Teenager charged with WB grocery stick-up

| 11/09/2015 | 4 Comments
Cayman News Service

Deliza Grocery and Variety Store, the scene of an armed robbery on 9 September

(CNS):  A 17-year-old from West Bay has been charged with robbery and possession of an imitation gun in connection with an armed hold-up at a West Bay shop on Wednesday afternoon, where the culprits escaped on a black scooter. The boy was arrested yesterday evening by police from West Bay following a joint operation, which involved West Bay CID, uniform officers as well as the K-9 unit and the RCIPS helicopter.

The teenager is accused of being one of two masked men involved in a daylight robbery at around 5:20pm at the Deliza Grocery and Variety Store on North West Point Road, in which one of the robbers was armed with a silver handgun.

When the teenager was arrested the police said they also recovered the scooter believed to have been used during the robbery. The unnamed teenager appeared in court Friday and was remanded in custody to HMP Northward.


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (4)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    WB political representatives are silent on crime but big on hot air!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Good Job RCIPS.

    What ever happened to the Las Vegas Gambler – Initiative; that was going to break the surge of crime in the West Bay district ??

    Oh Boy……. I can’t wait for the OMOV to come to the West Bay voters in the next general election, so we can have some real representation down in the republic.

  3. Anonymous says:

    So I’m Guessing if you have a real gun you should also make a fake gun so that if they catch you they will give you the lesser charge of an imitation gun.

    • Cheese face says:

      There should be no lesser charge. 20 yrs minimum for armed robbery, fake gun, real gun, happy to see you gun. It’s all the same, taking money by putting the fear of death into innocent people.

      These aren’t gangstas folks, these are pathetic little boys without the balls to be real men.

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