda turningup your nose to those people.

      Cayman need to run everyone of you out of this little Island and teach you all some manners and respect. You all seem to be the entitled ones. And whats sosickening is you got foreigners in the media commenting insults against Caymanians joining the conversation against Caymanians on your behalf! We know exactly who they are and some stupid Caymanian ones taking jabs at people they can not control because they are so race conscious and hungry for Caucasian recognition. How sad

  26. Bob Smith says:

    Are those signs in North Side getting to you Mr. Miller? “No Work No vote” or “No Work No Peace”…surely you don’t think the vagrants sitting under the tree drinking beer and smoking de herb are emplyable do you?

  27. Anonymous says:

    Dear Mr. Miller, you are the one that is not knowledgeable about the Immigration Law.

    Can you please quote the section of the Law that requires employers to provide scholarships before they can be granted a work permit.

    Or perhaps that was your exaggerated interpretation of Section 6 of the Immigration Regulations which states…..

    “The Board…may require an applicant for the grant…of a work permit to provide details of any programme that he has that is designed to ensure that Caymanians are provided with the instruction and practical experience necessary to make them fully qualified to carry out the job concerned satisfactorily and as expeditiously as possible.

    The absence of such a programme or the failure to implement such a programme without reasonable cause constitutes a ground for denying the grant or renewal or a work permit.”

    The Law requires the employer to provide details of ‘any programme’, that does not equate to providing scholarships before a permit may be granted.

    Just a tip, before you go accusing someone of not being knowledgeable about a particular Law, it doesn’t help your credibility when then turn around and show that YOU yourself don’t know what you’re talking about.

    • Anonymous says:

      Read section 44 in relation to skilled positions. Nothing new. Been the law since 1971.

      • Anonymous says:

        And I’ve been around long enough to remember when WP applications were being rejected because certain jobs (things like hotel receptionists) were reserved for Caymanians. What happened to that? Admittedly that rule was being applied on a ‘who you know’ basis but at least some people were being refused.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well, you see there was this developer from foreign, and this politician who wanted a condo, and then…

    • Rhett says:

      Isn’t there an underlying question if ‘scholarships’ have always been given out?

  28. Anonymous says:

    There is no lack of locals in the department where I work. And boy does it show….

    Under qualified / not qualified at all and ready to get out of doing whatever work there is to do. Now I am not anti Caymanian. I just believe you need to hire the right people for the right job. Hire all the Caymanians you can but as stated above that involves finding a “suitable Caymanian”. Sometimes you can’t.

    • anonymous says:

      Most of you expats claim to be so qualified but don’t have a clue about the job you were hired for. I wonder what percentage of you have legitimate qualifications.
      I am sick and tired of you people yes you people belittling Caymanians and you all say there is no such thing as Caymanian versus expat.

  29. Anonymous says:

    wow…just when you thought ezzard could be anymore backward in his thinking…..

  30. Anonymous says:

    why???…are locals not good enough to secure jobs on their own merits???…..

    • Anonymous says:

      That only seems to work if they happened to go to high school with you.

      • Anonymous says:

        My experience (built a beach house here) is that Caymanians cannot write sensibly nor can they do simple arithmetic. This is a big problem even if you are dealing with something no more complicated than an estimate. The men, particularly, seem to have passed through school without the least bit of literacy sticking to them. I thought at first it was dyslexia.

        • Anonymous says:

          Lumping Caymanians into a single type, class, educational level etc… is plain ignorant. There are very educated and overseas experienced Caymanians (often more so than their expat counterparts) who are hard working and reach the expat glass ceiling but blocked from reaching the top while they try to keep a stranglehold on our country. That is the point. And it is high time for change.

          • Anonymous says:

            The glass ceiling exists in every country for all sorts of reasons. Here it is usually that a Caymanian is just not world class and a company wants only the best. We all have to accept our limitations, why can’t Caymanians? Its not racism just pure capitalism.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not when some companies are being operated by racist individuals who scream murder when they are called such.

    • Anonymous says:

      Same reason as in the U.S. To combat prejudice against employing/promoting Caymanians. It is time to dispel the myth that jobs are given to expats on the basis of merit alone. Often it is a question of colour, old school ties, nationality, the ‘right fit’ etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. Not the ones Millar is responsible for.

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