Engine room fire knocks out CUC generator

| 14/09/2015 | 23 Comments
Cayman News Service

CUC power plant, North Sound Rd

(CNS): Two of CUC’s employees were taken to hospital for possible smoke inhalation after putting out an engine room fire on Monday morning. CUC officials said that the fire broke out at around 10:30am after a broken line leaked fuel onto the exhaust system of one of the generating units. CUC said the generator affected was only slightly damaged and would be back in service in one or two days. No one was hurt and the men who visited hospital were taken there as a precautionary measure.

Although CUC’s own team stopped the unit and extinguished the fire, the firm said that, as part of its procedure, 911 was called and fire trucks and an ambulance were sent to the location on North Sound Road.

“All of our employees are safe, however, as a precautionary measure the two members of the team who extinguished the fire have been taken to the hospital for precautionary evaluation of possible smoke inhalation,” officials said in a statement. “The generating unit affected appears to have only superficial damage and is expected to return to service in one to two days. The Company has returned other generating units to service from scheduled maintenance outages to make up for the temporary loss of capacity.”

Following the fire, CUC said there “were brief rotating outages” but the electricity supply was returned to all customers before noon Monday.

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Comments (23)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Interesting how the same number of thumbsdown on comments against CEC

  2. Anonymous says:

    I disagree, the poster was very specific about solar. People should be accurate in their assertions especially when calling others dumb asses. I am not surprised that wind works for Bonaire with the strength and consistency of their winds which is significantly greater than the Cayman trades.

  3. CayGuy says:

    Don’t believe the hype that solar and alternative energy cannot seriously offset your dependence on their outdated technology. I just recently was in the US and it’s refreshing the amount of buyback programs related to alternative energy, straight up grants and tax deferments for going to solar. Not to mention the amount of wind farm and solar farm technology that is actually powering quite a number of homes in the U.S. and feeding excess back into the grid. It’s a step in the right direction. Diesel and fossil fuel technology is downright dangerous as this original article can attest to. CUC doesn’t need to go to alternative energy like tomorrow, but you would think they would be investing in something green and reducing their giant carbon footprint on island.

    • Anonymous says:

      We’re even using solar all over the UK and it works well – even with no freaking sun – so you’re not telling me it won’t work in Cayman please?

  4. Anonymous says:

    The only reason CUC and government is not moving towards renewable energy is because of profits. Remember too many people have interests in CUC. Even if you think you do not own their shares you are wrong. Most pensions are invested in CUC and not to mention politicians that get that 6% dividend for their holdings I the company. If CUC sinks so will a lot of other people. Best advice is to invest into your own solar panels regardless of what CUC pays for the extra power you generate as the money you save from not having to pay a bill or partial bill will pay for the panels in no time.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Expect a fire damage surcharge on the next bill

  6. Anonymous says:

    1960’s shit-technology costing the residents of this island a small mortgage payment every month. My God, I am sick of this damn place and it’s bought-and-paid-for politicians.

    The rest of the world and even third-world countries are using solar-technology, but only in Cayman where there is sunshine 90% of the year, “it’s not feasible”. SMDH

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t remember writing this, but if I did, damn, it’s good. Right on the money.

    • Anonymous says:

      Solar is not cost effective or practical at the moment. If you are so sure in your views go buy your own panels, once you have a quote and work out what you get for that you might stop talking out your aXX.

      • Anonymous says:

        My solar is doing fine thank you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only not feasible because CUC deal is not fair to the home owners and there is no incentive.

        • Anonymous says:

          Exactly. The only reason it’s not cost effective or practical is because of the policies voted in by the same politicians backing CUC.

          You cannot blame the Solar Industry when all it takes to make Solar feasible in Cayman, is a change in policy.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only in the sunny Cayman Islands, will you get dumb-asses talking about “solar is not cost effective or practical.” Never mind the other Caribbean islands that are in fact proving otherwise, like Bonaire.

        • Anonymous says:

          Excerpt below from Renewable Energy World.com publication who must also be dumb as there is no mention of solar!

          Bonaire’s Electricity System Transformation

          The result is a transformed electricity system on Bonaire. The island is now home to 12 wind turbines with a total of 11 MW of wind power capacity, which contribute up to 90 percent of the island’s electricity at times of peak wind, and 40–45 percent of its annual electricity on average. Battery storage (6 MWh) is included in order to take advantage of available power in times of excess wind, and provide that stored electricity in times of low wind. The battery also boosts the reliability of the overall system — it is capable of providing 3 MW for over two minutes, allowing time for additional generation to be started when there is a sudden drop in wind.

          The Bonaire system also includes 14 MW of diesel generation, five total generators, which provide the necessary power to meet the load when there is not enough wind power available.

          • Anonymous says:

            Obviously the poster was referring to Alternative Energy in general and Bonaire has sure proved that alternative energy is viable.

            But since you want to nitpick, the Cayman Islands enjoys the very steady prevailing trade winds blowing from the east and north-east, so Bonaire’s energy solution is years ahead of Cayman, the so-called richest island in the Caribbean. Too bad Cayman has absolutely zero foresight.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes, but CIG won’t allow for wind generation because they claim it interferes with the Doppler radar. But they could just move the radar.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Actually, its only because people on island rip off consumers. The real cost of solar for a complete system is less than 12K. Look at the prices in the US. We need to compel firms to offer reasonable prices.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is what I said last month after the power outage, and next thing I get some guy, who sounded suspiciously like he worked for CEC, challenging me trying to say the system and equipment are not archaic! But its a poor show if we have apparently knowledgeable guys at CEC who have no clue, and the public are more clued up than them! 🙂

      • Anonymous says:

        CUC knows exactly what they are doing returning value to shareholders quarter after quarter the envy of all utilities world over and that is the mission

        • Anonymous says:

          Yup that sounds about right – profit over safety and efficiency, and any excuse to bump dem bills up.

        • Anonymous says:

          Must make you all sleep well at night knowing you are raping your fellow countrymen for the almighty dollar. Good ole-Christian country and Caymanian Common Sense from the Scared Wessell, going backwards in every facet of life and wandering what the problem is.

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