Reporter aims to rectify blunder

| 24/05/2017

(CNS Election): The Cayman Reporter said it was aware of the mistakes it made in its election supplement by listing eleven out of 19 polling locations incorrectly. The paper’s officials said it was “human error” but they were unable to print the correct polling stations in the Tuesday paper. “The information was pulled from the Elections Office website, but it was in error that it was the mobile polling information that was printed,” the Reporter stated.

“We have done what we can in the limited time available to rectify this error, including posting the correct polling stations on our website, sharing this information on our Facebook page, as well as creating an insertion for all remaining Election Guides that had not been distributed. We strive for accuracy and take all errors seriously,” the paper’s officials added, as they apologised for the “confusion caused”.

Dr Steve Tomlinson, who is a major shareholder in the paper, has backed at least ten independent candidates this election.



Category: Election News

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  1. Dallas says:

    Too many people relied on this wrong information? Yes I doubled checked and reconfirmed where I should vote but how many other voters did this? As an Editor get yor facts straight before you publish! This isnt the Banansa Republic? Shame on you!

  2. Susan says:

    Seriously! Who is the Editor? Needs to be held accountable?