Parliament resumes to debate offshore and builders bill

| 12/08/2015 | 2 Comments
Cayman News Service

Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly

(CNS): Members of the Legislative Assembly are expected to debate a number of bills relating to the offshore financial services sector as well as the long awaited builders bill when the parliament opens for business today, Wednesday 12 August. The law, which has been in discussion for more than seven years, is to improve the regulation and safety of the sector and ensure that contractors are qualified for the work they do. It is not clear what else will be on the lawmakers’ agenda during this meeting, which is only expected to last a few days before they meet for a longer session in September.

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  1. WaYaSay says:

    I don’t blame you Alden, Moses and Julianna………You and I both know that all that bringing this bill will result is Ezzard and Arden making you guys have to stay in the LA for days listening to them critique all the hard work you guys art trying to accomplish for the country. Campaign promises NEED to be fulfilled………if one is to have any integrity at all!

    After all there is a cruise ship Mega Dock that NEEDS building, and some more money that NEEDS spending with your accounting firm friends! No shame in that is there?

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