Bush plans gang peace talks

| 06/02/2015 | 39 Comments
Cayman News Service

Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush (Photo by Dennie Warren Jr)

(CNS): The opposition leader has revealed his intention to talk directly to the opposing gang members in the district of West Bay to find out why the young men in the Logwoods and Birch Tree hill gangs continue to war with each other. After thirty years as the district MLA and even longer serving the community, McKeeva Bush told CNS that he believes that the gangs will talk to him.

He said that if he can find out exactly what the rivalries are he may be able to get them to talk to each other and settle whatever the feuds or dispute are about that are leading to the increasing levels of violence.

On Thursday Bush met with the pastors in his district when he hosted a lunch at his home and began discussing what can be done at the community level to put an end to the cycle of violence.

Bush warned that the gang violence was not just a West Bay issue and that the young men involved did not all come from bad families. He said he believes he is in a position to get to the bottom of what is happening.

“We have reached a stage that no one has recognised,” he said. “It is the single most important issue to deal with, as this gang crime is escalating. I have worked hard and there is far too much good in the district not to sit down and do something. I still believe in goodness of man and the parents and families of those involved are good people, as there are many good people in West Bay. I believe I can talk to the gangs and they will talk to me.”

Bush said he would approach both of the rival factions separately to find out what they are fighting over and what they may be competing for. He said that to solve the problem the community has to first know what the problem really is.

“What is it all about?” he asked. “What do we need to do to address it. That’s what I want to find out,” he explained. With some kind of understanding about what is fuelling the disputes and causing so many young people to lose their lives, Bush said, government may be in a position to address it.

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Category: Crime

Comments (39)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Did Sheldon Brown not try something similar some years back to no avail?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Gangs are very similar to political parties. Once you join you lose your personal identity and have to toe the line. Both also work against the will and betterment of the people and are self serving.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Call McKeeva what you want but at least he’s attempting to do something. One must talk to find out what they want . One must ask questions to find out how to solve this problem and one must give a role model .
    For most of them they have no role model. Even their parents have lost their way. So how does anyone think this is going away?
    McKeeva is right to go and sit down with them and talk. He will find out there is a solution to gangs.
    One reason a person joins a gang is protection from other prejudicial gangs. Whether it be cultural, race, religious or population. We would join a gang if faced with the same problems and have no escape.
    Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. If you have no educational background to offer a different life. Most of them had no encouragement to seek another alternative route. These boys had no male role models who discipline them out of unsocial behavior. Their fathers abandoned them.
    So McKeeva going in now will eventually help them but it’s not a quick fix. It will take time.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Ever wonder why e end is so calm because the whiteman paid the gang members and employed them to collecting garbage. The brain of the east end gang was given a job and that left the rest to just sit under the tree with no thoughts or direction. The ones that did not collect the garbage/and follow my rules went to northward and that’s a fact.
    Now here is the truth.
    Because you refuse to issue the whiteman a new work permit. and you let me be jerked around.
    I will no longer employ your children or give advice to the young boys.
    Think about that for a moment arden.

  5. Michel Lemay says:

    Dear Mr. Bush ,I am interested if you wish for me to join you in talking with anyone in West Bay regarding what’s going on and how can we achieve a level of Peace. I was accepted in 1977 by my fellow West Bayers and know most parents also. I am trained as a Peacemaker and have made my peace with God. Having lived in West Bay for 25 years and I have always been respected as I have always respected others from any walk of Life. I have 11 grandchildren growing up and I am worried for them for their future. You can easily get Doris # your cousin, my wife. I have 6 weeks before I go to Canada. Please use me if you wish, I assure you it won’t make matters worst and I sware to total discretion. God Bless,
    Michel Lemay

  6. Anonymous says:

    McKeeva should invite the gang members over to lunch to discuss the problems with the way churches spent the Nation Building funds he gave the.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Poor Mac …..damned if he does and twice no THRICE. damned if he don’t…..What a bunch of ungrateful adults here!! No wonder y’all have lazy and entitled children…..after all; children LEARN what they live and I feel for our children having such negative parents to contend with!! Mac wasn’t born perfect and neither was I nor anyone else for that matter.
    Why don’t you go to the ghetto in your lil part of Cayman and make a start to help your islands rather than beat up on someone else who’s TRYING?
    No cause that’s how you play……You’d rather complain, moan and cry-down others efforts but don’t strick a lick to help!!
    Well here’s how I wish we all would be:- going to offer our time and talents to assist because God knows these islands need help!!
    So hats off to you Mac for TRYING but beware cause you’ll have many on the train ready to hang you and make disparaging comments !!
    In all fairness I don’t know why he even bothers……with a sorry bunch of ungrateful people who can’t see the effort for what it is…… Anyways it a waste of time to write here cause 3/4 of Caymanians live to TEAR DOWN rather than to BUILD UP…….I swear many Caymanians really get a thrill seeing others fall and fail……but remember this:- today is my turn, tomorrow yours!!
    So here’s to praying to God that Mac’s effort in uniting the community, the churches, the non-profits works!
    I’m praying not only for WB but for ALL three islands cause as CAYMANIANS we are ALL in the same boat and what affects one will eventually affect all. Spread goodness, spread love and offer aid!! Let’s each one help one and we will see and reap the benefits. May God bless your efforts Mac. May God bless those who will join and offer help! And may God continue to bless our beautiful home:- The Cayman Islands!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    The Italian mob families in New York call meetings between the gangs a ” sit down”. There can be many reasons to hold such meetings, but one reason they have met in the past was to stop inter-gang warfare. It is important to note that their reason for wanting to stop the violence was not to save loss of life. Very simply, they understood that having dead bodies stacking up was bad for business. It drew unwanted attention to their otherwise clandestine activities of larceny, drug dealing, etc. they knew that if they could keep the peace, they could go on robbing, stealing and dealing, and it would be more difficult for authorities to disrupt their criminal enterprises. It is important to understand that criminals don’t stop being criminals just because they make a business decision not to kill each other.

  9. Anonymous says:

    In reading some comments here I see some hatred for a man who has faults like ALL of us BUT whose now TRYING to make a difference!! Yes he’s gambled away thousands, yes he’s boisterous; yes he’s flawed BUT you without SIN let me see you cast the first stone?? Oh I see no one comes forward?? Yup figured that’s how it would be…….And so here’s my two-cents worth:- WE HAVE ALL FAILED…..ALL OF US, ME INCLUDED!! However let us not be so quick to lick Mr Bush for trying because he’s now at least stepped up to the plate and we ALL need to JOIN him!! Stop criticising but rather call him and offer some solution!! You’re PART of the problem if you DON’T do so!! This evil isn’t only a West Bay problem…..The gun violence of 2011 stretched all the way to EAST END my dear!! So none of our districts are immune!! Each district has PARENTS and extended families who aid and abet by giving shelter, food and clean clothes when they’ve not struck a lick all day!! Homes are filled across the islands with these boys!! This isn’t only a one-size bandaid. This is a breakdown of FAMILY and we are ALL suffering the consequences of ~~social-graduation (can’t read and write or do basic arithmetic); ~of no certificates for Vo-Tech skills; ~of an implosion of teenage pregnancies; ~of slave labor ($3.50 p/h when $2.69 for 1/2 gallon of milk); ~of truancy; (cops and residents cross children daily not in school but on the streets); ~of a lack of “it takes a village to raise a child”; ~of homes filled with generations who are illiterate and not employed; ~of providing funds thru Social Services w/o a resolution for employment; ~of a lack of after-school programs set in the areas that need them most for easy access; ~of turning a blind eye to sexual pervasion……..and the list goes on!! Years ago the Police identified the infiltration of Crips and Bloods BUT we said NO when the stark reality it WAS here!! Ask those officers for those pictures and 3/4 are in cemeteries ACROSS the island OR in JAIL!! And you criticise and poke fun? This is no longer time for berating. This is a time for all-hands-on-deck or get outta my way!! Mr Bush has started this process of trying to end this death spiral with the right attitude:- begin with the Churches, then include the community!! I for one will go and help because yes while he’s NOT perfect I have to stand before God at judgment day! Let’s STAND together and do us all a favor and rid or at least minimise the impact this negative behaviour is having on our well-being!!
    I do hope and pray to see more suggestions of how we can make an impact for the betterment of our island home instead of crass negative comments. It behoves us all to heed the call and turn back to God and the way of living that we all grew up with!!
    I ask for your prayers and best wishes. As a single mother I know first-hand the struggles and I do agree that whilst much more can be done it ultimately begins at HOME. An old saying I taught mine was “What you practice at home you’ll take abroad”…..We need to HELP and not criticise for the sake of our future!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wow! What a bunch of haters and morons! You’d all rather criticize what you claim is McKeeva’s alleged past oversight of these issues. Please look back on his career and you will see that he has often spoken out about crime and has supported crimefighting. Do any of these posters know what efforts McKeeva has exerted in WB behind the scenes to fight gang crime? Compare that to The Premier who only just spoke out about crime last week – after almost two years in office!

    In any case, what is anyone else doing? RCIPS is doing nothing!

    McKeeva may not have any success with these punks but please do not criticize him for trying.

    Can’t please Caymanians – don’t want crime but don’t want anyone to try to solve it. I’m embarrassed to be Caymanian when packaged with folks like those who post only negativity.

  11. anonymous says:

    Someone has to talk to these “gangs” and find out what is going on and if Mr. Bush has the initiative to do so, why not let him give it a try? It can not hurt. I do not think it would be too hard to figure out who to sit down with (who is part of the gang) as I believe they are known to most people. A sit-down just may work to solve some of the issues and also to at least find out what the bigger part of the problems are.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I would have a lot more confidence in the sincerity of Mr Bush’s peace talks if they had been held without the media fanfare.
    Coming from the States we have a number of “peacemakers” who are really seeking media attention rather than sincerely trying to deal with the problems.
    Making it a media circus and having everyone involved will simply muddy the waters and is a recipe for failure.
    What is he thinking?

  13. Oh My! says:

    XXXXX Who in their right mind thinks they can get gang members to reveal themselves? 30 years in the LA and now that he is on a politically slippery slope he wants to try and regain control of the wheel. What a crock! I cannot even comment on this any further.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I agree with you its a step in the right direction, hopefully it will bring positive results.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This problem rests on McKeeva Bush’s shoulders. He has been the representative for West Bay for 30 years while this problem festered in his back yard. I’m glad he now wants to talk to them but what, pray tell, can he do at this point? I’m very doubtful that even someone with the actual qualifications could effectively deal with this situation at this point.

    • afraid says:

      “but what, pray tell, can he do at this point?”
      He can let them know that white collar crime is safer and far more lucrative than being gangsta wannabies.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anonymous 06/02/2015 at 2:10pm – You’re so WRONG! I’m not a “fan” of McKeeva but in all fairness – he did not bring these boys in this world or raise them – their parents / families did that!

      These boys/young men are what they are and where they are today because of the way they were raised and the bad choices they made in their lives.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hear Hear

  17. Anonymous says:

    Whether you like him, hate him, or couldn’t care less about him, don’t criticize McKeeva Bush until he’s actually worked on a solution to this problem.

    He may be late in coming to the issue, but he may also be uniquely placed to help find a solution. Maybe not, but I for one welcome him trying.

    There has been a lot of de-humanizing of these young men by bloggers and the public at large (guilty of it myself), but they are human and they are deserving of a better life, no matter what mistakes they’ve made. Good luck Mr. Bush. I’ve never been a big fan of yours, but if you are even partially successful in ending the problem of gang violence it will go a long way toward helping your legacy.

  18. anonomyous says:

    He has been so busy bellied up to the Black Jack table for the last decade he didn’t have time to connect with his peers! He has no education or real intelligence so why would anyone expect him to admit that the system has failed these gang members a long time ago and the majority of them have already had their fate sealed. That ship has sailed and anyone left standing better vote in a real Civil Servant next election!

  19. OneLove says:

    It’s a good thought Mr. Bush, but do you really think these gang members are going to meet with you? Especially the younger ones that the older gang members have recruited. First of all, like many have said this all starts with parenting. I am not trying to cause anymore pain than there already is but parents need to stop hiding what their kids are doing. Wouldn’t you rather go visit your son in prison than at the graveyard? It is said, that David Ebanks was not part of a gang yet up until the latter part of 2014 he had on his Instagram: #1 Rule No Snitching. As far as I know it’s known this is one of the mean rules of every gang in the world. Didn’t David also have involvement in Robert Bush murder? http://archive.caymannewsservice.com/crime/2014/07/30/alternative-shooters-offered
    Just because David is a relative of a police officer they are trying to make it appear as if he was not involved in any gang activity. Then why was he at a bar with a known gang member? Didn’t his parents ever see his Instagram pages? It is fine and well that his stepfather was helping him to change his life around, but was he really changed? What the parents of these gang members that have either lost their life to prison or lost their life period really need to be doing is going out there, talking to other young men, women and exposing their family members involvement in gangs and the consequences they have paid instead of covering it up. They are really fooling no one but themselves. This is the problem today parents seek pity and justice for what happen to their child but what about the harm they have caused to others, whether they did it themselves or assisted someone in doing it, they were still involved.

    In saying this no parent deserves to bury their child but we as parents should know that once we give our children the freedom and opportunity to become involved in these gangs the end result will not be good for them. We cannot use family members or anything else for a reason to become involved. I know many young men from Birch Tree Hill that has never become involved in the gang activity in the area because they have kept themselves away from that environment and I do believe David had a choice.
    Parents can say that their son’s daughter’s if over the age of 21 are no longer their responsibility, but I am pretty sure this all started from when they were the age that they should have been.


    I’ll end this with saying, Good Luck Mr. Bush in your efforts to unite these gangs. Unfortunately I do believe it’s too little, too late. Too much damage has already been done to too many families around the island. It will take a lot more than a speech and promises to ever calm this storm that has been started. “Can you bring the dead back to life?” That’s all many people want, is for their loved ones back which can never be again? So again, too little done before and wayyyy to late to start. Only God can help each and every one of us now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said OneLove . well said. I hate to see all this violence – sometimes I wonder if ISIS has a murderous group operating here. And my heart hurts for the families of these boys that are being murdered but the bottom line here is – they are not the responsibility of the government, or social services, or the churches, they are the responsibilities of their families / parents. Yes, they’re all adults but what they are as adults is a big part of how they were raised. I pray for peace among these murderous evil men and I wish Mr. Bush luck in his efforts but it seems like too little too late.

  20. Anonymous says:

    While it’s “not just a West Bay issue” it sure as hell is an issue in West Bay. One that has been fostered by ignoring the true issues that face those who fell through the cracks.
    A stern approach to appreciating education and the necessity for self accountability would have been the correct approach that should have been taken a long time ago.

    But instead some of our people have been mislead to believe that being Caymanians was enough.

    This is just one step closer to the garrison style of politics that some seem to want to emulate from other failed states.

  21. anonymous says:

    This may take time, but it is a step in the right direction!
    Ask them what their immediate needs are, what their wants are and what they wish for in the future. See how many of these items can be met. You may be surprised how “small” they are and how easily they can be met.

    • Anonymous says:

      Really, right direction. He was in office for over 30 friggin years and did not a damn thing, so now he is going to sit down have some tea and discuss their differences…has Mckeeva lost his friggin mind????? these gangs have murdered people..but what is concerning, he knows who to sit down with??? i don’t think i need to say anymore

      • Anonymous says:

        Chinese sauce, Sodium free soups,In response to 3:21pm 6/2:- “McKeeva hasn’t lost his friggin’ mind”?…..Actually I think he’s BRAVE to STAND UP and say he’s making a call for peace. It seems we so easily FORGET that whilst McKeeva may have been in office for 30 years he’s NOT always served as CABINET Minister!! In fact truth be told MANY of his ideas, formed into policy has been dismantled as soon as he’s no longer a Minister!! I know these boys too; just as YOU know YOURS in YOUR district who sit under grape trees and do nothing all day…..BUT have family members with whom they live!! See we all have ’em….YUP…..every district has a few!! As Mama says “It’s God’s way of making it even so you can’t point your fingers at mine cause I can point back @ yours”!! McKeeva is not perfect, I’m not perfect and neither are YOU!! So get off your high-horse about you don’t need to say anymore cause these gangs have murdered ppl and he knows who they are? Are you insinuating that he’s an accesory or aiding and abeting their criminal behaviour? Then we’ve moved to a new low and a new level?? We “know” the majority of these boys and who their relatives are but that doesn’t mean he knows when they go out and murder someone? That’s a whole different kettle of fish dude. And if I knew that he was complicit with aiding/abeting/accesory you can bet your bottom dollar I would turn him in myself!!…..So stop trying to derail a good effort. If you don’t like this one then OFFER ANOTHER!!!
        But no you can’t cause all you have is criticism for the idea McKeeva has……lol. Actually that’s SAD…..Here’s where you can help:- when you finish work, stop by John Gray church hall OR Chapel Church hall, Old Bush Rd OR go to the John Cumber School Hall and help ONE lil boy or ONE lil girl complete their homework!! There’s many students waiting on ppl like you who have half-hour each day to give to their good…. You’ve started being EFFECTIVE instead of critical!! If you don’t live WB then stop where the After-School program is held in your side of Cayman and take a bottle of apple juice to help nourish some lil thirsty children…..Here’s what we ALL need to do:- PRAY for wisdom, courage and strength, Do good instead of bad, Help one soul somehow, someway and where there’s someone offering a good idea go and give your two-cent thoughts and HELP make this effort BETTER!! Have a blessed day and praying for God’s continued mercies on all of us as we face this evil and care for His children…….
        Ps:- just heard on news 3 North Siders got arrested for possession of guns, lots of cash etc……..Proving my point that it isn’t only WB that has problems…….It’s island-wide!!
        God bless us all is my prayers cause we have much work to do

  22. Sandboy says:

    So, being a gang member is illegal, right. So accordingly sitting down with known gang members must be illegal also. How is it then than Bush knows who to talk to but failed to get a grip of the murderous thugs when he was in power?
    This is another example of this divisive, opportunistic XXXX politician getting his face on the news and pretending to be the saviour of the Caymanian people, (well, West Bay at least).
    Why doesn’t he present legislation to enable gang members to be rounded up and jailed for illegal membership and get these animals of the streets for good? Pseudo social work will not stop these idiots, nor will fading political stars of the past, this needs a strong hand, not the limp wrist of a failed has been.

    • C. Brown says:

      I think you have our ex-honourable ex-premier figured out, Sandboy. Since no one seems to care whether laws are broken or not, Maybe he can give those gang leaders seats in the LA where he can be in close contact with them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sitting down with “gang” members in an effort to bring peace shouldn’t be ciondemmed nor should inferences be made to that end either. It isn’t anymore illegal than you sitting down with drunkartds makes you a drunk!! OR does staning in your garage makes you a car?? Got it now?? Last time I checked it is the “PArtTICIPATION’ in criminal activiity that is illegal…..not TALKS to seek an end to violence and criminal behaviour……Then again it matters not to you I suppose since you’re not living in WB?? BUT remember 2011? That violence went all the way up to East End!! I pray for Mr. Bush and his efforts with the wider community to be a success that maybe, yes just maybe y’all will copy for your respective districts!! Prayers arr welcomed and needed NOT finger-pointing and innuendos!! Peace my brethren, PEACE and LOVE is what we ALL should seek to promote. God bless these efforts and make them fruitful and may He continue to bless the Cayman Islands

  23. Da Truth says:

    He said that if he can find out exactly what the rivalries are he may be able to get them to talk to each other and settle whatever the feuds or dispute are about that are leading to the increasing levels of violence.

    OK so it seems he knows who these people are, and seems to think he can sort out all their girlfriend, greed, ego and drug related problems does he?

    Good luck to him on that, but at least he’s trying I guess.

  24. marlguppy says:

    I don’t know you are going to sit down with these people and work out their Guns and Drugs problem. Now you will be aiding and abetting.

    • Good Morning

      This is a reply to Marlguppy and all others who don’t have any thing positive to say about anyone

      I generally don’t reply to – or place comments or blogs on the media – but feel compelled to when someone is trying do something to help the community of West Bay and the island on a whole and there’s so much negativity

      My name is Dexter Layman Ebanks residing at 70 Spanish Lane – West Bay

      So you see I am willing to stand up for what is right – without hiding my identity

      McKeeva may not be one of my favorite politician and I didn’t agree with some of the things he’s done in his political carrier

      But Mckeeva is right on this one

      Let Stand Up and support him in all all his efforts to eradicate the Cancer in community = call CRIME

      It’s unfortunate that some persons in our community thinks this isn’t their problem


      Let’s be a good and brave citizens and give him the support he needs

      I reach out to Mckeeva to to give me a call in any support that I can give him in his efforts

      My number is 916 / 0754

      A wonderful and safe day to all


  25. Fred says:

    “What is it all about?” Mr Bush, they want it that way. They like it that way. They want to act like gangsta and want money for nothing. It’s not some long-standing feud – it’s their chosen way of life. Good luck changing anything for the better.

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