3 shot during late night GT session

| 13/06/2015 | 64 Comments
Cayman News Service

Armed RCIPS officer (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

(CNS): One woman and two men were in hospital Saturday morning being treated for gunshot wounds after all three were involved in a shooting at an after-hours session in George Town. Police said they received a report at about 3am Saturday (13 June) of the multiple gunshot incident on Sparky Drive in the industrial area of the capital. In a short release an RCIPS spokesperson said police believe the shooting took place in connection with that session. All victims are being treated at the Cayman Islands Hospital in George Town and a major incident room has been established at the GT police station where CID is investigating. The shooting comes following the seizure of five illegal weapons by the RCIPS in less than two weeks.

Anyone with information or who may have witnessed this incident is urged to contact 949 4222 or Cayman Crime Stoppers, to report this crime anonymously on 800 8477 (TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (64)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    These sessions have to stop. The “sessions” that happen on a nearly weekly basis in Prospect Drive are totally unacceptable. This is a residential area and with children let alone adults trying to sleep with anything up to 100 cars arriving and disappearing very noisily between the hours of 1am and 5am it’s no wonder the residents are getting extremely annoyed. Prospect Drive and the surrounding area has it’s problems and it certainly does not need any more firearms or crime in addition due to these sessions. Noise from cars, noise from party goers, abuse when you ask them politely not to park IN your yard (let alone across your drive), trash including broken glass, cups and used condoms. The host of these parties is enjoying the cash return while the law-abiding residents have to clean up after and look forward to sleepless Saturday nights. Set up road blocks, breathalise those that want to pass through and just shut these illegal sessions down. Everyone loves a good party now and again, but it starts to grate when it is EVERY week at the SAME address. There are laws against such activity: educate your Police officers about the breaches that are carrying on and get a senior police officer who is not afraid to take the first steps and shut it down. Wasn’t there a similar property in GT that was hosting such sessions which has been shut down?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Can some one please tell me what is a “session?”

    • Anonymous says:

      The Jamaican equivalent of what the British would call a rave. An after- hours gathering where music is played and alcohol and other “substances” frequently sold.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Reply to 13/6/15 @ 1.11pm
    No. 8 – we share this opinion!

    “It is disheartening to know that we are currently going through the process of voting approx. CI$600 million/US$750 million for a Country of 50 -55,000 people ( less than a major football game in the U.S. or Europe), and after all that money – we have not been told of any definitive plan/s to address:
    1. Flooding in certain areas of our Country, ( until we develop our own man-made disease from germs)
    2. Low income housing for the poorer segment of our people,
    3. No Community Programs for children and families who are struggling, for whatever reason,
    4. No mental health services for our youth,
    5. No coordinated child abuse programs,
    6. No Community Substance Abuse services for a country that suffers a high level of alcohol and drug abuse addiction,
    7. No rehabilitation programs at NWP,
    8. No Remand Facility for our youth who are incarcerated with adults ( against the UN Charter of Protection of Children),
    8. No completion of JGHS, it’s a ghetto and I am convinced unhealthy,
    9. And NO CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGY, despite having recommendations for solutions from our OWN National Security Council,
    10. Instead the Budget is about “rich” politicians promoting commerce so that they and their supporters can get richer, while hiring cheap overseas labour, having used our money to build the infrastructure they need to get richer.”

  4. Sharkey says:

    I think that we should all come together and stop trying to destroy one other, and look at the real problems that are destroying and dividing the Islands and the people, and see who and what is causing this problem , then get down on who is responsible for the issue . Remember that united we stand , divided we fall .

    • Anonymous says:

      When families come together and stop tolerating their young men’s gangsta behavior this will stop–but never going to happen.

    • Anonymous says:

      OK. Here are some suggestions of why things are going wrong:

      1. Education totally inappropriate to sophistication of our economy
      2. No enforcement of wide range of legislation from traffic to business licensing
      3. Immigration of large numbers of people who simply cannot afford to live here
      4. Displacement of Caymanians from true opportunities in their own country
      5. Civil service ill equipped to effectively fulfill mandate
      6. Empire building
      7. Corruption.

      • Anonymous says:

        You left the best till last. FCO. Please take over. Whether it is just incompetence or actual dishonesty, I no longer care. Please just make it stop.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are right:
      1. Better local education.
      2. Root out widespread local corruption.
      3. Stamp out of widespread local criminality.
      4. Legalise abortion.
      5. Shame fathers who have children out of wedlock.

  5. Charles Price $$ says:

    No George Police too busy at the Legge’s residence??? Man Power shortage 500 police-4 in TCI -10 security detail =486- 150 deadweight & driftwood = 336 58,000 people divided by 336 Poleese= 173 persons to 1 officer still the highest per capita in the world. Fuzzy Mats or bad management?? you figure out Cayman?

  6. George Nowak says:

    Just another day in paradise

  7. Anonymous says:

    The female that got shot…happens to be my niece she got shot in her neck but thank God that she is stab in condition and is doing well..

  8. Stop the Mocking says:

    Writer of 7:35 BITC@H. All you are doing is mocking the Caymanians. I bet you anything that you are a Status Holder too, and that is all you can write about. If you do not have anything positive to say about the islanders then, please, just shut you dam mouth or leave. You already know that some and NOT ALL Caymanians have some serious challenges with the law. But please do not mock them. Why not help them? BTW. I am not writing this because I am seeking Cayman Status. I already have it and it is 42 years old. I really do not know why some of you take pleasure in mocking the natives and still lives here amongst them. Bitch!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Can’t be generational Caymanians behaving like that. No way. They must be people who got their Status in the Gold Rush of 2003 or else they are foreign nationals. Let’s wait and see who they are and then we can deport them……….

  10. Carl says:

    No one in high position really cares if the session people shoot, stab, burn or hang themselves. You see once you don’t bring it to their gated communities or golf course or watering hole, they really don’t care. I have heard some say “yeah let those kinds rid themselves of this country” a damn disgrace how human life is so disregarded in cayman. Have anyone heard of any walks or marathons pegged at the gentleman who got killed on the bike on linford Pierson bypass? See my point.

    • Anonymous says:

      You could organize a memorial of some kind, if you wished. Speak to the family. Just a thought.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. I see a scatter shot. What’s your point? Do you think/act any differently. It’s human nature bro.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great idea Carl. Please advise us when the walk is that you are organizing. Oh that’s right you expect someone else to do it for you!

    • Anonymous says:

      I am very, very sorry for these individuals who were senselessly attacked and injured. I cry for them and for those that love and care for them. Yet, I think the reason why so many people just shrug and blow it off is because those that choose to live a lifestyle on the edge accept a risk by doing so. If the victims were coming from work, and just happened to travel past this area on their way home, it is different degree of responsibility than if they were participating in an illegal session.

    • Anonymous says:

      These individuals were participating in group criminality by attending an illegal drinking session. Low level group criminality begats more serious criminality. I would rather the “people in high position” did focus on protecting those that respect the law in precedence to those that pick and choose what laws apply to them.

  11. Anonymous says:

    1.11 you are spot on

    You have touched on some very important topics but it makes no difference to our leaders. The only thing they are interested in is putting in place things for the rich to make more money so they the leaders can form more companies to make them richer. No thought for the problems of the country.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The session last night, just like many in Sparky Drive, was licensed by the Liquor Licensing Board.
    People really need to get facts before slinging mud around.

    • Anonymous says:

      Really? Who were the promoters? Who was the security? Who gave the music and dancing license to permit gyrations on a Sunday morning? Who supplied the Alcohol? Was ganja being openly smoked? You seem to know a lot and we do not, so please inform us. All we hear about is suggestions of unabated lawlessness but if there was none (apart from 3 people getting shot) please tell us.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re wrong. Checked it out, the session was not licensed. You get your facts straight.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Late night shootings at sessions. 100 and something robberys and burglaries every month on such a small population. Aggressive dangerous pointless driving. Corrupt officials. Wth is happening. might as well be living in Jam

    • Anonymous says:

      Not to put too finer point on it, but is that not a potential consequence of Jamaica coming to live here?

  14. Anonymous says:

    How quaint. You believe it is what the laws say that makes something legal or illegal. That is not how we do it here. We decide what is legal or illegal and whether to act or not as we go. It cuts down on paperwork and means we can ignore stuff when we want to.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh yeah there’s definitely nothing wrong with a serious after hours ‘lock in’ as long as no one pulls a gun or a knife.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Just a couple of monkeys fighting over a girl.
    Not worth mentioning . . . .

  16. The Island with no plans.., says:

    It is disheartening to know that we are currently going through the process of voting approx. CI$600 million/US$750 million for a Country of 50 -55,000 people ( less than a major football game in the U.S. or Europe), and after all that money – we have not been told of any definitive plan/s to address:
    1. Flooding in certain areas of our Country, ( until we develop our own man-made disease from germs)
    2. Low income housing for the poorer segment of our people,
    3. No Community Programs for children and families who are struggling, for whatever reason,
    4. No mental health services for our youth,
    5. No coordinated child abuse programs,
    6. No Community Substance Abuse services for a country that suffers a high level of alcohol and drug abuse addiction,
    7. No rehabilitation programs at NWP,
    8. No Remand Facility for our youth who are incarcerated with adults ( against the UN Charter of Protection of Children),
    8. No completion of JGHS, it’s a ghetto and I am convinced unhealthy,
    9. And NO CRIME PREVENTION STRATEGY, despite having recommendations for solutions from our OWN National Security Council,
    10. Instead the Budget is about “rich” politicians promoting commerce so that they and their supporters can get richer, while hiring cheap overseas labour, having used our money to build the infrastructure they need to get richer.

    Mr. Ezzard Miller is correct , the young people of this Country who are NOT going to get a fair piece of this pie called progress, unlike us older persons, are NOT going to be passive and complain as they become young adults. They are going to do what other Countries have done, reduce to us to fear, bars on our windows, dogs, security systems. That’s how we have started to live as evidenced by the number of security guards at every business, and it get more serious in the next 5-10 years.
    Why? We don’t have a plan! They only Plan we have is how to make more money.

    • Anonymous says:

      You see folks… corruption comes in many forms. “The Island with no plans” has just listed ten points of corruption.

      All you wind-bag politicians don’t deserve to get paid. Double-Dipping pension takers now THAT IS CORRUPTION!!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t be such an idiot, 2:30. It’s people like you that embarrass us Caymanians with brains and make foreigners think we are, like you, brainless. You may not like the fact that someone earns a salary and also a pension -that is your right – but it is entirely legal. I will repeat that in capital letters, bozo,. IT IS ENTIRELY LEGAL. IT IS NOT CORRUPT.

        • Anonymous says:

          Legal only for MLA’s, not ANYONE else… now if that ain’t corrupt, I don’t know what is…and just because it’s legal, don’t make right!!!

          • Anonymous says:

            9:28, please quote the name of the law that makes it illegal for anyone, MLA or non MLA (ie everyone else) to receive a pension and also work and receive a salary. Please note, we are talking “legal” or “illegal’ here not whether it is “right”. “Right” is another, very different thing. Can’t think of the law? I thought not. There isn’t one. So please stop posting nonsense.

          • Anonymous says:

            If you are poor or not earning high salaries, you will need to work after pensionable age. That is not illegal double dipping..

            Anyone collecting pension may continue to work if he wishes, then he will double dip.

            If coming from the private sector, one will need to “double dip”. Can’t survive on pension of CI$1,000 per month, so work till you drop. Nothing is illegal about that, just pitiful. This needs to be “looked into”.

            CoC etc, you make a lot of money from pensions. Poor Pensioners need their monthly funds to be increased. — please Mr MLA.

        • NoMo ADHD says:

          The only reason that it’s legal is because the politicians voted it to be legal. Get it? So even though it may not be corrupt, it is corrupt. Wrap your head on that one. The other poster wasn’t embarrassing you in any way, as you were doing a fine job of it yourself… I doubt you understand.

        • Pedro Bankers says:

          It might be technically legal, but it is most certainly MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE.

          Isn’t it somewhat ironic that the only people who are always banging on about integrity are politicians?

    • Anonymous says:

      You missed out ensuring compliance with a legal obligation to provide free primary and secondary health care to all children.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh, yeah, because Europe is definitely the economical model we all want to follow…. Bankruptcy, seizing of bank accounts once the government is done with funding every vote buying initiatives…. Yeah my heart bleeds for those human socialist causes….

  17. Anonymous says:

    …and all the elected, pension double-dippers, and their blind followers can say and do is Nothing!!! You all bury your heads in the sand and pretend that nothing is wrong.

    But make it was a soft little newspaper editor, exercising free-speech… and you all would be tearing down the Legislative Assembly Building and going off on Facebook. SMDH

    Where is Cayman’s priorities???

    • Anonymous says:

      Nice try, now move along David

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong person, you idiot. I am a born and bred Caymanian calling it like it is.

        Now go bury your head in the sand with the rest of the double-dipping, do nothing, politicians and their blind followers.

        • Anonymous says:

          right David..move along.. you have had your 15

        • Anonymous says:

          If you work, you will eventually receive pension and if you work thereafter, you will then be able to double dip. That will be legal, just a bit challenging for some. Honest people are over 70 and still working to survive – all legal and not receiving handouts.

          One has to work in order to eventually double dip.

  18. Another Dave in Paradise says:

    Move along people. Nothing to see here. According to our wise and great Leaders the REAL threat to our security is…….that wicked, treasonous David Legge!

    • Sammi blue says:

      This is horrible but that has no relevance to peg legge. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

      • Anonymous says:

        It has EVERYTHING to do with David Legge. The Island loses it’s mind when someone exercises FREE SPEECH.

        But THREE people get shot… not a damn peep. Where is the outrage from the politicians and the government? NOWHERE.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Hey RCIP. I thought sessions were illegal?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. Just like the were the last time three people got shot at one earlier this year. Could the Premier please explain why so much overt illegality and disregard for the rules continues in our community?

      • Anonymous says:

        Is it because we have a mainly foreign police force who spend most of their time in coffee shops, and living large. The come to have fun, sun and enjoy the rum.

        • Anonymous says:

          While the locals, 2:24. who should be applying for jobs in the police force sit around on their asses smoking weed and drinking beer, doing nothing and complaining about “furriners” taking their jobs.

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