30% still to vote in last hour
(CNS Elections): With just one hour to go before the polls closed Wednesday, 15,168 people had voted but 30% of the electorate had still not made it to a polling station. A largely uneventful and peaceful polling day, marred more by fake social media stories of election fractions rather than any genuine skullduggery, officials were largely pleased with the management of the first ever election under the system of ‘one man, one vote’.
Check back shortly for more from the elections supervisor and the full turnout details from the election headquarters.
Category: Election News
Problem that will happen again…we will vote Independent and the Independent goes to another party, ie., Tara Rivers was voted in as an independent but joined with PPM…so how is that right. We didn’t vote her as a party we voted her as an Independent. I don’t think that is right and shouldn’t be allowed!
So 30% of the voting public read “The Reporter”?