New Year election roll grows by just over 1.2%

| 07/01/2025 | 32 Comments

(CNS): The latest register of electors, which was published on the Elections Office website on New Year’s Day, has increased by just 300 votes or around 1.2% compared to the October register. The electoral roll now stands at 23,829 people. However, as the clock ticks on the 15 January deadline for eligible voters to register in time to be added to the list for the April election, as many as 10,000 qualified people have failed to do so.

The new register reflects an increase in the headcount of voters in all 19 constituencies by varying amounts. North Side, represented by Jay Ebanks, saw a massive leap from 856 in October to 936, a nearly 10% increase, well above the national average. While no candidate has officially declared yet, Jay Ebanks is expected to run for re-election in the seat, and Justin Ebanks is expected to run against him on the PPM ticket.

Meanwhile, West Bay South, the biggest constituency in West Bay, saw an increase of 35 eligible voters (2.25%), widening the existing discrepancy between constituency sizes in the district. The constituency, currently represented by Andre Ebanks, now has 1,585 voters, while the smallest constituency in the district, West Bay Central, represented by Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, has 1,213 voters after an increase of nine since October.

Across the Cayman Islands, the disparities between all constituencies are now much bigger than the recommended international standards. The constituency with the most voters is still Bodden Town East, which is represented by Dwayne Seymour, who is rumoured to be also joining the PPM platform for the April election.

That constituency has grown to 1,666 voters from a previous high of 1,645 and is more than twice the size of its neighbouring constituency of East End, the smallest seat on Grand Cayman with 763 voters after an increase of just nine.

BTE is now close to four times bigger than the smallest constituency of Cayman Brac East, currently held by Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, which has only 472 registered voters.

There are now just eight days left for those who want to vote to register in time for the general election set for 30 April.

For more information on how to register, see the Elections Office website,

or visit the office, which will be open until 7pm this week at
68 West Bay Road, Bay Town Office Suites, George Town,

or call 345-949-8047

or email

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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (32)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    caymanians dying in batches
    and 2nd generation status grant Fiasco kids are now voting.
    win win I guess

  2. Anonymous says:

    What are we voting for? For nothing to change? For false promises? to enrich the corrupt local politicians? No thank you, keep your silly false choices.

    • Mumbichi says:

      Exactly. Our youth see “same as it ever was” with no real choices, our new Status Holders see the same, and drown in their disappointment. Me? I’ve been disappointed for nearly a decade. The problem appears to be that nobody with any sense wants to run for office. Can’t say I blame them, but then again, somebody has to break through the wall of mediocrity, or our future is doomed. People are not stepping up to register. Why should they?

      We need to invest in Caymanians, not WP holders, and that means raising the minimum wage. Government is addicted to WP fees, and cruise ship passenger head counts, and wants more more more more. If we raise the minimum wage, yes, that will increase some of our costs, but look at the gain: There will be less cars on the road, and once again Caymanian youth can hope to raise a family and even buy a home.

      We need to clean up the [expletive] dump! On ALL islands, and get our recycling programs going! If there is one thing that government should subsidize it is this!

      We need reliable, comfortable, safe public transportation.

      Why not me? thank you for asking. Status Holders are not allowed to run for office.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Think like an Economist

    Think Like an Economist and you’ll see the world more clearly, empowering you to make better decisions at work, at home, and in your community.

    Dollars & Sense


    US, UK & German Bond Rates

  4. Protect our democracy says:

    I am lobbying for One Man/One Vote with a NATIONAL vote, so I can elect the best for the country, not the least mediocre for my constituency…

    • Anonymous says:

      There should just be a territorial election for Premier concurrent with municipal election for District MP. Two decisions to make on the same day. Pity we can’t vote for Deputy Governor, Attorney General, or Speaker of the House then as well, or we might actually get somewhere.

  5. Anonymous says:

    A rush to register for 9 voters!! 😂. Politicians getting desperate now.

    Shame we can’t string them all up and have some boring, Whitehall civil servants run the entire place for a decade. Do us all a favour without the “who ya fah” crap and skin colour politics.

    And we haven’t even delved into the CSA and routine abuse of spouses etc

  6. Change says:

    If you are a voter, encourage professional, qualified— and HONEST! Caymanians, to run for office.
    If you are thinking of running, be aware that:
    – We need to build the middle class, which requires the majority of qualified Caymanians employed and earning a dignified salary; balance that with the huge revenues that Immigration is forced to raise by granting work permits and PR
    – We need land for Caymanians to build homes. Balance that with the huge revenues that the Department of Lands has to earn in Stamp Duty
    – In ten, fifteen years, we will need well qualified Caymanians in the labor force, to replace the very many who will be over 65 by then. Balance that with an education curriculum that needs to be overhauled to come in line with 21st Century labor force requirements

    –> No one cares about building a country, when they have no employment, no food, no home, no health care — and no hope.

    • Mumbichi says:

      Thank you. Perfectly said. In my earlier rant, I forgot to mention the ENORMOUS cost of health care. I could finance a home for what I pay for my family monthly. No current help for it. Pay or die.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Explain one good reason people shouldn’t be able to register to vote up to the day of the election in the name of not disenfranchising a single eligible voter?

    • Anonymous says:

      Because snail pace rules and lack of real-time tech.

    • Anonymous says:

      ETA: And besides, if you can’t get your shit together by now to register, knowing the deadline, do you deserve the privilege of the right to vote?

  8. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth Bryan did an awesome job trying to intellectually stimulate the minds of Caymanians with his $50K Tourism Grant for Government to consider economic growth

    But the public is unaware of what those ideas presented were

    Maybe the CIG Youtube Oline Channel and Radio Cayman could play a better role in intellectually and economicalyy stimulation if it is considered if a competetive Long Term Economic Planning Compitition for competitors to earn an income and utilize there academic skills on a program like the popular US Televised Shark Tank Entreprenuer Ideas Show

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah yes the man that bought you the multimillion dollar druggy park, Hagglers on SMB, the ist goes on.

    • Anonymous says:

      LMAO This post is exactly the state of Cayman..

      ‘…utilize there academic skills on a program like the popular US Televised Shark Tank Entreprenuer Ideas Show’

      Try and learn correct English, this is not USA (well not yet anyway with Trumpy and Musky on the rampage!).

      USA Shark Tank…LMAO

    • Anonymous says:

      Where did you go to school….

    • Anonymous says:

      Is it 1 April 2025 already? LOLOLOL

      ‘But the public is unaware of what those ideas presented were

      Maybe the CIG Youtube Oline Channel and Radio Cayman could play a better role in intellectually and economicalyy stimulation if it is considered if a competetive Long Term Economic Planning Compitition for competitors to earn an income and utilize there academic skills on a program like the popular US Televised Shark Tank Entreprenuer Ideas Show’

  9. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the lack of interest with young Caymanians not being interested in voting is because our leaders are not addressing and finding fundamental problem solving solutions affecting them and many other Caymanians in the younger to the older generation from economic food affordability & employment stimulation, to affordable living accomodations, to assurances of safety from crime

    Perhaps, if our government was to reserve $10m of its wasted income to introduce a competetive Long Term Economic Planning Compitition for competitors to earn an income and utilize there academic skills like the popular US Televised Shark Tank Entreprenuer Ideas for Future Local Visionaries to present there long term Infrustrure & Hospitality Development Ideas to a locally broadcasted audience on the governments CIG Online Youtube Channel and Radio Cayman

    Maybe a lot of our younger generation who feel displaced and excluded from the direction and decision making might show more interest and feel a sense of belonging in being involved in shaping the future of these islands in the manner they precieve to future to be and the way they would like to live there lives in the future

  10. Anonymous says:

    Imagine having to choose between trough-feeding, corrupt thickos or slightly better-educated, corrupt do-nothings.

  11. Joel says:

    Eligible Caymanians look around and see the waste of time voting is. I believe voting held more value and importance back in the 80s and 90s but now it’s just a circus with the same monkey performers.

    Young Caymanians don’t waste your life here. Get educated and leave for better opportunities.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nonsense. Democracy is critical and voting being considered a ‘waste of time’ is a thumbs up to dictatorship or elected MLAs running riot.

      It should also be pointed out that you can only leave for better opportunities if you have dual nationalities. The UK hardly being the most inspiring opportunity right now.

  12. Anonymous says:

    You cannot register if your status application is stuck in processing.

    You cannot even make your status application if your Naturalisation application is stuck in processing.

    If you are granted status on 16 January and rush to register 10 weeks before the election, you will be told you are too late. Better luck for 2029.

    Meanwhile the Ombudsman’s April 2022 report on Electoral Registration and Processing of Voter Data appears to be largely being ignored with a resultant ongoing risk of some non Caymanians being able to register to vote and indeed vote.

    You could not make any of this up.

  13. Anonymous says:

    19 constituencies. What a convoluted mess of a system we have for something the size of a small town.

    • Anonymous says:

      The size of a large HOA, actually

    • Anonymous says:

      Small constituencies make it easier for the rich to buy elections. Everybody was warned that this would happen, but too many people saw single-member constituencies as a way to break up McKeeva’s bloc of four in West Bay. As a result, this country will be subjected to decades of Joey Hew and Kenny B and, eventually, to the vote on independence that will put the final nail in Cayman’s coffin.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you can be premier with just 266 votes!

    • Anonymous says:

      Indeed, there are college student governments that run better by kids.

      • Anonymous says:

        As someone at work noted:

        “CIG is like a Model United Nations – in a special school”


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