CINP slate increases to 12 as Red Bay candidate unveiled

| 11/02/2025 | 29 Comments
CINP Leader Dan Scott and Dawn Thomas

(CNS): Dan Scott has revealed the twelfth candidate who will be running for office on the Cayman Islands National Party ticket in April. Dawn Thomas is another corporate executive and entrepreneur, as Scott sticks with recruiting individuals to his team who have never before served as MPs.

Thomas will be contending the Red Bay seat left vacant by the retirement of former premier and speaker Sir Alden McLaughlin, who has taken aim at Scott and his team over their inexperience. However, Scott has defended his team of non-politicians, saying that they are bringing something new to politics.

Thomas has had a career in business transformation, technology and project management. Scott said in a press release from the CINP that she will bring valuable expertise and a deep passion for service to the political arena.

“Her experience in business and technology, combined with her commitment to the people of Red Bay, makes her a powerful advocate for her constituency and our country. We are confident that she will be a strong member of the party,” he said.

Thomas will be fighting for the Red Bay constituency, where she now lives, running against long-time Progressive member Roy Tatum. So far, no other candidates have declared for the vacant seat, but it is likely to attract more contenders in the next three weeks during the countdown to nomination day.

According to the CINP, Thomas has had a “distinguished career spanning many sectors across financial services, legal, technology, and insurance” and has led large transformation initiatives at major firms, including Walkers, Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas and Fortis Prime Fund Solutions. A founder and director of multiple businesses, she consults for companies seeking to enhance efficiency, integrate technology, and navigate change.

“Caymanians are facing serious challenges, from the rising cost of living to job opportunities and the need for greater transparency in government,” Thomas said. “As part of the Cayman Islands National Party, I am committed to working towards a more unified, prosperous and hopeful Cayman Islands.

“I will dedicate my skills and experience to building a brighter future for our people. We deserve transparent, accountable and community-focused leadership, and I am committed to diligently addressing the challenges facing our community and creating opportunities for all Caymanian citizens,” she added.

Thomas holds a Master’s in Information Systems and a degree in accounting.

Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.

See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.

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Category: Election News

Comments (29)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Rich people party. People who are out of touch with the reality of struggles are no good for government.

    • Anonymous says:

      Are we suprised that no other candidates is joining Andre and the quitters. When Nicholas who was working for panton decided to run with Dan that was the strongest signal yet that they were no go.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If PPM bring back Kenny and Dum Dum you have my vote and those of my family. Yes we are RB voters.
    If PPM are smart and don’t take on more buffons you will have to convince us.
    Looking forward to your visit after nomination day.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I don’t care who ya is when you get elected, but lemme tell you one thing, whatever unna do:

    Do NOT sell Water Authority!! It is probably our most valuable public asset and I’m not even considering cashflow here.

    Water is literally life. It is the blood our of islands, and runs through the veins which are tax-payer funded pipelines within the distribution system.

    The last thing we need is an entity with Nestle (who monopolizes water sources and thinks it isn’t a human right) controlling our potable water supply.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Lodge gonna lodge.

  5. Anonymous says:

    “Experienced politicians, Sir Alden? I get your point and it’s context but who were you before you were an experienced politician? You were a legal student, later a practicing lawyer who would hang out with buddies and lament on the state of Cayman’s politics and how the politicians of the day or prior had let us down. You had to start from somewhere and you made a valid contribution and are recognized for same.

    In my view, what we need are well educated and ethical Caymanians, primarily, who are committed to bettering the interests of Caymanians, foremost. If Mr. Scott’s party or others can present those attributes to the public, that us what we should consider.

    • Anonymous says:

      And his proposed successor Roy Tatum worked in card services : banking, yes he’s been Aldens side kick for a while but hardly an experienced politician.
      A puppet in fact.

      • Anonymous says:

        1:42.. I do not think you know Roy, but I do. He is nobody’s puppet. He worked at Barclays in Cayman and overseas. At Butterfield, he started the credit card and debit card business. Also, the online banking services. I know he worked in other parts of banking too. And I remember him being a part of the PPM for many, many years. He left banking and worked with Alden in two governments and then with the Opposition. He understands Cayman politics and government, that I do know.

  6. Anonymous says:

    In totally unrelated news, Sabrina Turner will have her first meeting Feb. 13th at 7. #15 Tidewater Ave. Just so we are informed. 👍🏻

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t buy more than one box of patties and one bottle of Pepsi or they will go to waste.

    • Anonymous says:

      Only reason anybody in Prospect knows what she looks like is because of her billboards at election time. She just collects a check and pops up again at election time. Not a chance she getting my vote this time.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Now they just taking the piss – sorry!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    CNS: Raul Gonzalez has billboards up in Newlands but he’s not on your list of candidates. Any reason?

    CNS: Only that neither of us regularly drive through Newlands so we hadn’t seen the billboards, and we haven’t received any press releases from him. Wendy keeps an eye on social media but that doesn’t catch all of them. I’ll add him now. Thanks for the tip.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems like he would want to inform the media that he’s running. Oh well, to each their own. Come out to Newlands more often. Beautiful country 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      Raul needs to understand that he cannot win and he is basically helping Panton get re-rlected by splitting the votes. He will get his ususl 150 or less and those will come from Alva not Wayne.

      A vote for Raul is a vote for Wayne.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean Mr. ”Break the Cycle of him losing”?

  9. Anonymous says:

    CNS – any idea when the CINP, PPM, UDP, ABC, etc will release their manifestos. The rest is all just hot air.

    CNS: No idea. But if/when they do, we will certainly run stories on them.

  10. Anonymous says:

    no manifesto=no vote
    same goes for the rest of these new ‘political partys’

    • Anonymous says:

      Same for my family. If they want our votes they need to tell us what they will do if they get elected. We have all had it with hot air, broken promises and corruption.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I would vote for Dawn but I’m in Newlands. Love her!!

  12. RB voter says:

    Who is Dawn and what has she done for Red Bay

    • Anonymous says:

      Well she hasn’t been the MP so how can you ask what has she done?

      Maybe you mean to ask “what will she do”? Given her business experience, I think she will do lots!

      • Anonymous says:

        You don’t have to be an MP to do something for your community. In fact there are many who do more than the MP’s!

    • Anon says:

      And what exactly has Alden done for RB over the past 4 years


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