John-John calls on premier to reconsider retirement

| 27/02/2025 | 21 Comments
Dwayne Seymour on Radio Cayman

(CNS): Dwayne “John-John” Seymour has joined the call for Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly not to retire from politics but to contest her Cayman Brac East seat one more time. Appearing on Radio Cayman on Wednesday, he said that her experience was needed – echoing the same sentiment that Kenneth Bryan expressed a few days ago.

Sitting next to Joey Hew, the leader of the party he just joined and the next premier if the PPM leads the new government, Seymour sang O’Connor-Connolly’s praises, particularly her leadership skills.

He said he had never been in a Cabinet without O’Connor-Connolly and it “would be different” if she does not run. “I don’t want it to be different and I’m calling on her to run,” he said, noting that Hew was the PPM leader but had not been a premier yet.

He said he had confidence in Hew but it would be good for O’Connor-Connolly to be there “with us to help us steer this generation on to leadership”. A lot of experience is leaving parliament this cycle and she was needed, he said, adding that he would be making a last prayer that night for her to run.

Seymour said he felt good about joining the party and that what people say about the Progressives is not true; they care about the people. “This group really loves Cayman,” he said, and implied, without offering any evidence, that other parties were paying people to join their groups.

Hew said he, too, would like to see the premier run again because her constituents want her to. However, despite the swirl of rumours that she will be back-tracking on past statements that she would not seek office again, O’Connor-Connolly has not given any public indication that she is open to the idea.

Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.

See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.

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Category: Election News

Comments (21)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I call on them both to reconsider…..vegetables.

  2. Anonymous says:

    She goin have to come up with a real doozy of a fake name this time just to make sure it’s first on the ballot.

    Juliana A’Connor-Connolly does have a nice ring to it I must say.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just read Kenneth Bryan deputy leader of PPM.
      Final nail in PPM coffin. That just made the decision for my family not to vote for ANY PPM candidate. Sorry Roy.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dumdum just wants to keep his uneducated unemployable fingers in the country’s cash register, and believes Juju will help him do that.
    This idiot has nothing to offer Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Saw a clip of him talking at the PPM show.
      Could not follow WTHell he was talking about, or understand what he was saying. With that kind of idiot accepted in your group, nobody would be foolish enough to vote PPM.

      • Anonymous says:

        Imagine the impression this gives when it comes to international relations… complete embarrassment.

  4. The Temporary Secretary to Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    CNS: There are too many of these really long waffly comments and they’re getting really repetitive. Can you keep them to 500 words, please. And no bling.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This is all fake like a WWE show. Julianna is going comeback, it just a plot to make it sound like she came back for her people! like a superhero!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well done 8.19….that is EXACTLY what she said as she just announced running with PPM.

      So there we have it.
      Joey leader ..for a while.
      Roy ..Finance
      Kenneth …Tourism
      The rest will be spread between Mac Saunders and any other willing participants in the rape of the treasury.

      Want all that…? Then Vote PPM and go back to a Mac run show dedicated to building cruise ship piers and bankruptcy.

      I’m just sorry tha a decent man like Roy will be caught up in this den of theives.

      • Anonymous says:

        Please stop referring to him as a decent man: Roy McTaggart stood up in front of the country during the PAC and directly stated that he, as the minister of finance at the time, had no clue how many tens of millions in concessions and waivers he and the PPM gave away to foreign developers. This is a 100% factual statement; they literally did not keep track of what they gave away, and therefore were unable to determine either the short- or long-term effects of said concessions. As many of us do, you might have fond memories of the McTaggarts as a whole, but don’t let that blind you from what is right in front of your face: Roy fits right in with the rest of the PPM at the bottom of the barrel.

  6. Anonymous says:

    ‘I don’t want it to be different…’

    Oh poor baby, boo hoo again, lost your pacifier again!

    WE want it to be different, throw you all out of your push chairs!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon joining her in retirement is a better idea.

  8. Anonymous says:

    There’s not a big top tent large enough to house this clown.

  9. Anonymous says:

    John John needs to hush his donkey mouth.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Jon Jon, the biggest traitor to Caymanians around, hence why it’s only 2003 Jamaicaymaians thay vote for him.

    I’m praying every night that he loses his seat. Absolute Judas, complete idiot and someone that shouldn’t be anywhere with a shred of power the minimum wage, slave wage exploiting, car crashing hypocrite.

    How much money do you make from your AirBNBs John John? depriving Caymanians and your minimum wage slaves of affordable housing?

    • Frustrated Gen Z Voter says:

      BTE please do the right thing come election day.

      • Frustrated Gen Z Voter #1789 says:

        The other option isn’t really any better.

        • John John Tod says:

          2:23pm. He can speak on any topic. He isn’t amm amm like the notorious Jon Jon, who doesn’t know day

        • Anonymous says:

          Anyone or Anything would be better.

        • Anonymous says:

          If the options were BrainDwayne or one big rock that could only vote “abstain” on every issue raised in parliament, most of us would literally vote for the big rock. Sad thing is, we would be further ahead this way.

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