Scott: Real disaster is following same old path

| 10/02/2025 | 67 Comments
Dan Scott (from social media)

(CNS): Dan Scott, the leader of the Cayman Islands National Party who is hoping to be the Cayman Islands’ next premier, has hit back at former premier Sir Alden McLaughlin, who issued a warning last Thursday that electing politically inexperienced leaders and MPs in April would spell disaster for Cayman. Scott told CNS that the real disaster would be to continue down the same path.

Neither Scott nor any of his CINP Team have ever held elected office, but he said, “Experience alone, as we have seen, does not guarantee good governance.”

As McLaughlin gave his closing comments last week, he reflected on the fact that five MPs (now six) will not be running for re-election in April, taking with them important institutional knowledge of the job. Without mincing words, he spoke about the dangers of political inexperience and the desire of people to become leaders without having served a day in public office.

But Scott has hit back, saying that while he respects Sir Alden’s years of service, the people of the Cayman Islands are ready for a new generation of leadership that is forward-thinking, solutions-driven and deeply connected to their challenges and aspirations.

“Experience alone, as we have seen, does not guarantee good governance,” he said. “What matters most is vision, integrity and the willingness to take bold, necessary steps to secure a prosperous and sustainable future for all Caymanian citizens.

“The old way of doing things has led us to the very problems we are now working to solve — rising costs of living, inadequate support for our elderly and youth, failures in our education system, access to affordable healthcare, among so many other pressing challenges that can no longer be ignored,” he added.

Scott said his team was made up of a diverse group of professionals, business owners, community leaders and former public servants who “bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a commitment to putting people first”. He said they were not there “to preserve the status quo” but to build a stronger, more inclusive Cayman.

“The real ‘disaster’ would be to continue down the same path without adapting to the realities of today and the opportunities of tomorrow. The Caymanian people deserve leadership that listens, evolves, and takes decisive action for their benefit — not just leadership that has been in office the longest,” Scott added.

There have been some concerns about the policy platform of the CINP in light of Scott’s role in a controversial report written by a team of consultants from EY in 2014 while he was still the managing partner at the firm.

The report, Project Future, was commissioned by the government, at a time when the Cayman Islands’ debt was much higher than it is today, to examine the potential to streamline the civil service. However, the recommendations went further than many would have envisioned for Cayman, advising the government to sell off or privatise a significant chuck of the public sector, from education to healthcare.

See Scott’s Instagram post on the matter here.

Check out the CNS Election Section interactive map to see who is running in each constituency.

See the list of candidates and their party affiliations here.

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Category: Election News

Comments (67)

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  1. Truth be told says:

    Cayman Brac will NOT be an easy win for DAN.

    Almost every Bracker KNOWS Dan only wants to be the Premier. So they KNOW that because he cant win in Grand with all the others running, he thinks the Brackers are stupid and will put him in.

    What he does not know is that Brackers know all he wants is the Premiership. And if he got in by some miracle then he would be a ghost and forget the Brac even exits. Brackers know this.

    I mean just look at the company he keeping in tbe Brac…. He got one fellow there that was even convicted of theft from Government when he was at DOE….

    Facts, check them out yourself

  2. Anonymous says:

    “New generation” of leadership? Same generation Bobo, a new generation would be the qualified (I said qualified) younger people stepping up, time to let them get the experience to lead… and as an avid Trumpster you’re a step back when it comes to democracy, sustainability and innovation.

  3. Bob says:

    Looks pretty good to me. He has my vote.

  4. Anonymous says:

    “at a time when the Cayman Islands’ debt was much higher than it is today” must not account for the +KYD$2bln missing from the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet. We are in violation of FFR without Jefferson’s big lie.

    • Anonymous says:

      Juju just borrowed another $150Million ..
      We need some financial prudence not vote buying waste.

  5. Anonymous says:

    We need to change the school curriculum to be in line with private schools. We need educators, not teachers who bully the students, choke them, try to exorcise them or call them worthless or stupid; or tell them “if you don’t care to learn, it is not my problem.” We need qualified Caymanians in the DES, not another nationality! I have nothing against paying teachers well, but no matter how vested a teacher is, they can only work within the shackles of the Department and the Ministry— and both of these urgently require change.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Dan is a very bright man but we need to see Dan’s manifesto in black and white before we give him our votes. The same applies to all the other parties and candidates.

    Hopefully this election the majority of us will vote based the candidate’s written policies on the issues facing us. Talk is cheap and where politicians are concerned it is not worth the paper it is not written on.

    • Anonymous says:

      At this time he doesn’t seem to stand for anything and helms a novice field of seat warmers that will follow his lead, once he figures that out. Roy 2.0.

    • voter says:

      Dan’s manifesto should have that EY ”Project Future” report appended to it.

      The Project Future report took EY 2 months to produce, TWO MONTHS to produce a report which could affect the lives of every Caymanian, every Cayman islands, every local business and industry! They take longer than that to audit a single private fund!

  7. Anon says:

    What i don’t understand with Alden’s comments, is that most of the PPM candidates are now new candidates. Alden is out, Barbara and David are out. We have Craig Frederick? Honestly how is this any better?

    Please do not vote for PPM. PPM has either been the main government or the leading part of coalition governments for the last 10 plus years. All the messes we are facing are as a direct result of the PPM and its “leadership”.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Only nincompoop neophytes would launch a new political party the month before an election.
    Very disengenuous.
    But Brac is an easy win.
    Where were these candidates rhe years before, when the issues were rampant?!
    Yes the new rules are needed but must start with Constitutional Change eg OMOV.
    Would you still allow MPs in areas where they do NoT LIVE?!
    Would you reduce MP salaries?!
    Where are your District COUNCILS already? This is the perfect to form Bilateral groups in each constituency.
    Why didn’t you Millionaire Businessmen speak up against the many wrongs like $4.50/hr slave Minimum Wage..which still continues?!

    • Anonymous says:

      So, if you’re a civilian with the same ability to speak, read and write, like most. Why haven’t you spoken up against the many wrongs? Dan was just civilian regardless of his successful career. But here you are posting anonymously.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 3:21am: MPs do not create district councils — that is the job of people like you. OMOV came about by way of referendum, so it can only be changed by a petition by the voters. Reducing MP salaries is a political decision because it is a law, so voters should lobby their (eventual) MP to change it.
      Is one thing to be frustrated, but we all need to understand how things work, so we can explore how to change them.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mr Scott, I do want to believe in your party and willing to potentially vote for a candidate within it but we need to see what your concrete vision is?

    Specifically, what are your views/policies on
    – immigration?
    – obtaining Cayman Status?
    – development?

  10. Cayman Sanction says:

    For over 30 years some have ignore their own people and look after their clique now their servants have become their masters and are now marginalizing them and now they come to ask those whom they have marginalized and displaced to vote for them so they can once again remain relevant by holding and wielding political power. God is laughing but Caymanians no longer have that luxury. Vote carefully Cayman!

  11. Anonymous says:

    To the Most Supreme, His Highness of Maiden Plum, the Knight of Prospect, Sir Debo

    How is a person to obtain public or political experience if they dont run for politics?

    By your own statement, that means that people should not vote for the following PPM candidates:

    Festa, Josh, Roy Tatum, Crystal, and Justin

    And also not to vote for the following:
    Those running in GTWest (so no one will be elected),
    Those running against McKeeva (do you support McKeeva that much to suggest that people should not vote for his opponent? You support woman beaters?),
    Those running in Cay Brac East (so no one will be elected),
    Those running in Cay Brac West (so no one will be elected).

    By your logic, 3 constituents would be without a rep. Also, the PPM would lose at least 5 candidates.

    Any more shards of enlightenment O Sir Loin of Beef?

  12. Anonymous says:

    How much experience did the minister for cocaine have before he entered politics complete with a conviction?

    • Anonymous says:

      Cocaine Kenny’s experience of surreptitious dealings in dark places , made him more than qualified for his style of politics.
      He was further mentored by the best in the game and shadowed by Saunders and Dumdum.

  13. Anonymous says:

    What gets me…people cuss Alden, Joey, Kurt, Arden, Ezzard, etc but Say one word about Dan Dan its like they want to stone you. Nobody is this perfect…everyone has some bones hidden somewhere. The person who knows where they are hidden is the key to it all…

  14. Anonymous says:

    Looking forward to replacing these donkeys with a new group of successful thoroughbreds

    • Anonymous says:

      Thoroughbred donkeys 4:25.

    • Anonymous says:

      Successful thoroughbreds – like Wayne Panton who gave us four years of political incompetence? Worst four years of governance Cayman has ever seen? Four years of circus?

      • Anonymous says:

        He at least had the backbone and integrity to fire Saunders for inexcusable behavior, and arrogant abuse of his authority whilst a minister.
        For that alone, Wayne Panton deserves our respect and votes.

        • Anonymous says:

          Respect maybe, vote, not so much. Wayne has been a failure. His handling of COVID was also. Wayne aligns himself with the agendas of the WEF and WHO. I like Andre but he needs to better align himself. Wish him all the best.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ahhh, yes…
        You bring up fond memories of the Panton-PACTless Clown Car and the many times I eviscerated the clowns in the comment sections related to many CNS articles about the circus.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Read the report they are referring to in this article. This man recommended selling off government assets which would increase our cost of living. Don’t let this party of rich people fool you. They are in this to grow their own personal businesses and wealth. They don’t care about your struggles while they sleep in their mansions behind security gates each night. Doubt any of them even know how much a dozen eggs costs.

    • Anonymous says:

      How would “selling off government assets” increase your cost of living exactly?

      Dan Scott is a hardworking man and a man of integrity and good judgment, which is why he was successful as a business leader.

      Do you honestly want someone who has not demonstrated good judgment and succeeded in their own life and career to lead us? That the exact sentiment that got us where we are today.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dan was a token ask any of his former Partners, he was just like Wayne at his firm.. there to keep the natives quiet.

        • Anonymous says:

          You mean like Naul Bodden before him .?

        • Anonymous says:

          Complete nonsense. Dan was respected by EY partners throughout North America and the Caribbean.

          • Anonymous says:

            Just because he was a well respected partner in an accounting firm does not guarantee he will be accountable as a minister. It is however high time he stepped up on to his soapbox and gave us the rundown on what he specifically stands for.

        • Anonymous says:

          No, that was arguably his brother – Dan became Regional Managing Partner, so his achievement cannot be credited to affirmative action in favour of Caymanians.

          That said, accounting does a far, far better job of making successes of Caymanians than law. In that sense, yeah, they both got lucky and continue to lead very charmed lives. We’re supposed to look at them and think ‘that could be me, that will be me!’ Only no, no it won’t.

          Why is it that when super rich people decide they’re going to do something for the public, it’s always ‘govern them’?

          I bet he held an extra large party at his absolutely enormous house this past Christmas. No, I didn’t get an invitation!

        • Bob says:

          I highly doubt he was a token partner. For his retirement send off, the chairman of their 400k+ person firm flew to Cayman to speak. I understand he did that as he called Dan his friend and has a great deal of respect for him.

      • Anonymous says:

        You obviously have never seen what happens when businesses are privatized. Do you think people buy businesses running at bare minimum profit to keep them the same? They buy them to increase costs and make profit for owner shareholders. You water bill would skyrocket is Water Authority was sold for example. You sell the Gov Admin building, what happens? Government then start paying rent to lease a building that they once owned. Do some research.

        • Anonymous says:

          You do realize that if sold, the new buyer’s profits would be limited by regulation? Or you didn’t think that far ahead? No wonder JuJu has been riding the gravy train for so long… She is a failure and an embarrassment to Caymanian children where public education has consistently failed them under Drape Queen’s watch.

          • Anonymous says:

            Regulation? You mean like our gas prices? Or are you referring to our monopoly power provider? Maybe you are referring to our grocery prices? You must be smoking something

        • Anonymous says:

          11@ 6:55am – Do some research! Do you know how much square feet Government is renting now, and how much they are paying (..and to whom)?

          Meanwhile GOAB remains partially empty! ??

      • Anonymous says:

        Wayne Panton also supposedly a man of integrity, good judgement and successful business leader; and he just had to be leader – well, we all suffered for four years watching where that got him!

      • voter says:

        ”How would “selling off government assets” increase your cost of living exactly?”

        Are you really so ignorant that you even asked this question?

        The EY report recommended privatizing, either wholly or partially, Government departments/authorities such as the HSA, CINICO, UCCI, the education system (to name a few).

        Whilst there is no doubt that a private body may better manage and enhance such areas (in some cases) – a private body would do that, and could only do that, through increased pricing and relentless debt collection and control.

        Many marginalized Caymanians would find themselves in even more desparate situations – try walking in to a private clinic with your sick child and see if they will still take care of that child as one simple example.

        UCCI is one of the most affordable universities world-wide I dare say that, despite its issues, still provides recognized degree and career programs – if privatized it could become even more difficult for Caymanians to further their education.

        That report was riddled with BS between every little piece of good advice – but what is to be expected with a 2 page disclaimed and a report that took EY 2 months to complete!

    • Anonymous says:

      $5 for local fresh eggs at Everglo. Now who doesn’t know???
      Go Dan and Team !!!

    • Anonymous says:

      2:03 pm Is that you, Saunders? Scott did not write that report or recommend anything. He was senior partner or E&Y who was commissioned by government to get consultants to provide recommendations. Said consultants made such recommendations when the government was nearly broke. Not Scott, not E&Y. People are so hell-bent on mud slinging, they do not care who they confuse in the process.

    • Anonymous says:

      The sad part is the massive salaries they earn also turns the broke and relatable politicians in to people with money and stature in our community. They all become out of touch. You email them or call once elected, no answer. I don’t support Dan wanting to sell Govt assets. Where is the written manifesto? Wayne is quite wealthy is running again for what reason? He didn’t serve any purpose and put together a team of misfits who turned on him. The last 4 years have been very iffy. I’m thinking we need new blood.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Dan is the man!!!

  17. The Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan says:

    From the Desk of the Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan
    Subject: A Most Alarming Development!

    Your Excellency,

    It is with the utmost urgency that I pen this missive, for I fear the very fabric of our studied absurdity is unraveling before our eyes!

    A most troubling disturbance has emerged within the colony—a man by the name of Dan Scott has taken to the public stage, brandishing rhetoric that suggests, horror of horrors, that repeating the same mistakes of the past may lead to continued disaster!

    This, Your Excellency, is a cataclysmic deviation from standard procedure. As you are well aware, the doctrine of Absurdistan explicitly mandates that all governance be conducted with no regard for historical precedent, economic reality, or, indeed, basic logic. To question the sacred cycle of blunder, denial, and repetition is an affront to the very principles upon which this fine mess was built!

    What’s worse, he has gone so far as to suggest that an alternative approach may be necessary! A departure from the old path! Such treasonous musings threaten to destabilize our carefully curated illusion of competence! Should the populace begin to entertain the notion that leadership can be measured in terms of results rather than allegiance to the sacred wheel of failure, where shall we find ourselves?

    This is no time for complacency, Your Excellency. If this Scott character continues to speak sense, there is a very real danger that others may follow suit, leading to a full-scale outbreak of rational discourse. The consequences would be dire.

    I urge immediate countermeasures! Perhaps a sudden public works project to dazzle and distract? A committee formed to study a problem indefinitely? A leaked document foretelling an even greater, even vaguer crisis that demands urgent inaction?

    I await your guidance with the appropriate level of restrained terror.

    With deepest apprehension,
    The Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan.

    Post Scriptum:

    The above missive is redacted in the spirit of The Persian Letters by Montesquieu, who, through his wit and satire, exposed the absurdities of his time and illuminated perspectives that would later ignite the flames of enlightenment in 18th-century France. His keen observations, though dismissed and opposed by the French monarchy, laid the intellectual groundwork for the very revolution that would sweep away the old order.

    History has a most peculiar habit of punishing those who refuse to heed its lessons.


    Dear reader, I do not presume to be as brilliant, witty, or incisive as Montesquieu in any sense, shape, or form. However, I have found a wellspring of humor, wit, integrity, and inspiration in his works—written in a time when France was still a feudal nation ruled by an elite utterly disconnected from the people.

    Perhaps history does not repeat itself, but it certainly enjoys playing familiar tunes.

  18. Anonymous says:

    So refreshing to hear a well spoken Caymanian like Dan and the positivity of his team

  19. Anonymous says:

    Ideally Scott should team up with Andre and Roy to form a government of educated principled Caymanians .
    Saunders Seymour Mac and Kenneth should be in the minority for the sake of our future.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      The ultra elites teaming up with the elites. That’s an interesting concept.

      • Anonymous says:

        The honest and the educated teaming up against the criminals and the corrupt – now thats an interesting concept.

      • Anonymous says:

        yes, lets continue to elect uneducated “street smart” people like Ken and Mac. I have to ask, what makes a person “elite” in your mind? Is it being well educated? is it being successful? is it not carrying ones self in an overly compromising way?

        Why is it bad to be seen as “elite”?

        Why do we now view a person with intelligence as “Elite” and someone not to be trusted?

    • Anonymous says:

      You lost me after “Roy”

    • Anonymous says:

      But the PPM want the self-admitted Stupid Boy Kenny as part of their team. That’s the same PPM that Roy is part of, so HARD NO on Roy.

    • Hear, hear! says:

      “I am a voter, and I approve this message”. Now, that would be a team to be reckoned with! They would not be afraid to tell us honestly: “this is the challenge: you tell us how you want it to be addressed”. Which is what we desperately need.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Scott is educated and Honest. He has selected a team based on his own standards of service, and will hopefully replace the self interested cabal of UDP in sheep’s clothing .

  21. Anonymous says:

    where is your manifesto?

    • Anonymous says:

      Manifesto is..
      “We’re not UDP”…
      We can read write speak properly and we’re honest Caymanians fed up with our politics being dragged in the mud by Jamaican nationalists, drug dealers and woman beating drunks.

  22. Anonymous says:

    it’s a lost cause….caymanians prevent the most qualified and successful people on island from being elected…
    welcome to wonderland.

    • Caymanian2dbone says:

      I think you forgot something in there. CAYMANIAN! Doesn’t matter how qualified you are, if you aren’t Caymanian you can’t be an elected member of our Government.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Wasn’t Dan put in charge of education as a non-elected official? How did that turn out?


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