New voter list increases by just 65

| 04/10/2024 | 4 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The new list of electors published by the Elections Office on Tuesday has just a few dozen more voters than the July list, even though the 2025 General Election and a three-question referendum will take place in around seven months. While the premier hasn’t yet set a date for the poll, it is expected to be in April. This means that new voters who register by 1 January will be able to vote unless the elections are held earlier than 1 April.

The electoral roll published on 30 September has 65 more voters than the list published on 1 July, up from 23,464 to 23,529. However, at least another 6,000 people are eligible to vote but have not yet registered. Voters who registered by 1 October will be on the 1 January list.

The Elections Office has begun a voter drive as the clock ticks down on the 1 January deadline for voters to make the 1 April register. The government is unlikely to call a general election earlier than 1 April, but if it does, it is now too late for new voters to make that list.

See the new voter list and all other election-related information on the
Elections Office website.

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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (4)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If only registering to vote was as simple as just applying. Oh no. You have to provide them with your birth certificate, status letter and passport. And they only accept originals. Given my history with Cayman Island government entities routinely losing documentation supplied to them, I am a little ore than reluctant to hand those over for some indefinite period whilst they decide whether or note to register me. Its not the law, its just some bureaucratic rule the Register has made up. And why exactly is it even needed? Do they think you could obtain status without having proven your identity and provide reams of this information already? Why cant they just look at a photo id and check your name against a register of status holders (which incidentally, the government is required to maintain as a matter of law).? Could it be that they dont even have one? Or are they just so inefficient or lazy that they cant be bothered?

  2. Anonymous says:

    It is sad to know that 6,000 people did not register to vote, many just to avoid their civic duty to be jurors. Yet there will be griping for the next four years about results of the election they chose not to participate in.

  3. Anon says:

    How accurate is their registry? How do they know to remove people who have passed away? Haven’t lived on island for how ever many years etc?

  4. Anonymous says:

    You do know they are plotting to delay the election until November, right?

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