TCCP unveils new candidate for George Town Central

| 27/02/2025 | 26 Comments
Anthony Ramoon

(CNS): Anthony Ramoon, a former national footballer, is stepping down from his job at the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, where he has worked for almost two decades, to campaign for office in George Town Central with The Cayman Community Party (TCCP). Ramoon, a native of the capital, will be going up against incumbent Kenneth Bryan, who recently declared he will be running with the PPM, and Carmen McField, who is running on the Cayman Islands National Party ticket.

Ramoon joins a line-up of ten candidates running with the TCCP, the Cayman Islands’ newest political party and the only one of the official teams that has made a real commitment to conservation, checking over-development through proper planning, and a greening economy as Cayman faces an uncertain future in the face of climate change.

This is the first time on the hustings for Ramoon, who has deep family roots in George Town Central spanning generations. As well as a professional background regulating the offshore sector and his fame as a national player, Ramoon was described by the TCCP as “a strong advocate for the arts and cultural preservation”.

As a founding member of the artist collective Native Sons and supporter of the Cayman Islands Cultural Foundation, the National Gallery, and Pirates Week, among others, he has played a key role in promoting Caymanian art and culture, the TCCP said.

TCCP Leader André Ebanks welcomed Ramoon’s candidacy. “Anthony’s strong ties to George Town Central, combined with his financial services expertise and dedication to community, make him an ideal representative,” Ebanks said. “He reflects the values of integrity, openness, and leadership that define the Caymanian Community Party.”

Ramoon is joining the TCCP, standing for honest governance and a commitment to community over special interests. “I’m proud to run with the TCCP, a party that puts Caymanians first,” he said. “George Town Central has always been my home, and I’m ready to represent and work for greater transparency, accountability, and opportunities for our people and bring them forward.”

Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.

See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.

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Category: Election News

Comments (26)

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  1. Bob says:

    I control -80 votes
    cause I ain’t voting for nobody!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Anti i wish you the very best and really hope the people in GTC vote you in. We really to break up the boys club and the party politics which is destroying this country.

    I really wish you was running in Savannah. Good luck!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sterling Dwayne Ebanks is running too. He will say where tomorrow.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Mad respect for Anti!! Great guy, and I am confident he would be a great representative for GTC.

    Kenneth is a poor excuse after what he is doing against the Scranton families. He needs to go from yesterday.

  5. Hopeful says:

    It is such a win for Cayman to see someone like Mr Ramoon make the decision to try to serve the country as an MP.
    He has already contributed in so many ways and I applaud him for taking this risk.
    I would love to see more individuals with his character step forward.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great, great guy! GTC do the right thing, he is the best candidate by far! Which he was in GTE.

  7. Anonymous says:

    As the GTC voters have come to realise, the Election Day 25 dollar hand outs by Kenneth just around the corner from the polling station was all just an invitation to take the land of multi-generational Caymanian families living in GTC, in particular Scranton area.

    More Kenneth = Less Scranton Community

  8. Anonymous says:

    What a great candidate. Come on GTC, elect a candidate that can really assist your community AND the country. A person with smarts. Elevate GTC to meaningful representation not just someone who spends your money on pie in the sky promises.

  9. Anonymous says:

    An-t is quiet but very smart. He is humble and knowledgeable.
    He has integrity.
    He is honest.

    George Town Central – do the right thing.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Please get someone for George Town South as well. Please, please,

  11. Anonymous says:

    Don’t know why they wast their time. Like it or not, Kenneth will win GTC by a landslide.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gambling is illegal in the Cayman Islands. If it were not, I’d give you 5:1 odds on $1000. Too bad for me. Your money would spend so sweetly.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Yay!!!! Finally someone I’m excited about!

    Go AnT!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Good luck Anthony Ramoon.

  14. Anonymous says:

    The 33 votes I control in GTC will be for him. Shame about the party affiliation but they won’t win enough seats to form a government so we in GTC will be better off with Anthony.

    • Anonymous says:

      4:49, “the 33 votes I control”. Are you really proud of this? It’s exactly one of the reasons we have an infantile political system in this country. Your boast used to be the one we all heard in all the districts by the “big men” 50 years ago but surely to God in Heaven we’ve advanced since then. You have 33 people who have no clue who and what they are voting for but just follow your orders??? No wonder foreigners are contemptuous of us.

      • Anonymous says:

        so let me get this straight, you want a government that have a leader, is organized and move as one, but you have a problem with a an extended family doing the same?

      • Anonymous says:

        You’re naive bordering on foolish if you think that the foreigners don’t do the same thing.

        Furthermore, who gives an actual shit what they think?

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol you talking bout some “votes I control” like say you some Don or Jefe or Pablo Escobar, calm down my guy. The votes you control is for some third world country elections, you’re not all that. I don’t want KB to get back in either, but you think say you the s**t and it’s lame as hell, corny bro. I can even bet say you one of them old bruddas that think they still hard lol.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Ha! Now we talkin’
    Sir, I wish you all the best. The opponent loves to throw shade, but do not fall for it. I do not vote there, but if I did, I would be happy to have a quality option.


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