Ministers in Jamaica for Ag Show deliver relief supplies

| 06/08/2024 | 58 Comments
Off to Jamaica! (L-R) Minister Jay Ebanks, PS McKeeva Bush, Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and Minister Dwayne Seymour

(CNS): The premier, two Cabinet ministers and a parliamentary secretary are currently in Jamaica to attend the Denbigh Agricultural, Industrial and Food Show, which takes place today, Tuesday. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, who will speak at the event, is accompanied by Agriculture Minister Jay Ebanks, Culture Minister Dwayne Seymour, McKeeva Bush, who is PS to Minister Ebanks, and Acting Department of Agriculture (DoA) Deputy Director Demoy Nash.

According to a CIG release, the trip is being made at the invitation of the Jamaican Government. However, since it coincides with the delivery of more hurricane relief supplies, it would appear that the people of the Cayman Islands are paying for it.

The release gives no stated aims or tangible positive outcomes for Cayman associated with the all-expenses-paid visit, nor does it provide any idea of the cost of the trip, how long it will last or which ministry’s budget will cover it.

The premier also travelled to Jamaica last month to bring post-hurricane help. On that trip, she headed a delegation to deliver a US$200,000 donation to the Building A Better Jamaica Fund, as well as medical supplies donated by the Health Services Authority and Health City Cayman Islands.

Items delivered this time, valued at approximately US$50,000, include generators, chainsaws, tarpaulins, and air mattresses. The Ministry of Education has donated 40 laptops, and HCCI has again donated medical supplies. Some of the cargo was delivered to the island on Sunday, 4 August, and the rest on Monday, 5 August.

The donation comes as part of the US$1.2 million pledge by the Cayman Islands Government to assist the four Caribbean countries most impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Similar donations have already been made to Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenadines.

The CIG release noted that the Denbigh Show was scaled down from three days to one due to the disruption of the agricultural sector caused by Beryl on 3 July.

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Comments (58)

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  1. J Butterfield says:

    If the Cayman Rugby Club needs any front row forwards go further than asking those in the photo.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Why was it necessary for 3 Cabinet members and 1 Svengali to deliver these funds to Jamaica? It was not! Just another excuse for a jolly on the people’s dollar! Denbeigh Ag show?? Right!

    But it’s not just the unnecessary travel that is sucking our money. I was informed by a travel agent friend that Government travel bookings usually involve a series of whimsical changes to travel itineraries, all subject to change fees!

    Think they care? No!

    Enough is enough! No need to march about CUC, let’s march about Government waste and unaccountability!!

  3. anonymous says:

    Take a look – there is the next political party for Cayman – the fabulous 5. I’m sure Saunders is along for the ride too. Making sure they secure the Jamaican-Caymanian vote. It wasn’t enough to grant thousands of them status in the post Ivan ‘give away’ we now support many of them and the thousands of family members who received status through them. Now we have extended the ‘buying’ to the motherland and directing payments to their overseas families. UDP, PACT, UPP – what ever you call it, more vote buying that makes me sick. And to top it off – a private Cayman Airways flight for these 5. Shame on you all – wasting peoples hard earned money on your extravagance and love for Jamaica. VOTE EM OUT!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Jamaica doesn’t need any help. Our diaspora community have enough funds to assist. They have never asked for help. I think the CI should have given it to another country that really needs it. Believe me Bush $Stewart alone would have donated 500,000. But I don’t believe Jamaica needed that money to be honest.

  5. Anonymous says:

    way to many pork pies

    • Anonymous says:

      Total lack of shame in wasting public funds that Caymanians desperately need, in exchange for Jamaican votes as they enjoy a freebie .
      The irony of Mac prominently displaying a cross whilst ignoring every Christian value in everything he does.

  6. Anonymous says:

    hope she has secret service looking as jam kinda violent…

  7. Anonymous says:

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case it is a thousand pounds.

  8. Our prosperity has left Cayman departed for Jamaica ! says:

    DOA Acting Director just about sums it up nicely but I wonder it they are going to Jamaica meet his Caymanian counterpart Incharge of their Department or Jamaica ministry agriculture I wait to hear this Caymanian born appointee’s name , but I won’t hold my breath! It’s a crying shame and real disgrace to our forefathers with what is going in these islands after 1962 and here we had our most egregious political pariahs attending independence celebrations and disguising it as an agriculture show.

  9. Former Olympian on NAU says:

    If only this “Relief” could be spent on our own athletes and Olympians maybe we would have a few medals to be proud and celebrate or increase our chances but alas political leaders are merely concern with their lavish lifestyles and leisure and travel and garnishing the votes of the new majority in their respective electoral districts so they can maintain this obscene and greedy position in our society. What a shame some have to lie about travelling and using our money to reinforce the lie so they can attend Independence festivities for the very same persons hemorrhaging their own countries resources and society to mimic their dire situation.what a shame Cayman only if our leaders had a little common sense and integrity and respect for their very own!

  10. Mrs bodden says:

    Well there’s a jolly if ever I saw one

  11. Independence to prosperity says:

    Jamaica independent celebration never miss wee ? Boy they got unnnah fool bad eh ! Sad part it’s our dime they are wasting on their lavish travel and accommodation not to mention handing out gifts whilst Caymanians struggle to eat and keep a roof over their heads . But no surprise we know exactly which voters they need to get elected to continue to fleece Cayman same one who is slowly but surely destroying it with drugs, crime and violence . This is why they will never doing anything to stop it .

  12. Chris Johnson says:

    We at Cayman Community Farm on Hirst Road lost a lot of trees and vegetables in the storm Beryl. I am sure many farmers did likewise. Why were they not assisted. I am very much aware that Jamaica suffered much more than Cayman did. The MPs should remember that charity begins at home. Cayman Airways not required. As our premier has a farm in the Brac, where was she in the farmers hour of need and where was Jay as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look at the photo, and look who is kept ink power by Jamaican voters…

      • Anonymous says:

        Some of whom may have benefitted from unlawful status grants.

        And the Governor smiled, the Commissioner said the crime situation was stable, and the Deputy Governor said it was all #worldclass.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Mandatory trip to serve their backdoor secret meeting masters. Nothing new here sadly….other than how much public money is being given away to pay their personal tithes.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Fat cats

    • Burning Spear says:

      Wrong Boss Hogg and family attending jerk Pork party ! Sad or dear leaders care so little for their own people .

      • Anonymous says:

        You voted for these people who follow the UDP “What’s in this for me” mantra forgetting their duty to the citizens of Cayman .
        Remember this next election.

  15. Cayman’s Ministry Of Silly Walks says:

    Charitable gesture aside , which I think is admirable, I don’t think our government should expand relations with by their own admission is a failed state.

    Whilst Jamaica has great potential, it is mired in garrison culture and politics and rampant disregard for the rule of law.,Garrison%20communities,wholly%20support%20a%20local%20politician.

    The uncomfortable truth is that present day Jamaica is what our present elected officials are leading us into. One only need to listen to the language spewed by various politicians on talk shows to see that

    • What are you saying here? You must understand that the entire world is mired in political upheaval, garrisons politics, crime and rampant disregard for the rule of law. Just check our prison population in cayman. Our young people are in trouble. Jamaica in not the only country with challenges. Even the rich developed countries including the USA, China, Japan, etc are struggling with rampant upheavals domestically, socially, environmentally, politically. Just take a look at the upheaval in Britain. The cities are burning law enforcement can barely cope. As the Premier mentioned: The only way we can survive the challenges facing us; is to unite especially neighbors.

      • Anonymous says:

        Unite wit ya muma, bredrin. Jamaica is a hole and has only gotten worse since independence. Ask why half the world requires visas for Jamaicans to even enter the country.

  16. Anonymous says:

    They need to take better care of themselves. $10k a month they can afford new clothes, personal trainers and weightloss surgery. There’s no excuse for the sloppiness.

  17. Anonymous says:

    These people never ate a vegetable in their lives.

    • Anonymous says:

      I dunno, they sure love their seven starches breadfruit, cassava, plantain, yam, rice, Irish potato, and flour dumplings. And they top it off with a heapin helpin of heavy cake!

      • Anonymous says:

        Plesse do not include the Irish potato in the same breath as this lot, it has much more importance!

      • Mw says:

        That typical the diet of our Caribbean people. It’s obvious you are not from the islands

        • Anonymous says:

          Sadly, Caribbean people who ate this diet used to work their asses off and needed this food to maintain caloric intake to do the work. Although they ate this starch laden diet they maintained a healthy weight in days gone by. Now especially in Cayman, people still eat these starches, drive to work, instead of walking or riding a bike, sit a desk jobs or lounge on couches and still find it hard just to reach for a remote for their TV. Don’t for one minute assume I’m not from this region and don’t know the history, I’ve heard your small minded rhetoric many times before.

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t blame the food, blame the greed and laziness of people in pic.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The fat cats get obese on our taxes. Look at that image. Those four are definitely NOT using food banks or worried about the cost of living at our local supermarkets.

  19. Anonymous says:

    👨‍⚖️Did she face ACC probe? What happened?

    “In his latest report [2015], Alastair Swarbrick pointed to what could be a “breach of trust” by Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, who is currently the speaker of the House, over her direction to purchase a plot of land in her constituency.”

    I’ll repost my comment to another CNS article:

    The corruption in Cayman is so saturated it will be difficult for the masses to gain a stronghold to fight the evil satanic grip that controls The Parliament and The Cabinet. The only answer is removal of some key players and an economy based on need not greed.

    Who are the key players that must be removed❓

  20. Anonymous says:

    Seems that cayman airways needed extra ballast. That foursome needs to look in the mirror and consider diets or gastric band surgery.

  21. Anonymous says:

    They go to this Agricultural show every year. All expenses paid.

    Did Jamaica ask for help? Giving out cash, 40 laptops, air mattresses ? 🫤 Jamaica is fine if they run the Agricultural show in post-hurricane environment.

    Who approved such spendings? Appears that Madam Premier is spending money as if it is her own. She has a history of such habits.

    Why does she feel invincible?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t the four of you really give Jamaica a huge gift and stay there forever. You can help the Jamaicans out with tourism as a carnival act; Seymour, Ebanks and Bush can wear those Rasta wigs and O’Connor can dress up in a dance hall outfit. What a shining example of leadership at its finest.

    • Anonymous says:

      Imagine believing that JAMAICA the borderline failed state is at the forefront of anything.

      It’s the poor man’s Haiti. But give it time.

  22. Anonymous says:

    We love you all, make us proud as we want to be just like Jamaica. Sch handsome and strong men along with our very great Premier. No more elections, just stay in power forever. One love.
    By the way, give Jamaica more money as we have lots of it to throw around.

  23. Anonymous says:

    who ate all the pies?

  24. Cheese Face says:

    Please stay there you useless c***s.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Instead of working to turn Cayman into New Jamaica, why don’t this bunch just move there? McKeeva Bush especially should go and never come back.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Birds of a feather


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