Police help rescue child trapped alone in car

| 04/10/2024 | 0 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS is urging people to never leave children or pets alone in vehicles, even for very short amounts of time. On Tuesday afternoon, the police responded to a report that a young child had been locked in a vehicle outside a business in West Bay. The officers who attended the location spoke to the parent, who requested assistance to gain access to the vehicle. The officers broke one of the windows, and the parent was able to retrieve the child, who appeared to be in good health.

The police said that while this incident appears to have occurred due to a mechanical failure of the vehicle, they are taking this opportunity to remind people taking care of children and pets to avoid leaving them in vehicles unattended, even for very short amounts of time.

One way to ensure they are not forgotten, is to keep an item that will be needed at the destination, such as a phone, wallet or purse, in the back seat next to them. This will serve as a reminder to the parent or caretaker, especially if they are not following their usual routine.

“While it may seem safe to leave children or pets in a vehicle with the AC running, there are always unforeseen circumstances which may occur, so it is best to avoid the risks altogether,” the RCIPS said.

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Category: Local News, Police

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