WORC arrests 16 for working illegally

| 31/07/2024 | 6 Comments

(CNS): After a series of raids by law enforcement officers at construction and landscaping sites this month, 16 people were arrested for immigration offences: eleven for working outside the terms of their permits, four for working without permits and one man was found to have been overstaying in the Cayman Islands for ten years.

A release from Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman said that, based on tips about illegal employment activities in the construction and landscaping industries, the WORC Compliance and Enforcement Unit carried out a series of immigration status inspections at multiple sites in West Bay, George Town and Bodden Town between 9 and 12 July.

Then, on 24 July, the WORC Compliance Team also carried out a joint operation with the RCIPS and Customs & Border Control (CBC) at a construction site on the Linford Pierson Highway in George Town. The RCIPS said that drone footage taken during the operation included men hiding on the roof of the construction site. These men were among those apprehended.

During the operation, workers were approached, and their identities were checked against Immigration records. Those found to be in breach of working outside the terms and conditions of their work permit were arrested for immigration offences.

WORC said that during all the operations in July, twenty construction sites and ten landscaping services sites were investigated. About 200 people were interviewed leading to 16 arrests. The inspections also discovered two people with permanent residency status working outside the occupational position approved.

Although none of the employers of people working at the sites that were raided were named in the release or arrested, WORC said that investigations into the employers of people found to be working illegally are actively being progressed, which may result in administrative fines levied against them.

“These results demonstrate the joint agency commitment to weeding out those persons that choose to flout our immigration laws and use illegitimate avenues to stay in the Cayman Islands,” RCIPS Inspector Ian Yearwood said.

WORC Deputy Director Mervin Manderson said, “Businesses and employers are reminded of the importance of being compliant with the Immigration Transition Act by not allowing employees to work without a permit or outside of the terms for which they were approved. Doing so may result in administrative fines, revocation of the permit and or an appearance in court for prosecution. I would like to ensure the public that these random operations will continue in the future.”

WORC Director Jeremy Scott said, “On behalf of WORC, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the enforcement officers who recently completed the compliance operations. Your commitment to performing these duties safely and diligently is commendable. These operations were essential to ensure that all employers adhere to the law, maintaining a fair and just workplace for all.”

Anyone who wants to provide WORC with information about people working illegally can do so anonymously by completing the online form on its website under the complaints tab.

Or email worccomplaints@gov.ky.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I hope the businesses that are “employing” them are held accountable also. Can’t just be one sided…..

  2. Anonymous says:

    Once again CIG is asking, urging and begging for the people to comply with the laws of the land.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Over stayed for 10 Years! WOW! On and island this small that would seem impossible, but then again this is Grand Cayman were miracles seem to occur on a regular basis. These raids should be conducted Quarterly, i think the brass will be surprised to know the hundreds of people operating here illegally.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If government had passed the gambling law, I would place a bet that those same workers will be caught on another construction site in August.

  5. Anonymous says:

    yawn…cig solving zero problems one by one….zzzzzzzzzzz


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