CINP, PPM, TCCP or a Box of Frozen Squid

| 17/03/2025 | 51 Comments

(CNS): In October 2011, CNS conducted a straw poll about which political group its readers would vote for at the next elections: the PPM, the UDP or a Box of Frozen Squid. Half of the people who took part voted for the squid, 46% for the opposition PPM, and only 4% said they would vote for the ruling United Democratic Party. 

The UDP is no more, but we still have the PPM plus two fresh new parties. So we thought we’d try this again and see if sentiments towards a calamari government had changed.

This time, instead of asking a single question about which government you’d like, we’re breaking it down into the most pressing issues of the day and asking which party you trust most to manage them if it won a majority to form the next government.

Without any manifestos, readers may not know exactly what the parties would do about these issues. However, we can be pretty sure that the squid would do nothing. The question is: would that be a better option?

Now, we know that the Box of Squid is not a registered party, but this is just an unscientific straw poll. It is not confined to registered voters and has no bearing on the elections next month. So, relax, have fun, and no cheating.


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?


Which party do you trust most to manage this issue?

Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.

See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.

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Category: Poll

Comments (51)

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  1. Hancock says:

    Box of squid can be obtained at the fish market. They are full of protein and freshly caught at Red Spot Beach each day.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Can anyone tell me who the TCCP candidate name Em Decou is? Is that her married name? Born/raised here?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well we all know that PPM is proven leadership. Proven to pay someone to do and study and get nothing done. Maybe if they get in this election and we have a full moon on the same night as the summer solstice and the donkey lays the golden egg then they might get something done.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Will Juju put her name on the ballot as Connolly-O’Connor like she did in the last election? Shame! SHAME! shaMe! if the Election Office allows this hypocritical move to happen again!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s O’Connor-Connolly, and has always been. I’m not part of her fan base, but I wanted to set you straight.

    • Anonymous says:

      Over 2000 people , so far, have shown PPM to be the least popular choice in dealing with the issues listed in the poll.
      Even with a massive margin of error, this is clearly a sign of anti PPM sentiment.
      Jujudas, Kenneth , Seymour, Joey and other leeches to come.
      A vote for PPM would be a wasted vote, even tho they give you the most handouts.

  5. Anonymous says:

    KYD$14.5 million planning fees waived from 2013 to 2019. That was not PACT or TCCP or CINP. Just sayin’
    Now we hear their solution to housing is a public/private partnership with concessions. Who wants more of the same?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Please pardon my ignorance and/or poor eyesight, but how do I see the results of the poll?

    CNS: Just click on the box in each poll that says “See Results”.

  7. Anonymous says:

    lmao, i cant tell if voters are actually this dense or if its just bots but everyone wanting CNP to run things… you all realize they haven’t posted a manifesto and have no stated polices at this time right?

    • Anonymous says:

      tccp have not posted either

    • Anonymous says:

      The people PPM have brought into their party, IS their manifesto.
      Don’t need to see it in writing when all I have to do is see who they have lined up to feed at the trough.
      Puhleeeze….No more Jujudas, DuhWayne, Kenneth, Mac, and Saunders, for the love of Cayman.

  8. Anonymous says:

    A box of squid have never suggested a bridge from Rum Point to the airport, I believe.

    Squid for the win.

  9. Anonymous says:

    117 expats voting in an online poll doesnt reflect what will happen April 30

  10. Anonymous says:

    CNS – There is a story/rumour going round this morning that at last night’s candidates meeting, the CINP candidate Michael Myles announced that if elected the CINP would proceed with borrowing money to build a cruise ship mega port in GT harbour. Is that true???

    If so then they lost my families votes all of which were going to go to them.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Apart from the mixed bag of collective bargaining past track records, it’s nigh impossible to believe that any party banner possesses the thought and motivation to change the status quo, other than laying out there through debates and unified stances being published. Many of them are also liars, ritual substance abusers, and convicted criminals. Governance agency overhaul, funding, and Election Law changes should be among the top three most important topic headers for Caymanian voters who continue to whine every four years about how the system is rigged. It is. Fix it! The Nolan Principles, if they are to be in effect, require that some of the candidates shouldn’t be allowed in public life, let alone leading parties, or being appointed Speaker of the House. Until the machinery works properly, it’s a roll of the dice, with coalition governments where a party stance no longer necessarily applies.

  12. Anonymous says:

    CNS – Your assessment that “The UDP is no more” is premature.

    Shortly after the April election, Joey will be deposed and the rogues gallery that Joey invited into the PPM will bring Saunders, Jay, Rollie, and of course their spiritual advisor Mac into the party completing the re-incarnation of the UDP.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I see CINP has their minions out in full force voting in these polls lol cause there is no way they’re sweeping like this in the election. I don’t subscribe to any party here but we can all agree CINP is not winning like this in April…

  14. Anonymous says:

    CINP candidates tick all the boxes to handle
    these issues/ industries

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed- and for the love of country the PPM hopeless should do the right thing and explode…but they won’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      Based on what? Come on.

    • Diogenes of Cayman says:

      Based on what? They haven’t even revealed a substantive policy platform yet.

      To that point the only thing we can judge the party on so far is the set of candidates proposed and aside from a few individuals – the party in my view based on its slate of candidates seems like a business as usual, nothing will fundamentally change, business interests first collection of people the exact sort that have been the source of the disharmony and dysfunction in Cayman for the past 30 years.

      Anyone who thinks the CINP is going to fundamentally shift the dynamic in Cayman I have a tower in Paris to sell you.

  15. Anonymous says:

    At least I can feed my family with calamari. No party goin’ feed me.

    • Anonymous says:

      You sure can, and if you sling your hook with it you might feed your family for a 6 months or more. And I’ll hedge a bet a box of squid has more brain cells and honesty that all the parties and independents put together.

    • Anonymous says:

      ppm is history
      Caymanians are too smart to be fooled by them again

      • Anonymous says:

        Caymanians may be too smart, but it’s Jamaicans voting PPM .
        How do you think Kenneth Mac Dumbdum and Saunders keep their seats..?
        Vote PPM and turn Cayman into Jamaica.

        • Anonymous says:

          Happy to read that Ossie has been confirmed as eligible to run in BTW…despite Snakey’s attempts to have him removed as a candidate.
          About time we had a Caymanian MP in Bodden Town.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Cayman was a Spanish speaking nation the phrase of the day would be: Adios ppm

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone of this issues are the cause of ppm. It’s Hightime we send them packing

  16. Anonymous says:

    Part of the appeal of the box of squid is that there has never been a reported case in which a box of squid sold out a country to a development cabal or any other special interest for that matter.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Hilarious that the box of squid is preferred over the PPM in 11 of the 12 choices.
    Hope this is the case and certainly an indication of the very low standing of the PPM in circles where people can read and write.
    BTE and BTW excepted.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I wish the CINP could have a clean sweep like this in the actual elections but I guess one can dream.

    • Anonymous says:

      I would have been okay with it before last night when Myles said they were in support of building a new cruise berthing facility. Now I’m more convinced it needs to be TCCP with a couple CINP sprinkled in for support.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Deez Nuts!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Thank you CNS for allowing us to express our views on a subject by subject basis.

    I voted just for the ‘halibut’.

    It is interesting that at this stage the PPM are ‘floundering’.

    • Anonymous says:

      Encouraging indeed and as much as I hope it’s a reflection of the end result, just have to remember BTE BTW Brac and WBW voters don’t follow CNS , and will vote PPM in those districts because that is where their vote is bought.

      • Mumbichi says:

        You might be surprised by how little CBE and CBW&LC electors “sell” their votes. I know these districts are talked about in GC as though they are all NAU recipients, and a drain on the economy, and have easily bought votes.

        People do love to talk, don’t they? Always somebody else’s fault. If there is an influence in these two districts, it is along familial lines, and fellowship of people in their church; you get in with a few of the influential churches (soft lobbies)_and you are set.

        Why not? ANY group of people BECOME a group because of being like-minded, with similar values. It is natural for a vanguard to appoint a Captain; this has been happening since the beginning of recorded human history.

        It’s how Mr. Bush keeps getting returned. You don’t really believe that he shells out enough money/appliances/tanks/political favours/food to “buy” votes, do you? Certainly there is some of that, because many people believe that our MPs are there to share with them, and as long as they get their cut, all is well. I grant you that is likely part of it, but the most of it is that Mr. Bush is perceived by many of his constituents as a friendly rogue, a bad boy who looks out for them. Sort of like the perception of Gotti in his “neighbourhood”.

        Fine. In all my life, I’ve seen no evidence of actual vote buying in the Sister Islands. Various MLAs and MPs have shared food with their constituents. Most of us considered it that they were saying “thank you” and doing it because they could, because they were making a huge salary. Nobody that I’ve talked to every thought those kind gestures were a purchase of their vote.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I am glad to see that the only support the PPM is getting is from 4 of their own candidates. The other PPM candidates all opted for the Box of Squid.

    • GrrrrrrWuf says:

      I can’t wait to see ‘Frozen Box of Squid’ billboards popping up in all districts. Maybe later branching out into a podcast, focusing on the melting Frozen Box of Squid as a voiceover answers questions. Wonderful.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I voted on the basis that the Box of Squid was the only fishy box in a bunch of fishy options that had bothered to publish anything resembling a manifesto, although even that was mainly advice to keep frozen until use. Still it was the only comprehensive honest statement available.


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