Archive for July 10th, 2015

Gunmen rob GT nail salon

Gunmen rob GT nail salon

| 10/07/2015 | 13 Comments

(CNS) Updated: Police responded to Grand Cayman’s latest armed heist on Friday evening at a George Town nail salon. An armed robbery at the GKS Business Park, Godfrey Nixon Way in George Town, was reported to the RCIPS at around 8pm after two suspects entered the location carrying what appeared to be guns. An unknown […]

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Two men arrested in Powery killing

Two men arrested in Powery killing

| 10/07/2015 | 0 Comments

(CNS): Police investigating the fatal shooting of Jason Powery (20) arrested two George Town men this evening on suspicion of murder. The men, aged 23 and 28, were arrested around 6pm and are currently in custody. However, investigators on the case are still looking for witnesses. Police say they have examined hours of video tape from […]

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Webb agrees to US extradition

Webb agrees to US extradition

| 10/07/2015 | 82 Comments

(CNS): The former local football boss, Jeffrey Webb (50), has agreed to be extradited to the US, according to international media reports. A number of leading news agency have reported that Webb who is currently being detained in a Swiss Jail is willing to go to the United States and answer the allegations against him […]

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Public urged to batten hatches as burglaries surge

Public urged to batten hatches as burglaries surge

| 10/07/2015 | 56 Comments

(CNS): Over the last two weeks 22 homes and seven commercial premises have been broken into and burglars have also tried to get into another five properties. Many of the home break-ins were committed during broad daylight, police said, as they urged the public to lock their doors and windows in the face of another […]

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Teacher’s aide faces ten sexual assault charges

Teacher’s aide faces ten sexual assault charges

| 10/07/2015 | 0 Comments

(CNS): A 19-year-old former special support teacher’s aide at a government primary school has been charged with ten counts of sexual assault on seven female students. The man, who is from Bodden Town and cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared in Summary Court this week and was bailed to return to court on 6 August. The […]

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Ex-pat workers still on increase

Ex-pat workers still on increase

| 10/07/2015 | 58 Comments

(CNS): The number of foreign workers in the Cayman Islands increased again during the first quarter of this year, climbing from 21,266 at the end of last year to 21,620 at the end of March 2015. The increase was largely accounted for by work permit grants and just a small number of ex-pats were employed […]

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