Lindsay seeking team committed to environment

| 25/02/2025 | 49 Comments
Alric Lindsay

(CNS): Alric Lindsay, a financial services executive, has thrown his hat in the political ring again in a third attempt to take the seat of George Town South, which is now open. Once again, Lindsay is campaigning as an independent but is open to aligning with a party or group if he can be convinced they will prioritise protecting the environment, balance growth within an updated long-term development plan, and adhere to good governance, especially transparency and accountability.

“Such a party would also provide solutions for other core issues facing the country, especially Caymanians,” Lindsay said in response to CNS inquiries about his decision to begin the campaign alone.

In 2021, Lindsay stood as an independent in a head-to-head battle with PPM incumbent Barbara Conolly. He got 470 votes (47% of the total) against Conolly’s 524. The constituency now has 1,422 registered voters, and Lindsay will be running against Craig Frederick, who has joined the Progressives and has Conolly’s backing, and Gary Rutty, who has joined the Cayman Islands National Party.

Lindsay said he would be watching the parties and might team up with one, and, in fact, has already talked with some of their members to understand more about them. “I explored the idea of joining a party and met with at least one representative or former MP within each of the existing parties.”

He said he had three questions in mind: How long has the party been established? What outcomes has the party delivered since their beginning? What is the philosophy of the party?

Lindsay said some parties were only a few months old and hoped to develop a track record and achieve positive outcomes for the Cayman Islands. Some didn’t have a detailed philosophy, and it was unclear whether or not they were focused on the environment, labour or economic growth.

Therefore, he has opted to run as an independent with the intention of learning more about them all on the campaign trail and seeing what they demonstrate in terms of prioritising the country’s interests.

Lindsay did not elaborate on why he had not teamed up with TCCP, which is the only party that has not yet fielded a candidate for GTS. It is also the only party committed to protecting the National Conservation Act and the National Conservation Council, picking the greener route for the East-West Arterial Road extension, and looking at options to foster cruise tourism that does not involve developing piers.

Hoping his third time will be lucky, given his results in 2021, Lindsay is a serious contender for the seat regardless of whether or not he chooses to align with TCCP.

“My commitment to good governance and transparency is at the heart of my campaign. I have witnessed firsthand how poor transparency can hinder progress and create barriers between elected officials and the constituents they serve,” he said.

“By running as an independent, I aim to foster a culture of openness, where decisions are made transparently, and citizens are actively engaged in the process. I am dedicated to championing policies that promote integrity, ethical practices, and clear communication between government and the public. This approach not only builds trust but also empowers citizens to hold their leaders accountable.”

Lindsay said he believes people deserve a voice in shaping their future and wants to ensure they are heard loud and clear.

Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.

See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.

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Category: Election News

Comments (49)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    He has my unwavering support. Cayman, it is important to consider why you consistently select the same candidates who have held office for four years or more, year after year restating the same promises. What concrete outcomes have they achieved? Regrettably, not much, and it appears they may continue their lack of action, as voters allow them to stay in their positions without challenge while simply collecting a paycheck. It might be time to think about giving new individuals a chance to take the lead.

  2. Sweet Pea says:

    The Oat mill street Bot running up and down in this thread but last election he was the Oat Mill street Frog jumping up and down for the PPM this year he has eaten so much BK and Popeyes he can’t jump so sitting down on his phone and computer making a real nuisance of himself writing pure Sh@# on CNS hold on a minute while i get my Wendy’s Frostie ! Never mind him Alric we will still feed after you win!

    • JM says:

      Anyone know why he is called the $200k man?

      Reading his black box opinion piece leaves you very scared.

      This guy needs to stay in the private sector.

  3. anonymous says:

    Stop the BS – you are with Wayne so just say so.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Again?? Maybe try another district Alric. GTS doesn’t want you!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Alric is a nice enough person, tries hard. Worst kind of politician however, not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Bit like Kenny boy in that respect.

    • Tough to Choose says:

      It’s a tough call.
      He doesn’t relate well to people but from what I observe he’s smart and a hard worker.
      I think he’s a better choice than Craig Frederick.
      I have yet to see/hear anything about the other candidate, Mr. Rutty.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Alric- Thank you for stepping up. Now please publish your manifesto setting out clearly what your objectives are in terms of serving Cayman?
    What will you do in terms of Immigration?
    What will you do in terms of the National Conservation Act?
    What will you do about infrastructure?
    What will you do in terms of improving the education system?
    What will you do about electoral reform?
    What will you do about our national debt?
    Vague waffle just does not cut it for many of us. We want to see it in black and white.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree and would also add – Tell us what you will do about specific other issues that think are important.

    • Anonymous says:

      No single candidate can “do” anything. If they say they can, they do not understand how this works. When they get in, they have to lobby, cajole, discuss, negotiate, to get the rest of the 18 on board. If they cannot do that, then they will not get much done and that goes for everybody, so do not think your candidate can just go in there, become a Minister and order things “done”.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Alric and Anthony Ramoon are TCCP but they know TCCP cannot win in George Town so they are just taking financial support and hiding the fact that they are TCCP. Starting off on a lie….

    • Cha says:

      Is Lindsay kidding, does he think politics is a roll on roll off bus system or wa. Can’t talk, can’t relate to the people, too lazy to campaign, does not associate well with different demographics, talks too technical, and the list goes on.

      With all respect use whatever your talents are in another sphere for good of course,

      • Anonymous says:

        That wasn’t my experience at all. I’m a voter in GTS. The last election cycle, Alric was the only candidate to actually stop by my house. We chatted and seemed to relate well to me, even though I’m a different “demographic” as you call it. There definitely was some waffle in what he said, but at least he didn’t outright lie. I liked him enough to vote for him. Maybe I will again, but I don’t know yet. I’m curious to see what Mr. Rutty has to say. I won’t be voting for a PPM candidate, that’s for sure.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Where was Alric between 2010 and 2017 and what was he doing?

  9. Candidate Police says:

    In other words you’re TCCP. Aint fooling nobody.

  10. Anonymous says:

    100% most sensible candidate so far the rest are phony’s fakes pariahs and elitist stooges !

    • Anonymous says:

      Change for the better really scares some of you don’t it? Open your mind, instead of your mouth, and you might just find yourself in a better place in the the long run.

      • Long Runner says:

        Who upset you now Donna summer! you name one wanna be political novice on your slate that is going to make it better for us and tell us how?

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t get me wrong, I really like him. He brings a lot to the table and I know he loves Cayman, but like most other candidates, what does he really know about working on environmental issues, and I remember him asking questions with easily researchable answers last time around which left me questioning his political abilities.

        When it comes to ability, I have full faith in André to hold the reins, he’s the only one I trust in a position of power. When it comes to environmental issues Wayne’s the man, with a passion and a wealth of environmental experts who really care as connections.

        The others are simply flip flopping to keep their snouts in the trough.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just read his black box articles. All very divisive and void of balance.

      I will be voting for anyone but Alric.

    • Anonymous says:


  11. Anonymous says:

    populist waffle,,,,wayne burnt up all the credit on that issue.
    caymanian voters ain’t stupid you know!…..well hang on…ooops

  12. Anonymous says:

    Im now in George Town South and I’m glad that we have a candidate that cares about the environment. I don’t trust the PPM and I’m not sure about the CINP. If you are genuine in your desire to preserve out environment and put Caymanians first then you have my vote. Would be good to hear more of what you have to say. Maybe you can do a few talks?

  13. Windsor Park people support group says:

    Big up Alric you got my vote bro ! you have been here for us all along not like these Johnny come lately offering this and that for our votes.

  14. Homemade says:

    Thank the lord someone I can cast my vote for not some dubious status quo candidate talking at us about change that will never benefit us or improve our position in Cayman only their for their well to do friends and supporters and I am tired hearing that loud mouthpiece on Oak mill street.

  15. Templeton crew says:

    The people of Windsor park are down with you bro not these awkward gift givers who are trying to bribe their way into political office for the sole benefit of their elitist benefactors and proxies.

  16. Questioning says:

    why does he bother?

    • Anonymous says:

      He bothers because one he lived and grew up in Windsor and he cares unlike some who up in they gated communities with rich friends and out of touch cronies !

      • Anonymous says:

        Does he still live there? If not, why not?

        • Bob says:

          He sure does!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Ask your candidate if he even drove through before this election eh 223pm wha bite u Star!

        • Anonymous says:

          Do you live there? If no, why not?

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s a really stupid comment. Did you forget your people and where you came from when you moved here?

          He might no longer live in Windsor Park but he’s still in the district and (unlike almost all of the other clowns) Alric is frequently seen out in the community and at events all year every year, and not just for photo opportunities and every 4 years at election time.

          I think he would be a good fit with Andre and WP, who I do trust to look after Cayman and it’s environment, and to make decisions democratically, as opposed shafting and taking us all for idiots while effectively running a dictatorship and taping the environment.

        • Anonymous says:

          To 2:23pm: Is it a crime now, to change addresses? Humans are not trees, we grow and move away from jobs, from ideas and from the neighborhoods where we grew up. That doesn’t mean we stop caring.

        • Anonymous says:

          Does Gary Rutty live Windsor Park? In fact does Gary Rutty live in GTS? Both are a NO. Get real with your comments.


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