Tag: COVID-19 vaccine

Business community pushes public to get COVID vaccine

Business community pushes public to get COVID vaccine

| 18/05/2021 | 78 Comments

(CNS): Business owners and association leaders such as the Cayman Contractors Association, Dart, Heath City and the Royal Bank are urging the public to get vaccinated before local supplies expire. Members of the Chamber of Commerce and other commercial entities are all clamouring for the border to open sooner rather than later. But the new […]

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Pre-arrival COVID test dropped for vaccinated

Pre-arrival COVID test dropped for vaccinated

| 15/05/2021 | 198 Comments

(CNS): Government has issued new regulations regarding the COVID-19 protocols for people returning to the Cayman Islands. The amendments, which were gazetted and implemented on Friday, remove the requirement for a pre-arrival PCR coronavirus test for local residents who are returning to Cayman and have previously been vaccinated by the Health Services Authority. The new […]

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To be — or not to be — vaccinated

To be — or not to be — vaccinated

| 14/05/2021 | 138 Comments

Pastor M. Alson Ebanks writes: I write this for two reasons. First I hope it will encourage my fellow Evangelical Christians to remember, as the Psalmist stated, that “Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death” (Psalm 68:20). I will state categorically that every discovery that has saved human […]

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Vaccine take-up falls off again

Vaccine take-up falls off again

| 13/05/2021 | 188 Comments

(CNS): Following a spike in take-up of the COVID-19 vaccine last weekend, the numbers have been dipping again this week, with just 242 people getting their first shot over the last day. The rate has stalled again at 61% of the estimated population, with 39,493 adults having received a first shot while 52% have had […]

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Clock ticks on shelf life for 5,000 vaccines

Clock ticks on shelf life for 5,000 vaccines

| 12/05/2021 | 82 Comments

(CNS): Public health officials are urging members of the public who have not yet had a first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to come forward as there as still 5,000 left that will go to waste if they are not taken up by 9 June. Over the last day another 265 people were vaccinated, bringing […]

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60% of population has had first COVID shot

60% of population has had first COVID shot

| 11/05/2021 | 75 Comments

(CNS): Following a surge of people getting the vaccine at the weekend and several more over the last 24 hours, 60% of the population, or almost 39,000 people, have now had at least one shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 52% have completed the full two-dose course. From now until 9 June, anyone getting their first […]

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Over 1,100 people turn up for COVID shots

Over 1,100 people turn up for COVID shots

| 10/05/2021 | 77 Comments

(CNS): The vaccination drive organised by the PACT Government on Saturday appears to have been a great success as hundreds of people turned out to get their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine, boosting the stalled national programme and increasing the number of those having had at least one dose to around 38,500, approximately 60% […]

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Public health hopes for weekend vaccine surge

Public health hopes for weekend vaccine surge

| 07/05/2021 | 73 Comments

(CNS): Public health officials are hoping for a surge of people seeking the COVID-19 vaccine at a vaccination drive on Saturday at the airport clinic, with the government members not yet vaccinated will be getting their shots. The goal is to attract the many adults here who have not yet had their first shot with […]

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Just 51 people added to vaccine tally

Just 51 people added to vaccine tally

| 06/05/2021 | 61 Comments

(CNS): Just 51 more people had their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine over the last day, according to Public Health. Government is gearing up to launch a new vaccination drive at the weekend as the clock ticks on the expiration of the existing stocks of the Pfizer doses at the end of June, which […]

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Gov’t to introduce prize draw for vaccines

Gov’t to introduce prize draw for vaccines

| 05/05/2021 | 242 Comments

(CNS): Government will be introducing a prize draw for people who get vaccinated to boost the numbers and use up the remaining 7,000 courses before the end of their shelf life at the end of June. The PACT held a press briefing Wednesday that focused on the new government’s first priority, which is getting Cayman […]

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70% of over 16s have received first shot

70% of over 16s have received first shot

| 04/05/2021 | 80 Comments

(CNS): Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee has said that 70% of eligible people in the Cayman Islands, which is all of those over the age of 16, have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, which translates to 56% of the wider population. Given that children are still not able to be […]

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