Archive for January 13th, 2015

MLAs to review damning expense audit
(CNS): One of the auditor general’s most damning reports on the mismanagement of public spending by government officials on both the political and administrative sides of government will be scrutinized Wednesday when the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) meets in the Legislative Assembly. At the hearing committee members review the report which revealed that government had […]

Alden confirms landfill stays put
(CNS): Having taken over the Department of Environmental Health just a few days ago as a result of the ‘Ozziegate’ scandal, the premier has confirmed that the policy remains the same to fix the dump problem on its current site. Alden McLaughlin also told the press Tuesday that the additional new ministry to his portfolio […]

$450k compactor to address dump issues
(CNS): The director of the Department of Environmental Health, Roydell Carter, said the investment in a new $450,000 compactor for the George Town dump and ten new garbage trucks expected at the end of this month are all desperately needed to help address the myriad issues faced in recent years by his department. Carter and Premier Alden McLaughlin, […]

Young Brackers released from court on eve of trial
(CNS): Two young men from Cayman Brac who were due to stand trial on defilement charges next week in relation to a teenage love triangle walked free from court Friday after the crown finally dropped the charges. Prosecuting Counsel Kenneth Fergusson told the court that there was no longer any public interest in pursuing the […]

Beauty queens hit the road ahead of pageant
(CNS): The ten young women vying for the title of Miss Cayman Islands were on the road at the weekend drumming up support for their bid at the national beauty pageant title. The contest was re-introduced this year after a three-year break due to underfunding issues. With just three weeks to go before the competition, the […]

Ten people could have seen murder
(CNS): Although police believe that at least ten people could have seen who shot and killed outside a West Bay bar and restaurant in the early hours of 3 January, no witnesses have come forward. Yates was shot in the head by an unidentified gunman outside Super C’s but despite the number of people there at […]

Cruise ships dump a billion gallons of raw sewage
(CNS): Data released by the US government has revealed that cruise ships dumped more than a billion gallons of sewage in the ocean last year, much of it raw or poorly treated. Federal data analyzed by Friends of the Earth, a global environmental organisation, said that their assessment demonstrates the continued need for stronger rules […]