Motorbike rider killed in early morning road crash
(CNS): A 31-year-old motorbike rider was killed along the Linford Pierson Highway early this morning and the driver of one of the cars involved in the crash has been arrested on suspicion of drinking and driving, the RCIPS has said. At about 1:00am on Saturday 5 September police responded to a report of the fatal crash, which involved two cars and a motorbike.
Police said the male bike rider was pronounced dead but have not yet said where or by whom or given any details of the accident.
The RCIPS has also not said if the drivers of the cars or any passengers were injured but have stated that one male driver was arrested for DUI and the matter is being investigated by the police.
Check back to CNS for updates.
Category: Crime, Local News, Police
These motorcycle thugs think they own the road. They love the thrill of catching up to you and overtaking you as if you are in some sort of race with them. It’s dangerous and silly. one of them hit my aunt and drove off before the police were called. I’m sure he needed medical attention, but didn’t want to be arrested either. I hope the police continue to make arrests.
Would somebody please say HOW the accident happened? 2 cars and a bike. Just paint a picture please. RIP to Matthew.
I understand (from an eye-witness) that it was the BMW and the motorcycle racing that hit the Toyota Mark II head on. Unfortunately the motorcycle was ahead so he was sandwiched in the middle.
Drinking and racing is a powerful mix.
As a young single woman enjoying life in Cayman, I refuse to be on the road after midnight. I’m selective of where I hang out with friends. I shy away from heavy drinkers and I prefer to drive my own car. Some may think I’m a snob, but the older I get the more I realize certain rules and boundaries will help you live a long and blessed life. I do pray for the gentleman who died on the Motorcycle. He was a wonderful, polite and professional man. I’m so sad he lost his life and I pray this situation opens the eyes of others to understand drinking, driving and/or being a daredevil is NOT cool. We are losing way too many good men at an alarming rate.
My condolences to the family of this young man.
I recently went back home and had a reunion with many friends I hadn’t seen for a while. The ones that wanted to drink had already planned to leave by taxi, others switched to non-alcoholic beers/beverages after two or three fully loaded ones.
When I asked them about this, everyone confirmed that they were worried being caught driving drunk and losing their license for some time.
So for the ones who say that a dedicated traffic dept does not work, come on! People think twice about driving drunk or speeding etc if they know there is a pretty big chance that they are caught and being penalized accordingly.
Yes, we all should know and do the right thing, but if that would be a reality, then we wouldn’t need any police period!
That Europe, you generally would not dream of getting in a car if you had a few…you just know you are going to get stopped…
It’s the law; here it is a traffic offence and in Europe it is a criminal offence. BIG difference.
In an attempt to establish full financial/Political control over these little islands the UK ‘s Fco has systematically undermine or destroyed the institutions and laws and persons who they deem a threat to this little diabolical plan.(Tempura) They have simply render the RCIPS ineffective and reports such has the recent one on the criminal justice system merely substantiate this. Saddest part is we have elected persons who either just don’t care or are indifferent to the fact that we are losing our young people to either drugs, crime, murder and traffic accidents.
Egg McMuffin-anyone who can call themselves by that name has a serious problem with reality. FCO would happily be rid of Cayman if it could. Police act on the not very effective laws your own politicians make here….I wonder why that is? I will give you a clue- interests, interests, interests. How can a former leader be acquitted of stealing, just because the regulations didn’t state that he couldn’t use a government credit card for private expense? Really…In the UK he would have been prosecuted, jailed and forced out of political life forever.
@9:13am – Don’t forget the ‘Mr’. Mr. Egg McMuffin. hmmmm….wouldn’t mind one of those right now actually.
Rid of Cayman oh please do and do take unnaah parasites with unnah. Do you mean ineffective draconian laws which your governor ascents to and approves because it serves your own interest and economic agenda? Interests? oh but unnnah love this place though eh and don’t want to leave when you get here because its the last bastion who believe your word and decisions is gospel or Godsend? In regards to our former leader and current stooge, who are a manifestation of your sick and convenient policy and agenda of ignoring corruption, so long as your interest and agenda is not threatened or carried out. How can an OT pay over 30 million dollars for a so called corruption investigation Tempura and can’t even get to read or even see the report. Yet not one UK official has been held accountable except the person who knows or stumbled on to what exactly nasty disastrous little operations the FCO has been up to in this OT. Oh please shut your little mouth. RIP Matthew God bless you and your family.
I do hope your inability to write English and atrocious use of grammar is not indicative of the wider educational levels here in cayman. If you wish to be insulting please at least have the courtesy to do it in correct English.
Correct English? In Cayman? Hah! Soon come.
Condolences to the family.
I thought yesterday may life and the one of my daughter would come to an end when some idiot passed a bunch of cars outside Breakers towards BT at approx 110 mph hour and we were driving in the oncoming lane. There was another car in front of us who had to also slam breaks and swerve and the idiot race car driver was almost losing control over his car in one of the curves as he came past us.
We sincerely hoped that he would meet a light pole before he would meet up with another car, potentially taking innocent people with him to his grave.
And for the people who say all of this has nothing to do with the RCIP having dismantled their traffic dept I beg to differ! If you can drive around all over this Island without any worry that you are caught for any traffic offenses, people start doing whatever the hell they please!!! Visitors as well as kids have made remarks about the substandard driving on Island!
Strategically and effectively located speed cameras, free from government revenue as a priority – this is the answer.
The popular, long stretches of road must be “broken up”, otherwise they will continue to attract our daredevils and scenes like this shall remain commonplace.
Condolences to the family and friends.
– Who
totally agree! I have made the same comment over and over again. It is so simple and Cayman is about 30 years behind in applying this strategy.
Yep. It really is.
As a self-admitted former “road runner” I can speak with some “authority” on this issue – as the greatest deterrent to someone in the road-runner community is an absolute and guaranteed penalty, such as a flashing speed camera that records license plates and identifies vehicles and attire. (Random police patrols are NO MATCH for a fixed speed camera.)
Granted, that may drive the hardcore idiots to less traveled roads, but not many are willing to risk their expensive vehicles and modifications on backroads with far from ideal road conditions; e.g. potholes, overhanging trees, speed bumps, canals, gravel etc. Furthermore, theoretically this should even simplify the job of the police patrols as speeders will have a very limited selection of where to get it on.
However, for some odd reason the authorities refuse to implement the plan. Originally it was due to costs – but 10 years later I doubt that excuse still holds water. Anyway, we can only assume they know something we don’t, right?
Again, condolences to the loved ones of the deceased and may he rest in peace. I am the last person to condemn anyone that meets such an unfortunate fate, as I understand the appeal of the thrill and it could have easily been me … some time ago.
I only interacted with him a few times and he was a respectable gentleman on every occasion.
– Who
Totally agree, but you can only record license plates if you can actually see them. Time to take off these licence plate covers and for the RCIPS to prosecute everyone who uses them.
Agreed on that point as well.
….and time to ensure all cars display front as well as rear number plates – whatever the twits who think because they don’t use them in the States means we don’t need them here. Get rid of those heavy tints too. How do all these cars get through the annual test?
My deepest condolences to the family. May the Lord bring them strength during this difficult time.
My condolences to this man and his family. The answer to your post 2:06pm why should they abide by it when the law is not enforce until something occurs. As for you 713pm you are just another UK disciple until it happens to you. Its call a deterrent! I know its a concept that neither you nor Baines understand it would appear.
My sympathy to the family of this young man. DUI is rampant in these islands and that’s a fact. However, we must also highlight the fact that too many of our motorcycle drivers ride their bikes as if they are invincible. Riders you too must adhere to the rules of the road and take precaution when you are using the roads here in the Cayman Islands.
Maybe the authorities should look at giving club and bar owners the right to confiscate the keys of drivers who are drunk prior to them leaving a club or watering hole. Most of these places have bouncers and security guards. If the bartender sees that someone is too inebriated, he can inform the security guard/bouncer who will keep an eye out for this particular person and confiscate their keys. If there is an issue regarding the person trying to get their keys back, call the police and then the police can lock up said individual. for attempted drunk driving. Give them a sobriety test on the spot and once they fail, lock them up overnight to sleep it off and a humongous fine. Sometimes when people feel it in their pockets it will curb their ways.
In addition to the above these after hours places should be severely policed as a lot of the drunk driving that takes place are usually at these after hours events.
…..or, the bar and club owners could not sell so much of their product to addicts that can’t stop ingesting alcohol to the point where they lose control of their bodies (sad, I know) then get into their 1500 lb machines and drive on public roads with people like me.
Not to mention the family lives affected when afore mentioned addicts do make it home and carry on their stupor amongst innocent ‘loved’ ones.
Maybe the police could charge bar tenders who keep plying already drunk persons with drinks. Could the law not be changed to make them accessory to whatever crime may be committed by individuals leaving these establishments?
When I was bartending, I was required by law or so I was told by the manager to not serve someone who was drunk. Maybe, the law isn’t being enforced.
And herein lies the problem……..society continues to envision a drunk driver as someone who is so hammered that he/she can barely stand up straight. That is NOT the case!!! You are driving “drunk” if your blood alcohol levels are above the legal range and that can be the case after only a couple of drinks! It doesn’t mean that you had to be drinking and partying all night……
Soooo, breathalyzers for bar-tenders??? Might help yea, “blow in this pipe before I serve you another Jack, Dick”.
The Traffic Management Unit was disbanded because of the increase in criminality over the past few years – of which additional resources were needed in this particular area. These former traffic officers were instructed to prevent/detect Thefts, Burglaries and Robberies – which turned out to be a failure on Baines part to curb/control crime. It’s not surprising that traffic offenses are on the increase (5 – 6 dirt bikes wheeling down the Seven Mile Beach at nights with no headlights is a common occurrence) and fatalities are up.
In late 2005 and throughout 2006, the newly appointed UK policing strategy practically disbanded DTF to do security guard duties and chase Jamaicans overstaying along Eastern Ave, following Sheldon Brown being convicted and sent to prison for 26 years. Many good police officers resigned in frustration from the RCIPS during this time period and others had their contracts not renewed to include Derek Haines, for purely political reasons.
Then in 2007 – 2008 all HELL BROKE LOOSE when you had 5 – 6 homicides committed in a ten day period, which was unheard of in the history of the Cayman Islands.
Do you know how many “Murders and Attempt Murders” have been committed and remains undetected in the past 10 years due to illegal firearms in the Cayman Islands ?
I’m informed that the figure is in excess of 60 individual firearm incidents. That’s a lot of serious crimes to remain undetected – for Cayman’s small population over a 10 year period.
As for Burglaries and Attempt Burglaries – these crimes are now considered petty as if it was a bicycle or lawn mower stolen from your back porch. Many of these crimes are not being reported because of a lack of confidence in Baines and if they are being reported, it’s only because the victims need a police report for insurance purposes.
What are you doing writing a book?
Just stating the FACTS. I hate skewed statistics – lip service and everyone in the Cayman Islands should feel the same way – I hope.
This is why we need more lighting, sidewalks, dividers, sleeping policemen, CCTV, guard dogs and a meter maid on the Harquail Bypass. People are just too reckless!
Sidewalks. Why are they ony putting a sidewalk on the left hand side of Smith Road going towards the hospital and not one ln the other side coming up from the hospital? Means u r provided to walk down to hospital but u wont b provided to walk back up!
Probably the strangest comment I’ve ever read on CNS.
Then you must be new here
You didn’t answer the question though, why put a sidewalk on only one side of the road? The side of less residences too. Smarty!
Why dont you use the same sidewalk to walk to and from? Ok then…
sidewalks are not one way, you can walk to the hospital and back on the same side walk. If you cannot figure that out maybe you should stay in the hospital.
That means crossing the busy road twice!
Hahahaha yes they are putting in a ‘one way’ sidewalk! You made my day! Thanks!
You are welcome. Somebody with a sense of humour!
I would call you an idiot but something tells me you hear this quite a bit already.
Certainly we have enough “sleeping policemen”…..
When anyone loses their temporal life, it is sad. However we have temporal lives and eternal ones The question is, where will we spend ours? Sympathies to the family. I know them. May God give you peace. SCW
Tell me more of this eternal life. Where is it? What we do there?
Very sad. They should put up some cameras on that road. You would not believe what goes on down there. Or maybe one policeman on each bypass road.
How about a sleeping policeman every 10 feet? No gain no pain!
yes, especially the really sharp sleeping policemen that hurt your very core when u go over them!
How would a traffic department prevent this?
How is the lack of a Traffic Unit the cause of this accident? Even if there were police patrols out and about no one can say with certainty that they would have caught these drunk drivers before this tragedy. Frankly, if we start penalising drunk drivers even more maybe that will make people stop and think before getting behind the wheel of a car.
In the meantime, my sincere condolences to the family of the deceased. A young man has died and a wife is without her husband and children without a father. Therein lies the tragedy in these situations.
Driving under the influence has been effectively stamped out in some societies by robust zero tolerance policing. That means laws are enforced and some lives saved.
8:35 It’s not just drink driving, things like ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition), traffic light cameras and speed over distance cameras have put the lid on a whole range of other offences but at the end of the day the most effective deterrent is always going to be the presence of a cop in a cruiser.
Drink driving has been reduced by effective campaigns, policing AND the attitude of the society making it an unacceptable way to behave. There is no one thing fixes all. It has to have many themes. So, instead of folks wearing the appearance in the DUI court as some sort of badge why not post their faces and vehicle details in the press and shame them? Condolences go to the family and friends.
I wonder how many drivers are out there driving, drunk or not, who have been charged with DUI but have for years, in some cases achieved through adjournment upon adjournment being able to string out their hearings. Some of these drivers, one in particular who mounted the curb and smashed up a couple of tourists last year had been charged but not yet convicted two years prior to his leaving the scene of this accident.
8:57 Good comment. The problem with people who drink and drive (and I will sadly put my hands up to having done this in the past) is that the longer they are allowed to keep their licences the longer the threat remains. I can remember one UK police force a few years ago that fast tracked DUI cases through the courts so that the drunks were taken off the road in about a week. It’s a harsh fact of life that statistically virtually nobody who is caught DUI is a first offender and many of them have been getting away with it for years. DUI should be slam dunk – caught, convicted and banned in a matter of days – not something dragged out by legal arguments for years.
Since there is no “good reason” i.e. defense for drunk driving, the law should be changed to automatically take a persons license on the finding of DUI by the police and promptly reported to department of licensing. This way by the time it gets to the courts at least the driver is off the street, and if they continue to drive without a license and get caught, make it a jail term.
..and they say a traffic department is a waste of resources. RIP.
And Baines says a dedicated traffic unit is a waste of resources? Sadly, I’ve seen this flawed logic operate in the UK with the same result.
Check your statistics. Since 2007 with the exception of 2014 which showed a slight increase the figures in the UK are decreasing year on year and that’s against a steady increase in the amount of traffic on the road. But then that won’t help your sensationalising anti UK battle cry will it.