Police seeking teen school runaway

| 23/01/2018 | 32 Comments
Cayman News Service

Hayleigh Sciamonte

(CNS): Police are appealing to the community for assistance in finding a 13-year-old girl who ran away from school on Friday. Hayleigh Sciamonte absconded from John Gray High School during the morning’s lessons  on 19 January and her caregivers have not seen her since then. Hayleigh went missing at least twice last summer after she ran away from the Francis Bodden Girls Home, She was found on both occasions in West Bay. 

Anyone with information on her whereabouts is asked to call Bodden Town Police Station at 947-2220. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Have anyone ever asked what are they running to? what about sex and drugs to start these kids knows exactly where to go and who will assist them in these escapades.stop blaming the home they are doing their best and some other students are doing really well in there so stop all the nonsense and negativity about the home this is the best some of them have had in their young lives. Caring adults who has to put up with all form of abuse and disrespect from children and parents on a daily basis.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well it is not about blaming its about accountability. The home itself may actually be asking themselves “is there something we could do differently”. Its called reflection nit blaming.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its sad to see every Sunday the churches packed to bursting yet still in this tiny community there are poor kids like this with no adults to care for and protect them.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Maybe she needs a better environment to live in.
    I don’t know, has anyone bothered to ask her? I hope so.
    Need non-judgemental advocates for youth like this. I wish I could foster her but I’m an expat. I don’t think they allow that.
    I guess I’ll do some research…

  3. Anonymous says:

    I wonder if the people that are in care of these young girls realize it’s only two girls from the home that constantly runaway maybe they should have an adult escort them everywhere to and from school and monitor them during every single class they attend. I’m sure they are paid to watch them at Francis Bodden Girls Home, so it shouldn’t be nothing out the way.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are multiple girls that run away

      Also look at what has been said by past residents of the home and those who have been inside for one reason or another

      Stop making excuses for the CIG

      • Anonymous says:

        Many reasons why the girls are in that home including those coming from broken homes that wouldn’t benefit them and honestly I know about many girls who have been there and did not runaway but did their assigned duties or chores and completed all homework and made something of themselves to be something in life and others who just won’t come out of that ghetto no behavior womanish attitude. No one blaming the government simply saying what the employees at the Francis Bodden Girls Home could do for the girls that runaway often and the public know of. Which is monitor them and do not just drop them off without seeing them in cause it always at the gate they got dropped off and they skipped cross security with ease.

        A few years back girls ranaway to go teen jams and see their boyfriends for the simple freedom. I know the girls home for many years inside and out. I don’t know if they have new employees that the girls can not make it with them but they had employees who made the girls feel at home and not in a prison.

      • Anonymous says:

        Is it actually a home replicating family life or is it run like a correctional institution? Seriously, I would be interested to know.

  4. Concerned Citizen says:

    Why is it that the same girls keep going missing? Can’t they just put trackers on these girls that always tend to run away? The same girl has gone missing before and they found her.

    • Anonymous says:

      For the umteenth time!!!! These kids have enablers on the outside most likely adults, most likely for no good reason. What is the big mystery???

  5. Anonymous says:

    Where are all the people who talk about “the good old days” and “Looking out for people’s kids”
    where is all the “community parenting” that made Cayman so great surely many of those people are still alive

    Cause if anyone needs it, it would be the girls in that home

    • Anonymous says:

      If Cayman was so wonderful in the day then why are there so many generational dysfunctional families?

  6. Anonymous says:

    The sysem is broken. Has anyone asked why these young people are running?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Timely AMBER alerts (ie. not four days later) are another reason to have a functional Wireless Emergency Alert network in the Cayman Islands. Whom ever is harbouring these minor children and concealing them from their legal guardians, needs to be charged, and made an example of. Far too many of these for a population of our size.

    • Anonymous says:

      Except the government and the general public don’t seem to care when this happens
      This is basically a weekly event

      • Anonymous says:

        This child looks so young ,I pray she is found safe. And for Gods sake lock up the adults that are encouraging them .most times it’s these big ass men .

        • Anonymous says:

          Or maybe it was a big-butt bible-touting jamacain mama.

        • Anonymous says:

          I can promise without a doubt that there is an adult man behind her, NOT discouraging this. He is probably between 19-27 years of age.
          I know this because when I was 13-14 there were always older local boys sniffing around the young high school girls. And they see NOTHING wrong with this. And it is almost always some loser with barely a job and no prospects for a future.
          Trust me. It IS wrong and has affected my entire life.

          • Anonymous says:

            I feel you on this. I recall a current elected MLA telling me while in my high school uniform (a few years ago) he’d like to whip me with his D@%k. smh

            • Anonymous says:


            • Anonymous says:

              It’s a shame that names can’t be named. There are too many men in government, and industry that deserve a reckoning.

              • Anonymous says:

                Names can’t be called ,hell with that ,see what just happen to the doctor in the u.s .senates,and all others. Let them leave these children alone. They Intice them with with phones ,and all the likes. Dame it now,something more than just running away is happening here .

              • Anonymous says:

                um.just do it. you are making an anon post here.
                If the rest of the world can Name & SHAME then why cant Cayman do it too?

            • Anonymous says:

              Dont remain silent for the sake of all those younger girls coming through. He will be still ruining lives and getting away with it.

            • Anonymous says:

              That was not a GT MLA I hope.

            • Anonymous says:

              your silence at this very time puts others in danger.

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