Archive for August 10th, 2015

Third woman arrested in people smuggling case
(CNS): Another employee from Cayman Airways has been arrested in connection with an ongoing investigation into people smuggling. An RCIPS spokesperson said Monday that a third woman from George Town who works for the National Flag Carrier was arrested that afternoon on suspicion of human smuggling. The 30-year-old woman is now in police custody. Cayman […]

Boards put block on CIG’s choices for CIMA directors
(CNS Business): Two people recently appointed by Cabinet to sit on the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority board have been prevented from taking up their seats as a result of objections from the private sector entities where they work, stopping them from accepting the voluntary posts. Of all government’s boards, CIMA, as the regulator of the […]

MLAs’ secretary arrested for armed robbery
(CNS): A woman who works as a personal assistant to the two Coalition for Cayman George Town MLAs in their constituency office has been arrested by police on suspicion of two robberies. Police said the woman is a suspect in both an armed home invasion in Raleigh Quay in June and a hold-up at a George […]

Taxi and van crash head on in downtown GT
(CNS): Emergency personnel had to remove a driver from his taxi on Friday lunchtime following a head-on collision with a van on North Church Street. The road was closed to traffic as both drivers were taken to hospital. Police said there were no passengers in either vehicle at the time of the smash. The taxi […]

Former TCI leader’s latest challenge to trial fails
(CNS): Michael Misick, the former leader of the Turks and Caicos Islands who is fighting for a jury trial in the case against him relating to corruption charges, has lost another courtroom battle. The TCI chief justice ruled last week that Misick’s legal team’s arguments were “frivolous and vexatious” because they had all been heard before, making […]

No silver bullet for reefs in draft plan
(CNS): Hopes of mitigating the destruction of reefs and the disruption to George Town if government presses ahead with the proposal to develop cruise berthing piers were dashed this weekend with the publication of a draft Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The 74-page document further highlights the problems associated with the development of piers and provides […]

RCIPS still short on cops
(CNS): Police numbers are still well below the maximum level, despite the latest local recruitment drive, and some posts will have to be filled by overseas officers, the commissioner has said. The RCIPS police headcount is down by more than 30 officers, at around 388, and as a result community policing and important departments, such […]