RCIPS seeking police recruits in new campaign

| 01/05/2024 | 20 Comments
RCIPS officers patrol Seven Mile Beach, Cayman News Service
RCIPS officers patrol Seven Mile Beach

(CNS): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service has begun the search for new recruits and is calling for applications from young Caymanians who are interested in joining the RCIPS as constables. Recruitment is open to all Caymanians and permanent residents with the right to work between 18 and 40. The search comes at a time when police management has made it clear that the service needs to grow to meet the demands on the police with an increasing population.

Speaking at a press conference held to present the annual crime and traffic statistics for 2023, Police Commissioner Kurt Walton pointed out that the headcount of sworn officers had only increased by ten people since 2008, despite the massive growth in the population since then, as well as the changing crime landscape and the growing challenges in the community.

“Policing is a rewarding and noble profession. There is no other job like it, and no two days are the same,” said Walton as he encouraged those interested to make an application. “Every year, we seek young Caymanians who will answer the call to serve their communities as police officers. These young people bring with them a variety of skills, experience and local knowledge, which are of great value in our mission of keeping our islands safe. We look forward to welcoming the newest group of RCIPS recruits, who, along with our other recent recruit class graduates, will serve as the future of our organisation.”

This year, the police will be holding open house events as well as the usual advertising campaign online and in local media. The open house events will allow interested candidates to speak with serving officers from various units to gain a firsthand perspective on what life as a police officer is like and to learn about the various career paths available.

The first takes place at the Aston Rutty Civic Centre in Cayman Brac from 10:00am until 1:00pm on Saturday, 4 May. The commissioner and a number of officers from various units will be available to speak with interested members of the community from the Sister Islands about policing and the recruitment process, benefits and requirements.

The last day for applications is Tuesday, 14 May. Successful candidates will go through a six-stage selection process before they are formally offered the role. Following this, recruits will undergo their initial training. Upon completion, they will be officially deployed on active duty as recruit constables.

More information, including details on the requirements, the application process, and benefits, can be found here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (20)

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  1. Annonymous says:

    Don’t recruit from Jamaica or of Jamaican descent and put a native Caymanian of Caymanian parents in your Ad.

    • Anonymous says:

      It really doesn’t matter where the min wage West Indian pawn that doesn’t show up is from. Just that they learn not to show up, do any work, and/or quickly flee the department work conditions to leave it legitimately understaffed and absent from the community. Caymanians fit the script for this role perfectly. Their impact on preventing crime, enforcing laws, and keeping us safe, remains zero. They know all the bad guys, or even better – may be bent themselves. The Masonry Pyramid remains stable that way.

  2. Anonymous says:

    my son would love to join but he’s not a caymanian he’s a jamaican he want to join he has a degree in IT technician

  3. Anonymous says:

    Keep asking….
    How many recommendations of the miller-shaw or ernst & young reports have been implemented?

  4. Anonymous says:

    civil service continues to expand with ever decreasing productivity….
    welcome to wonderland

  5. WBW Czar. says:

    We need some undercover “cruise ship tourists” to raise some hell on 7 Mile. Book em Danno!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Wow, pretty soon everyone will be a cop. I think we’re graduating on average about 20 new recruits every 6 months. This has been going on for at least twenty years, so that’s a thousand cops…..

    Maybe it’s time to look at either the recruitment standards OR the workplace satisfaction. Why keep training people (and paying them during their training) if they barely make the 1 year mark in the service?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Please please let’s have some new professional police from the UK… their real world training and experience will help raise policing standards in Cayman.

  8. Anonymous says:

    And make sure they’re not Jamaicans..there’s a good reason why cruise lines no longer employ Jamaican nationals. Our police force shouldn’t either.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Alas, there isn’t much nobility to the police leadership at the RCIPS. That respect must be earned.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Over 400 full-time salaried, health and pensioned officers, but scant really willing to tie up their own shoelaces and leave their clubhouse. That pretty much sums up what ails enforcement action in Cayman.

  11. Jo says:

    The police service is a huge embarrassment to the Cayman Islands. Young people know better not join just to get pushed out by lack of good leadership and a competitive work environment.

  12. Rod says:

    Please put police officers on the public beaches when the cruise ships are in port! It’s getting Dangerous on the beaches.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. I saw 2 different men (both with Yardie accents) walking up to tourists and offering to sell them ganja and alcohol when I took a visiting friend to Public beach two weeks back.

      I was there for 5 minutes and I had to leave and move down the beach. A sad scene and not one I wanted my visiting friend to had seen.

      Where are the patrols on the beach? I see them in the photo but I don’t see them in person!

      • Anonymous says:

        7.25, that is exactly why we shouldn’t have Jamaican police on the beach.. A Yardie in uniform is still a yardie.

        • Anonymous says:

          Let’s stop with the racism please. Cayman is a melting pot of criminals of all nationalities…statistically, most of HMP Northwards residents are born and raised multi-generational Caymanians, not status grants.

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