Police scour CCTV for clues in killing

| 03/07/2015 | 29 Comments
Cayman News Service

Jason Powery, murdered on 2 July 2015

(CNS): Investigators working on Grand Cayman’s latest murder are scouring through CCTV footage for clues as to who shot 20-year-old Jason Charles Powery. An RCIPS spokesperson said detectives were “anxious to speak with anyone” who could have information regarding the incident, in which the West Bay man was shot in the head near a George Town Bar at around 11pm on Wednesday 1 July. Powery was related to David Ebanks, the most recent previous victim of the continued gang-related violence on Grand Cayman.With a lack of willing witnesses in these killings, CCTV is proving to be a critical tool and detectives are examining footage from commercial premises as well as the country’s public network. Scenes of crime officers were also at the murder scene throughout Thursday collecting forensic evidence in connection with this latest shooting.

Cayman News Service

David Ebanks with his P2P certificates

Powery is the second person in his family to be shot and killed this year. David Ebanks (20), who was Jason Powery’s cousin, was gunned down outside Kelly’s Bar in Birch Tree Hill in January in Cayman’s second murder of the year.  So far, police have revealed very little information regarding Powery’s murder, which happened near the Globe Bar in Martin’s Lane, off Shedden Road, in the central area of the capital.

Police have not yet offered any motive for the killing but Powery’s death is believed to be connected to the escalation of gang violence this year, which has already accounted for the deaths of Ebanks and Victor Oliver Yates (22), who was the first victim of 2015.

There have also been a number of victims injured in the gang-related shootings after at least two reported occasions where gunmen fired indiscriminately at targets in crowded areas during late night weekend sessions in George Town.

Cayman News Service

Scene of shooting murder 1 July 2015, George Town

So far, the charges have been brought in only one gang-related shooting this year. Police have charged Justine Manderson (23) with the murder of Yates (22), who was shot and killed outside Super ’C’s restaurant on Water Course Road in the early hours of 3 January. Although police made some arrests in the Ebanks’ killing, which happened just three weeks later on 23 January, no one has been charged over his death

A major incident room has now been set up at the George Town Police Station to deal with the murder of Jason Powery and detectives are once again asking for anyone with any information to contact them at 949-4222 or Crime Stoppers on 949-8477 (TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (29)

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  1. No name says:

    This is life them boys knew the consequence they knew what they were getting in I mean shit happens for a reason

  2. Anonymous says:

    Fairly certain throwing the “gang” signs all over his FB page is what got him killed. Such a sad state this whole world is in. Gangs will get you killed….PERIOD!

  3. Anonymous says:

    When does the “mi saw notin” attitude stop? Is it only when it affects a stranger? What if it affects your friend? How bout if your relative is harmed? Then do we want people to see something? To say something?

    These are all someones relatives bleeding out on the streets. Dying on the street without anyone seeing a thing. Sad.

    • Anonymous says:

      As I am neither related to nor friends with a gangster then I shrug my shoulders and walk on. Not worth me seeing anything.

  4. Anonymous says:

    No matter how much police scour those CCTV cameras the likelihood of them finding anything is slim as we all have heard that the cameras that were sold to Govt by the Security Centre have not performed as what was expected. Now I hear that the Port Authority is about to give a big contract to that same firm. Can anyone confirm that? CNS?

    • Anonymous says:

      Just to clarify 11:27am Port Authority isn’t giving anything to Security Centre. They have CCTV cameras installed already by someone entirely different and dependable.

      • Anonymous says:

        Likely just a matter of time then because if employees are talking about all the shenanigans going on at the PA and This has not made headlines then you know that where there is smoke there is usually fire!

      • Anonymous says:

        4:48 Thanks for that info, and happy to know that they didn’t use the Security Centre.

    • Anonymous says:

      I worked as a detective in Cayman prior to, during and after the installation of the government cameras. I had cause to view them many time. I can honestly say they are almost worthless. Even during the day in perfect conditions you cannot make out the face of a person or the number plate of a car even when it passes directly under the camera.

      They would have been better off paying the local tramps to keep an eye on who is passing by their spot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is there anyone in Government with connections to certain security companies?

      • Anonymous says:

        To 10:16am yes someone in Government has connections, it has been brought up from time to time but nothing has been done…certain “security companies” gets Government Contracts with no bidding terms at all, ie Fair Banks, Govt Admin building to name a few…thought it was against the so called law but yet……..

      • Latoya says:

        Yes. XXXXXX So when Alden cries foul on the compass commentary about corruption he should look into his own ministry!
        You can’t blame people for not seeing anything even though I don’t agree. If you don’t have confidence in the police to protect you then you won’t spill your guts. Regardless of how many of you blame these witnesses if you fear that you are likely to be the next victim you will surely keep silent. Maybe if the reporters would keep witnesses names out the press and the court allows them to wear a disguise that might help. Sounds extreme? Before you sneeze everyone knows so the fear is genuine!
        Last but not least – even people in law enforcement complain about those cameras. Needs investigating CNS

  5. Anonymous says:

    Everyone should read the article on page 9 of Friday’s Compass.
    “Education Chief Ordered Report Changes”.

    It is this type of head in the sand mentality which has led Cayman to this. She should be fired immediately. And the Minister of Education should resign.

    • Anonymous says:

      And the minister of Education is…no other then a person who was running independent than buckled under and went with a party…that sums everything up!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Because of people like this I have become a stereotyping racist I have been in cayman 10 years
    I did not see anything before Now hate runs thru my blood
    I Must leave soon because I find myself thinking just like those around me and that is just wrong Good riddens to these wanna be thugs

    • Anonymous says:

      Becoming a stereotype racist is a choice one makes. Can’t blame others.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is not a choice it is what happens when being subjected to he same pain over and over again I now hate most Jamaicans and caymanians for I believe after being ripped off by them over 50 times that they will all steal from me again
        I somehow believe they do not understand right from wrong Should I hate myself or hate them ?
        Is it racism?
        or is it finally getting smarter?
        Before I came to cayman I loved all people Now I hate 2 groups

  7. Anonymous says:

    Well said! – from bitter first hand experience.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:38: nope never happened to me or anyone I know just someone who doesn’t see things with rose color glasses…

  8. Anonymous says:

    My heart goes out to the mother’s of these young men who stray but unfortunately to all these moms who have young sons and I mean young 17 16 18, even 20’s and they still live at home, stop supporting them, make them get jobs or go back to school, stop giving them money, stop catering to them STOP TURNING A BLIND EYE, when your son isn’t working and comes home with a wad of cash, driving a nice car, wearing nice clothes that you yourself didn’t purchase, when you get the calls from school they aren’t showing up, don’t turn a blind eye, when they say they are going out find out exactly where they are going out to, start discipling them at a young age, for more and more young men will be buried!!! Denial is why we are where we are at today. Remember in the early 90’s cayman has no gangs, up until just a few years back, the RCIPS and politicians were in denial. It does start at home and parents need to start disciplining their children and placing curfews and rules, don’t let them run wild!!! for you will be burying them tomorrow!

    • Anonymous says:

      When parents try to reprimand or discipline their children, they call the police on their parents. Who are the laws for or against? Parents are reprimanded and not the children.

    • Anonymous says:

      All three victims murdered this year had jobs, FYI

  9. Anonymous says:

    Alden??? Care to address the present guns and gun violence situation in Cayman? It’s happening in YOUR district too bobo! Nope, not a damn peep from you eh?

    • Anonymous says:

      The gang in east end is too high to do just about anything they are like veggies standing around smoking all day sometimes they get conchs or steal some stuff for the most part they keep to themselves
      thank goodness for drugs

  10. Anonymous says:

    This “mi nah see notin” attitude isn’t going to change until police respect the fact that any witness who speaks about criminal activity is risking their life and possibly the lives of their family. The innocents need protecting, not the criminals.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s an interesting point of view that it’s the Police that need to safeguard any witnesses and their family. So where does the role or responsibility of the community lie in this? What about the parents, siblings, Grand parents of these so called gang members. Should they not take on some responsibility for the actions of their family members? For far too long it’s been OK to sell a little weed or to do a little thing that brings in the money, no questions asked. Your society is badly damaged and can only be repaired if everyone decides enough is enough. If you can’t move forward together there will only be more of this to come. Stand up and be counted. Stop hiding away from your responsibilities or there won’t be a future for the children coming through now.

    • Orville Powery says:

      It is the ” mi nah see nothin” attitude that is partly responsible for the killers continuing to roam the streets and kill without regard to the law.

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