Tenth PPM candidate will run in George Town West

(CNS): Pearlina McGaw-Lumsden has been unveiled as the Progressives’ tenth candidate as the clock counts down to the party conference this week. Another newcomer to the party but no stranger to the campaign trail, she will be battling it out for the PPM in George Town West, the seat held by David Wight, a long-time PPM member.
McGaw-Lumsden ran on McKeeva Bush’s United Democratic Party ticket in her first run at politics in 2009. She returned to the hustings as an independent in 2017, campaigning in George Town North against Jey Hew, who is now her party leader.
In 2021, she ran as an independent but in George Town West, where she received 198 votes, coming in second behind Wight, who got 457 votes. With the seat open, the race for GTW, the capital’s smallest constituency, could get more crowded. At present, three others have already declared: Craig Merren (CINP) and two independent candidates, Hunter Walton and Patricia Bryan.
McGaw-Lumsden, who now has the chance to pick up hundreds more votes from loyal PPM supporters in the district compared to her last run, said she was joining the Progressives because of their track record.
“I chose to run with the PPM because Cayman needs a strong, stable team with a proven track record of putting Cayman first,” she said. “George Town West deserves leadership that listens, takes action, and stands up for Caymanians. I am ready to serve and make a difference.”
PPM Leader Joey HewJoey Hew (GTN incumbent) is the leader of the PPM (aka Progressives). He served as opposition leader from October 2024 until the dissolution of parliament. More said, “Pearlina’s passion for service and proven leadership make her a strong candidate for George Town West. She understands the concerns of the people and will be a dedicated representative who works to bring real solutions.”
Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.
See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.
Category: Election News
We’re running out of participation trophies at the precinct.
LOL…trying to fill own pockets again, yawn!
What are her accomplishments for office again? The fact that her husband, Colin Lumsden, is the Manager of the GT Revitalisation Project?
The sea of red on this platform is giving me a huge headache!
The same candidate who disappears every four years, she’s not elected? She has run almost as much as Maxine More in Cayman Brac.
Please go sit down girl. No one will elect you to office. You’re not relatable at all. Sorry.
She diappoints on so many levels.
I guess the next thing we will hear is that Rolston is joining the PPM?
An ex UDP drop out can now re-ignite her loyalty to Mac through the PPM’s (temporary) new best friends Kenny, Juju, Seymour….if she gets elected.
No big money from Big Tess this time she don’t like PPM!
So, lemme get this straight:
2009 she ran with UDP against PPM
2017 she ran against PPM in GTN
2021 she ran against PPM in GTW
Now, her solution and the PPM solution is for her to join PPM
The PPM truly will just take ANYBODY on board, regardless if they were opponents before. I really dont think the PPM have an identity anymore, its all a desperate try to gain power.
This is the first time that she’s running with PPM.
To André and Dan: Please consider joining forces. Not all your candidates will get in, but we need you to get the majority. Nothing against this lady, PPM and UDP must go. They have inflicted enough damage since the 90s. We need deep reform to education and immigration; we need a frank national discussion on how much revenue we are prepared to give up in order to get qualified Caymanians working and earning a decent income; being able to buy land and homes again, and our students getting an education that really allows them to compete in the 21st Century. We have social issues that must be tackled with awareness campaigns and government policy. We need civil servants not to be muzzled anymore, so that the mismanagement of funds can stop. PLEASE, consider joining forces.
Another person who should be asked every single day and at every opportunity what POLICIES and POSITIONS have changed in the PPM this time around and the multiple times she has spent campaign against them and saying they should not be reelected for form the next government.
How can you genuinely run to unseat a party 3 times in 12 years and then turn around with a straight face to join that party and think they should be the next Government. How do you look a voter in the eye and explain that with a straight face.
Every other time the PPM have been part of the problem that you ran against and now you are running with them? Are politicians here capable of self-reflection or shame?
This was meant to be posted as a standalone comment not a reply to anyone @CNS
CNS: You can re-post as a stand-alone comment.
Please have Roy join you . He’s too principled to be with the low life assembled by Joey.
He’s been with them all this time so he’s not principled at all.
Dan has no chance in hell of getting hardly one in so … TCCP can work with a few independents and form a government. What we know about Dan is not impressive at all. Plus he wants premiership so that’s not going to work.
So you say PPM-sheeple