Cayman News
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Spoil it – but don’t miss it
Polly Trixster writes: The right to vote is an important one and even when the choice seems utterly appalling, electors have the power to say so. A final alternative when voters perceive their choices to be completely unelectable is the “none of the above” option. Deliberately spoiling a ballot has an important part to play in democracy […]
Elections Office alarmed by paper’s mess-up on polling stations
(CNS): Local newspaper, The Cayman Reporter, made a number of errors in listing the polling stations in its printed supplement and the Elections Office is concerned that, as a result, people will go to the wrong place tomorrow to cast their vote. The locations of eleven polling stations are incorrect in the paper’s election supplement, […]
Rivers hopes track record will take her back to LA
(CNS Election): The education minister is hoping that her track record will carry her back to the Legislative Assembly tomorrow. Speaking at a meeting Monday evening, Tara Rivers said she had addressed many long-standing issues in education and employment, pointing to amendments to the pension system, the minimum wage and her education plan, which she […]
Bush says choice is clear for voters
(CNS Election): The leader of the opposition and the CDP has accused the government of broken promises, as he urged voters to elect a new government in a 20 minute national address on the eve of the elections. McKeeva Bush said the PPM were not able to address crime and indicated that a government led […]
Election watchers have access to all areas in Cayman
(CNS Election): The team of election observers who have come to the Cayman Islands have wide access to watch the national ballot. Led by Stephen Rodan, the mission members said they would be looking at the full process, which includes campaigning as well as the main event tomorrow, so that the public can have confidence […]
Mac pushes hard for Bryan in GTC
(CNS Election): The opposition and Cayman Democratic Party leader published a political video on Monday urging people to vote for independent candidate Kenneth Bryan. McKeeva Bush had already declared his support for Bryan, one of Dr Steve Tomlinson’s stable of candidates who is in a head-to-head fight with Finance Minister Marco Archer in George Town […]
HRC stresses importance of right to vote
(CNS Election): The people of the Cayman Islands now enjoy universal adult suffrage and the opportunity to participate in the democratic process but the Human Rights Commission said it was a hard fought process to get there. Stressing the importance of the constitutional right to vote, the commission said in a statement Monday, “This is a […]
Booze stores and bars closed on Election Day
(CNS Election): In the hopes that voters will make sober decisions on General Election Day, liquor stores and bars throughout Cayman will be closed between 7am and 7pm on Wednesday, 24 May. Officials from the Department of Commerce and Investment reminded all liquor licence holders that section 91 of the Election Law (2013) prohibits the […]
PPM roadshow attracts hundreds of cars
(CNS Election): Close to three hundred cars joined the Progressives’ political motorcade Saturday in a massive show of support for the ruling party on the last weekend before polling day. Possibly the longest ever political roadshow in an election campaign culminated in a rally at Savannah Meadows after winding its way through George Town and […]
PPM comes top in CNS reader poll
(CNS Election): With 1,966 responses so far, CNS readers believe the Progressives will be forming the next government, with over 52% saying they will be voting for a PPM candidate. While this is not a scientific poll, the reader survey has attracted the largest participation of any online straw polls this month. At 8am Monday, […]