CDP puts religion at top of agenda
(CNS Elections): The opposition party has published its 2017 manifesto, in which the church and religion are placed at the top of a list of 15 core principles it is committed to if it takes office next month. Reaffirming a “commitment to religious freedom”, the Cayman Democratic Party said that “we must recognise the supremacy of God, and the foundation of spiritual devotion” Cayman is founded on. The manifesto takes aim at the current government and lists patriotism, pride, heritage and sovereignty as policy objectives, along with ethical standards in public office.
In the 37-page campaign document, the party said it would always act as the party for the family, for the community, for the church, and for everyone who wants a better life for themselves and those who are important to them. It also outlines an aim to teach in government schools “a course of action which will define a national character based on our accepted values and attitudes, cultural and spiritual priorities”.
The manifesto sets out a commitment to grow the economy with a strong financial services sector, protected from competitive interests, a high-growth tourism industry that attracts visitors, diversification into knowledge-based sectors, promoting small business, access to capital and removing bureaucracy. The CDP also promises investment in infrastructure and training Caymanians.
The manifesto highlights development of the tourism product and implementing a variety of initiatives to bring Caymanians back into the sector. But despite several pages outlining the party’s plans for what they claim will boost the industry and local involvement, there is very little in the manifesto or a firm party position on the proposed cruise berthing facility.
The manifesto said the party would “review the current cargo and cruise port operations and reports and studies on expansion or relocation and determine the best solution for stakeholders and Cayman”.
The manifesto is not clear as to whether the CDP would overturn existing government plans for the George Town landfill but it does point to a long-term waste-management project that would see it remediated and closed. However, there is no mention of moving the dump, despite Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush’s previous support for that policy during the 2009-2012 UDP administration.
In his personal message at the beginning of the manifesto, Bush criticises the current PPM government over “empty promises about job creation, reducing the cost of living, rebuilding the economy, providing more opportunities for small businesses”.
He added, “The government has not kept its promises and for the most part, the present administration has made it more difficult for ordinary Caymanians to survive by pursuing policies which have weakened our economy. A number of businesses are failing, our people are losing their homes, and unemployment and crime have increased tremendously.”
Category: Political parties
I wonder if 345’s and $25 bills will be passing in great abundance again at 7 Mile Public Beach, same as before the last election in 2013 ? Maybe it won’t go that far this time but to West Bay Public Beach instead.
I have positioned my CCTV cameras at various locations throughout the West Bay District to post all participants to the Anti-Corruption Unit.
you need to have a lot of cameras positioned all over for all the other candidates
Whereas I can see the good in FREEDOM OF RELIGION across the board, RELIGIOUS FAVORITISM is a concern to me.
It has happened before in history … the religion of Jesus becoming fanatical just like an Islamic faith! Moreover, in the name of good-morality, the current government making laws in favor of a particular religious faith. :/
I always say if you don’t like the CDP party, you have the PPM and you have Dr. Tomlinson’s alliance … BUT PLEASE PEOPLE! DO NOT PUT INTO POWER A BUNCG OF INDEPENDENTS WITH NO NATIONAL PLAN!
It makes no sense! :/
Dear McKeeva
This is an honourable move but please remember that the word ‘religion’ is all encompassing’. Do you therefore infer that we will have freedom to practice any and all types of religion including false and satanic?
I pray that our beloved isles Cayman will not go there with freedom of religion.
May God grant you the wisdom to do what is right in His sight.
Really? Religion at the top of their(his) core principles? Of all things. If there is a Supreme Being I am quite sure that he is not happy to be associated in any way with the CDP – Cayman Damned Party.
Religion is at the top because the central tenet of his religion is that any sin can be forgiven. Repeatedly.
That is a good thing because Mac certainly need repeated forgiveness.
Actually, McKeeva is thinking like a real politician. He knows too well that a large voting bloc on this island is good-ole Church folk.
All he has to do is talk about how much he loves Jesus, hate sins like homosexuality, visit churches, kiss a Marian shrine or something like that, and there ya go! Before you know it, a huge chunk of voters on his side
He does it every election. My guess is he started attending Swamp Church a month or two ago. The bigger the congregation, the more he loves Jesus. The sad part is that they fall for it every time.
He looks like the cat that ate the canary. What’s with the purple shades Mac?
Got them from the Chinese a few years ago
I thought they belonged to John Lennon.
Mr. Bush will say or do anything that might further his ability to be elected to office. It is just that simple.
Does this mean the CDP will remove practising obeah as a crime so that the many Jamaicans who can have that freedom here? think it’s legal in Ja now
How about Freedom from Religion?
I’m certain that there are many in several districts that can’t relate to the Religious freedom of hitting the Seminole Hard Rock in a protocol stretch limo to mourn the loss of a child and self-authorize a credit facility on government plastic. There is no heavenly redemption for the sort of Patriotism that comes from creating a private Nation Building money chest of public money and doling it out as if it were your own; no Pride generated when these millions in unvetted “donations” are shoveled out to supporting clergy and congregations. Many of us understand that National Character does not sync with secret Chinese Port deals, acquired honorary doctorates, and clandestine crown real estate swaps. These should not be accepted values and principles of the people of the Cayman Islands. Further, I’m going to double down, and say these should not be qualities we seek in ANY FUTURE POLITICIAN.
If any of that so-called “anonymous” writing were credible they would put their name to it!!!
But knowing how this dirt news operate we expect no better
I only say to have such hatrage to constantly write such misleading info ( if one could call it that) must come from a most depraved evil person.
You have no answer to the issues raised, but by damn give you a name and you can launch a retaliatory attack on the author.
Given your ability to deny facts and attack the speaker, you should purchase an orange wig and run as the Cayman Danal Trunk. Your slogan could be “Give Me the Nation Building Fund Again”.
11.26 must have touched a nerve methinks….
As a satanist wanting a better life I am very glad that Mr Bush and the CDP actively support and promote my religious freedom.
Lol ditto
Religious freedom? So that means he will allow gay rights?
Let’s hope someone will. It has been established that the Cayman Islands are already obliged to acknowledge ECHR precedents (including civil rights to same sex unions) or face expensive lawsuits from the aggrieved. We seem to be thicker than baboons in much delayed recognition of our human and civil obligations. It’s almost as though we enjoy dangling million-dollar settlement cheques just daring fouled people to give us another 7-figure setback for the encyclopedia of CIG legal defeats, now in it’s 10th volume.
As a Muslim man I am pleased to see that the CDP will ensure that my religious beliefs will not be subjected to any human rights crap.
Oh no not that again. Casinos church credit cards.
A true statesman!
This friggin hypocritical religious nonsense will be the end of Cayman
This made me laugh. I wouldn’t say it’ll be the end of Cayman, but the hypocritical religious part is true all over.