PPM wins just one seat in ‘dream’ gov’t straw poll

(CNS): One week and more than 30,000 votes later, CNS readers have chosen a dream government that includes only one member of the Progressives. In our latest online straw poll, which offered readers the opportunity to choose their favourite candidates in all 19 constituencies, Roy McTaggart was the only member of the PPM who found favour with those who took part in the unscientific but interesting poll.
After one candidate magically jumped from last place to first in their constituency in just a few hours, CNS filtered out a suspiciously large number of votes from a handful of IP addresses to better reflect the actual results.
However, it should be noted that the poll was not designed to reflect the wishes of voters in each district but to give a glimpse of overall public opinion on each of the races.
Unscientific or not, Julie Hunter, who is running in a head-to-head race with McKeeva BushMcKeeva Bush (WBW incumbent) is the longest-serving member of parliament (the “Father of the House”), having represented West Bay continuously for three decades. More in West Bay West, polled the most votes of all the candidates from our readers with 1,154 votes compared to the veteran MP, who could only manage 432 in this national poll.
While we have to wait until 30 April to see what the WBW voters want, this result might be an indication of general public opinion that it is time for some politicians who have been in the game for a while to do what they said they would, which is to retire.
André EbanksAndré Ebanks (WBS incumbent) is the leader of The Caymanian Community Party. He has served as financial services minister 2021-2024, and deputy premier 2023-2024. More, who led the poll for the hoped-for next premier, got 1,144 votes, the second highest number overall, in the poll for West Bay South. But despite his personal popularity, just six more of his TCCP candidates topped their polls. This would mean that, despite having the largest number of candidates of the three parties, they would not have an outright majority.
In this dream poll, Dan ScottDan Scott (CBE candidate) is the leader of the Cayman Islands National Party. He was EY regional manager until his retirement in June 2023. More wins in Cayman Brac East, getting 845 votes to Juliana O’Connor-Connolly’s 478, though in a constituency where there are just 523 actual voters, this is clearly not reflective of what to expect in April. Nevertheless, even if Scott did win, with just five other CINP candidates topping their constituency polls they, too, would not be able to form a government.
With McTaggart the lone PPM winner, the remaining five seats all go to independents. Those include Jay Ebanks and Isaac Rankine, the only remnants of the minority UPM government to win in this reader poll, as well as Rolston Anglin, who tops the five-way race in the open seat of West Bay North.
Jewel Hydes pipped TCCP candidate Katherine Ebanks-Wilks by just two points in their head-to-head race in West Bay Central in the poll that had the most votes of all the constituencies in this mock election. Meanwhile, Romellia Welcome, who is challenging the PPM leader, also pushed out Joey HewJoey Hew (GTN incumbent) is the leader of the PPM (aka Progressives). He served as opposition leader from October 2024 until the dissolution of parliament. More to top the reader poll by just two points.
Despite the obvious problems that emerged over the last four years after the majority of candidates that secured seats in the 2021 election were all independents with entirely different policy aims and priorities, many CNS readers still chose to vote for candidates who cannot implement any of their campaign promises unless they secure an agreement with another nine MPs.
But in this dream mix-up, where two of the parties emerged with just under and just over a third of the seats, a potential simple coalition of the TCCP and CINP would not necessarily be the ultimate outcome, given that both leaders have topped their own polls and both have eyes on the premiership.
While the overall result of this poll is unlikely to be replicated in the actual election, few expect any of the parties to have an outright majority on 1 May, which means the Cayman Islands will likely have yet another government emerging from secret backroom deals as groups and individuals seek to align to make up the magic ten MPs.
This dream government poll serves as a timely reminder for voters just how easily that dream could go wrong and voters once again fail to get what they thought they were voting for.
The winners in the straw polls were:
Constituency | Winner | IND | CINP | PPM | TCCP |
WBN | Rolston Anglin | ||||
WBW | Julie Hunter | ||||
WBC | Jewel Hydes | ||||
WBS | André Ebanks![]() | ||||
GTN | Romellia Welcome | ||||
GTW | Craig Merren | ||||
GTC | Anthony Ramoon | ||||
GTS | Gary Rutty | ||||
GTE | Roy McTaggart | ||||
RED | Natasha Whitelocke | ||||
PRO | Michael Myles | ||||
SAV | Heather Bodden | ||||
NEW | Wayne Panton | ||||
BTW | Osbourne Bodden | ||||
BTE | Robert Bodden | ||||
NS | Jay Ebanks | ||||
EE | Isaac Rankine | ||||
CBW&LC | Nickolas DaCosta | ||||
CBE | Dan Scott![]() | ||||
TOTAL | 5 | 6 | 1 | 7 |
Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.
See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.
Category: Election News
The East End PPM candidate’s answer to the housing crisis: The PPM proposes a public/partner partnership with concessions. PPM granted millions in concessions to the hotels and Health City, and they plan to continue. Did any Caymanian benefit from such concessions? Do we want more of the same?
Anybody voting PPM needs to have a talk in the mirror and do some soul searching. Highschool that cost more than the Ritz Carlton, Cruise dock obsession, free concessions to wealthy developers (just look at every inch of waterfront in Cayman from GT to West Bay) the dump fiasco, The private paving jobs on the Brac and the list goes on and on. Im terrified i heard Bodden towners the other night cheering for John John and saying they want to paint the town red, i wanted to laugh but it was sad and so not funny. imagine John John, KB, Julie, Mac, Joey and the likes running this country for four years. Where did we find such silly voters, its like believe what i tell you and not your own eyes. BT hasnt had any progress for 20 years, just imagine voting for more of the same. They have failed their children.
Mac invited Kenneth to speak at his West Bay meeting ..that’s all I need to confirm that a vote for PPM is a vote for a Mac Kenny government.
Can’t take any more of those people..
Don’t vote ANY ppm if you want to save cayman ..
Dumb dumb Jamaican voters don’t care so long as they’re receiving vote buying handouts.
They ruined their own country and found a new paradise to f-up for Caymanians.
Vote PPM if you want mob rule and the destruction of the Cayman that they have all run to .
C’mon Caymanians , save whatever is left of Cayman, don’t vote PPM.
The EE PPM’s candidate answer to tackle the housing crisis: “We need a public/private undertaking with concessions.”
Still want to vote PPM?
What is the difference between giving concessions to private sector contractors to build affordable homes and the government paying to build affordable houses?
Yeah, inquiring minds want to know.
Roy could not be bothered to host a single constituency meeting in GTE for 4 years, had the nerve to say he was “working his butt of as leader of the opposition” as an excuse. If GTE elects him again they get what they deserve.
Lest we forget, Joey and the PPM past and present, including the Kighted one, took us down this road of
no accountability. They have had their turn.
So time for the PPM to go, and we need some decent new blood. Take our country back.
If I compare the turnout at John John’s constituency meetings to Robert Bodden’s, it’s hard to deny that this poll is nothing but a form of coping, as in real life I am seeing different results than the narrative online. Honestly, I don’t even know if I can say “WAKE UP BTE!” anymore. It feels like most of the people in my constituency are trapped in a coma of delusion from overdosing on the John John Kool-Aid lol. The support I see in my constituency for each candidate only predicts a grim future for this country. I can’t help but feel hopeless.
Tb be fair, Robert is a Real Estate agent, and not a very good one so you won’t do much better with him anyway.
It is terrifying that the likes of Dumdum and Saunders have so much support.
Terrifying mostly because it’s an indication of the extent of the Jamaican infestation of Bodden Town.
Like all rot, it will spread until it fells the tree that fed it.
Don’t vote PPM…save Cayman.
You hit the nail on the head youngster. BTE better realize that John John has been there for more than a decade and has done nothing. The man cant even drive home at night without stationary objects crashing into him. He was an embarrassment during the covid meetings and even more so a disaster is the state of the HSA. He also controls CBC (customs and Border Control) so people can call and thank him personally for the 1,000 PR and status grants monthly. I’m voting for Robert, dont lose hope yet, BT is not just gun square and coe wood beach. Plenty sensible voters should act accordingly
Hope there’s enough voters in BTE that can see it your way…we cannot keep paying a parasite like Dumdum to ruin Cayman.
Please do not vote for ANY PPM candidate! They are 100% to blame for the mess we are in.
Voters are to blame for the mess we are in
Try look look without the hate bias and jealousy. The blame falls clearly on the PACT government who were in power for 3.5 of the 4 years. If the PPM were the government this country would not have been in mess. PPM can work together as a team and won’t spend 4 year bickering with each other.
You state it is FACT without any supporting evidence?
That’s the point 3.27.
The new PPM has taken on , Kenneth Juju and Dumdum…the worst of the PACT mob who will invite Mac and Saunders to the party.
PPM ain’t your daddy’s PPM any more.
The worst of the PACT mob are currently helping form the TCCP other than Andre.
No Wayne and Andre and the reason we don’t have a collective government.
Extremely unrealistic straw poll. PPM only 1 seat – LOL. Thin skin Dan Scott party 6 seats – LOL.
There are certain ones, love them or not, who will be back – wont be a surprise to me if Mac, Miss Julie, Jonjon, Kenneth get their seats back.
Pray not
Neither party will garner more than 6 seats, if they are lucky. These straw polls are nonsense as it is NOT a true reflection of constituents in the various electoral districts. While the poll could be used as a “popular vote” for the entire country, it cannot and should not be used to infer that either party will have a clear mandate of the electorate- it simply won’t happen. The poll on the other not so worthy site, shows TCCP basically winning all of their seats and as a resident of Prospect, I can say it ain’t happening as Turner is done, as are a few others of said party.
The TCCP candidate in WBC is also on her way out albeit it will be an extremely tight race. Would have to agree that 2 and possibly as many as 4 TCCP candidates will not be successful.
When you have paid bots working social media, that happens. You honestly believe Joey, Kenneth, Julianna, and Jon Jon are not winning their constituencies? Even though I wouldn’t vote for any of them, you know they are winning. Personal feelings aside, these are just the fact.
6.25…Nobody paid me to vote against PPM
I realize this is wishful thinking. But it does represent an overwhelming statement of anti PPM sentiment driven by a dread of having Mac Juju Saunders Seymour and Kenneth involved in running Cayman.
I’m not a gambler, but I would love to place a bet on how long it will be before Kenneth and Mac connive to overthrow Joey as to instal Kenneth as leader.
Neither getting their seats
Misspelled RUINING…that’s what PPM would be doing to Cayman , not running it.
It doesn’t though. The CMR Poll show completely different statistic which means these polls are based on bots, paid supporters/pollers and partial reader demographic. Wait till Election Day and you will see these polls are, for the most part not correct.
Individually, SOME of the PPM candidates are okay. Collectively, they have been and do espouse ideals which are detrimental to the most of the people who are trying to [expletive] survive on one of these three rocks. We’re all just trying to make our way here, and work our asses off and hope to go into our “golden” years without being in dire stress and dying alone, in pain, and without medical support. That’s it. When we were young, we were full of life. I wish the best for our youth, because it is they and their families that I most worry about. We, the elderly, are toast. NObody is going to come to our aid, regardless of our contributions, because we no longer generate income for the CIG. Selah. So it goes.
Would it not be more accurately described as having around 2,000 voters, rather than 30,000 votes? (I presume most voters in this poll elected to vote for most, if not all districts, with the highest participation in any one district just hovering over 2,000 votes.) The current framing makes the outcome, while interesting, appear to reflect a wider stance of the local population (eligible for voting or otherwise) than may actually be the case.
How about a poll asking simply “who do you want running the government on May 1st: PPM, CINP, TCCP or IND?”
Great idea but that’s rather a fantasy as if to suggest OMOV is the electoral regime, which it isn’t sadly.
Let’s hope so.
Interesting comment about one who suddenly jumped to the top. I noticed that , and considering the person involved, immediately smelt a rat..and not surprised.
Not difficult, take TCCP add Dan, Roy and one other and off you go into a brighter future.
Just a reminder that Roy McTaggart stood up in front of the country during the PAC and directly stated that he, as the minister of finance at the time, had no clue how many tens of millions in concessions and waivers he and the PPM gave away to foreign developers. This is a 100% factual statement; they literally did not keep track of what they gave away, and therefore were unable to determine either the short- or long-term effects of said concessions. As many of us do, you might have fond memories of the McTaggarts as a whole, but don’t let that blind you from what is right in front of your face: Roy fits right in with the rest of the PPM at the bottom of the barrel.
Context is key. I believe that was in reference to the Easterly Tibbets roads deal that was made long before Roy was ever in government. You can blame Mac for that – just like thousands of status grants.
You are incorrect. This was in regards to hotel developments, and this meeting took place somewhere around 2019.
Sadly just a dream to give us temporary relief from the nightmares of a government of Juju Mac Kenneth Dumdum Saunders Joey.
No Cruise piers, fiscal responsibility, we get the public beach returned to Cayman, immigration from Eastern neighbors curtailed, law and order restored, illegal billboards removed….the dream goes on and on.
It is possible if no one votes PPM.
Oohhhh, that would be Gloryland!!