Election Viewpoint
Straw poll shows surprise support for parties
(CNS Elections): The latest straw poll in the CNS Election Section has thrown up a surprising result, given the perceptions about political parties. While the online vote among our readers is unscientific, the snapshot does at least raise questions about Marl Road predictions that the electorate will, this time around, focus their one vote on […]
Where are the Greens when you need them?
Theresa Green writes: This election we have just one vote, and there is only one thing I want to use mine on — any candidate running with a party that represents our precious and massively at-risk environment. Neither political party has a real green agenda and both plan on destroying marine life for a cruise […]
Education should be #1 priority
MM writes (after submitting an answer to the CNS Elections Poll Which issues are the most critical?): I ranked mine as follows: 1. Education, 2. Unemployment, 3. Health, 4. Landfills, 5. Economy, 6. Cruise Ship Dock. Why?
Applicants for the job of MLA
MM writes: Our MLAs like to come forward with all sorts of ideas that they say they want to implement, especially during election season. What they do not come forward to tell their people is how the process within the Legislative Assembly works in order for any of their proposals to actually come in to […]