Tag: Chamber of Commerce

Thomas calls out ‘audacity’ of candidates seeking re-election

Thomas calls out ‘audacity’ of candidates seeking re-election

| 21/03/2025 | 6 Comments

(CNS): Dawn Thomas, who is running for office on the Cayman Islands National Party ticket in Red Bay, has called out “the audacity” of incumbents and parties who have dominated governments for the last twenty years seeking re-election with “a straight face”, claiming to have a plan to solve the problems they have failed to […]

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Panton makes TCCP commitment to conservation clear

Panton makes TCCP commitment to conservation clear

| 20/03/2025 | 11 Comments

(CNS): Former premier Wayne Panton passionately defended the National Conservation Act and the National Conservation Council when he appeared at the Chamber Candidates Forum Wednesday night alongside his Newlands challengers. The incumbent made it clear that The Cayman Community Party will protect the hard-fought legislation in the face of the continued unjustified attacks.

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Heather commits to B2 for EWA and restricted car imports

Heather commits to B2 for EWA and restricted car imports

| 19/03/2025 | 16 Comments

(CNS): At the Candidate forum on Tuesday, Heather Bodden (TCCP), who is campaigning to retain her Savannah seat, committed to the greener, less expensive Route B2 for the controversial East-West Arterial Road extension. But she said the road would not solve the traffic congestion for those living east of George Town.

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Immigration reform can fix it all, argues Myles

Immigration reform can fix it all, argues Myles

| 18/03/2025 | 26 Comments

(CNS): At the Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum for Prospect on Monday, which gave voters on the edge of the capital a chance to hear from the three candidates vying for the seat, Michael Myles struck a chord with popular opinion when he said the key to almost all of Cayman’s troubles was immigration reform […]

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Minister wants only limited increase in minimum wage

Minister wants only limited increase in minimum wage

| 17/03/2025 | 37 Comments

(CNS): Jay Ebanks, who is still part of the outgoing UDP minority administration while campaigning to keep his parliamentary seat in North Side as an independent candidate, has backed away from a commitment to supporting an increase in Cayman’s woefully inadequate minimum wage. Answering a question at the Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum on Friday, […]

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EE challengers fail to seize chance to call out minister

EE challengers fail to seize chance to call out minister

| 14/03/2025 | 32 Comments

(CNS): The four candidates challenging incumbent MP Isaac Rankine for his East End seat failed to capitalise on the opportunity to call him out during the first of the Chamber of Commerce’s candidate forums. The candidates all said they planned to solve an array of problems, but Rankine, the current home affairs minister who has […]

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Party leaders to go head-to-head in Chamber forums

Party leaders to go head-to-head in Chamber forums

| 05/02/2025 | 4 Comments

(CNS): Voters will get the chance to see most of the candidates running in their districts go head to head in the coming months, as the Chamber of Commerce has confirmed it will be hosting its traditional forums for the 2025 campaign. However, for this election, the Chamber is adding a direct debate for party […]

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