CDP pushes back public general meeting
(CNS): The Cayman Democratic Party has postponed its first national public meeting of the election campaign, which was originally intended to be the moment when party leader McKeeva Bush unveiled his slate of candidates, until after Nomination Day. Following on the heels of the ruling PPM’s cancellation of their general meeting to announce candidates, the two main parties appear to be keeping their full line-ups under wraps until Nomination Day as part of a strategic move in what is now a straight race for office in each constituency.
CDP officials said yesterday that the party conference scheduled for Saturday afternoon, 25 March, will now be a “business meeting for party members and active supporters” and the public conference is now set for 8 April, from 6pm to 9pm at the UCCI.
As Cayman prepares for its first election under the system of ‘one man, one vote’ in single-member constituencies, it appears that the politicians are focussed on the question of who they will race against. Candidates that have potentially strong polling in more than one seat appear keen to see who their likely contenders are before they make a commitment to where they are running.
But in one week’s time all the undeclared candidates, whether members of a political party or independent, will need to reveal where they intend to fight for a seat in order to be eligible to run. In what is still expected to be the largest number of candidates in any election in Cayman history, who is running where remains a hot topic.
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Can’t wait to see this group of highly educated and polished statesmen. Great men sacrificing it all for the honor of serving their Country. Self made men and women intent on giving back!
“business meeting”…. say no more. Cronyism boiiiiiiii
Candidates are being unveiled on Saturday to the membership as well.