Empty mobile homes catch fire

| 04/09/2016 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Two mobile homes in North Side received extensive fire damage Friday afternoon, according to the RCIPS, who said that enquires revealed that both homes had been uninhabited for the past two years. The 911 emergency call centre received a call around 4:03pm on 2 September that a mobile home was on fire on Rossini Street, but when the emergency services responded, they found that two homes were engulfed in flames.  The fire was quickly extinguished by the Cayman Islands Fire Service and there were no injuries as a result of the fire.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What a waste. Unused for two years and there are people sleeping in the streets.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Oops someone dropped their red hot crack pipe. Quit doing that will you, you’ll burn the whole island down one day!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Seems like too many fires these days.

  4. Mr. Dirt says:

    Were they insured? If so, by whom?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Exactly. They most likely had no home insurance so they’ll have to build or rent going forward.

  6. Anonymous says:

    thought mobile homes were illegal?

    • Anonymous says:

      Government used some to house people in Cayman I think after after Ivan. I know for sure in Brac after Paloma.

    • Veritas says:

      That’s what I thought, and why would they be empty for 2 years. Can Auntie (or Uncle) look into this mystery?.

    • Anonymous says:

      Most likely post-hurricane ‘temporary mobile homes’. They were brought in to provide temporary housing under temporarily relaxed rules. Some just haven’t made it to the dump yet. (Recall that these two were unoccupied for two years.)

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