Sponsored content

While CNS does use the content of press releases if we consider it newsworthy, we do not generally publish advertorial press releases as news. However, we will publish links to press releases via a CNS banner, as ‘sponsored content’.

These banners are placed between articles on the home page of caymannewsservice.com and linked to the release on the client’s website, or to a Word, PDF, JPEG, PNG or GIF document.


♦ Static banner between 6th and 7th article = $600/month or $180/week

♦ Static banner between 8th and 9th article = $400/month or $130/week

♦ Static banner between 10th and 11th article = $200/month or $75/week

♦ Static banner between 12th and 13th article = $100/month

Valuable bonus for existing advertisers!

‘Sponsored content’ banners are free for all advertisers on a current contract of at least three months. The sponsored content will remain on site for at least one week.

See an example of how this looks below: