CIG says John-John injured in early morning crash

| 08/08/2024 | 130 Comments
Scene of the early morning crash, 8 August 2024 (supplied by the RCIPS)

(CNS) Updated 4:55pm Thursday: The Cayman Islands Government has now confirmed that the senior politician involved in a collision in Bodden Town early this morning, 8 August, was Labour Minister Dwayne “John-John” Seymour. The Cabinet minister was injured when his vehicle collided with an excavator arm that was in the road. The CIG said that he had been released from hospital.

The police said that about 30 minutes after midnight this morning, 8 August, someone made a 911 call to report that a CAT excavator was parked along the roadside on Anton Bodden Drive, Bodden Town, with the excavator arm extending into the roadway. Shortly afterwards, it was reported that a vehicle had collided with the excavator arm.

The RCIPS, the Cayman Islands Fire Service and Emergency Medical Services attended the scene and found that the driver of the vehicle had sustained injuries to his head. The man, described as “a senior politician”, was transported to the Cayman Islands Hospital to be treated for his injuries, which appear to be non-life-threatening. He remains in hospital at this time.

Police officers attended the hospital but were unable to conduct further inquiries because the driver was undergoing immediate medical care. However, the RCIPS said they requested that the attending physician take a blood sample for investigative purposes, noting that the matter remains under investigation.

Police are also investigating how the excavator arm came to be extending into the roadway at the time of the collision.

Anyone with information about the collision or the excavator is asked to contact the Traffic & Roads Policing Unit at 649-6254

Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via our Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or via our website.

Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Cayman Crime Stoppers website or by downloading the Cayman Crime Stoppers app.

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  1. SKEPTICAL says:

    So why didn’t the Police asks some questions next morning –
    – Where were you yesterday evening MR Seymour
    – Denzils Bar ?
    – For how long – you don’t remember ?
    – Did you have any alcoholic drinks? How many ? – you don’t remember.
    – OK then perhaps we could ask the barman at Denzils – or do you think he won’t remember either.
    This whole episode raises more questions than it provides answers – but would it be realistic to expect that we will never know what caused a driver presumably with headlights on, ran into a bloody huge yellow piece of mechanical equipment………

    • Anonymous says:

      If a doctor won’t take a blood sample so you honestly think the staff of the bar would assist with such an inquiry? Which would be of very limited evidential value for a DUI charge anyway – the offence is the blood alcohol content, not consumption of alcohol, and it would be impossible to determine tht from eyewitness evidence. However, one wonders if a driving without due care and attention charge would stick – true, excavator shouldn’t have been in the road, but then again anyone paying attention and driving at the speed limit would see it and brake. But I guess if you can drive off the road and hit a light pole without charges then hitting something in the road that shouldn’t be there is never going to move the dial. Until someone is hurt this is going to continue.

      • Anonymous says:

        “In this case, following close observations of the driver, the officer assessed and formed a professional opinion that a breath test was not necessary.” From Compass report.
        If a person smells of alcohol, they can also say no breathylser necessary because ‘there was a strong smell of alcohol’ – no breathylser and no blood test. Question- was there a strong smell of alcohol that makes a person guilty?

      • Anonymous says:

        Caymanians need to rise up and stop this North Korea attude towards policiations that they and do as they like and get away clean. Voters stop being a fool all the time, don’t make a career out of being fool every election.

      • Anonymous says:

        Caymanians need to rise up and stop this North Korea attude towards policiations that they and do as they like and get away clean. Voters stop being a fool all the time, don’t make a out of being fool every election.

  2. Wisdom says:

    Johnny boy, take heed! Your life was spared on this occasion, but you may not be so fortunate on the next. God knows the absolute truth and in HIS courts you will be held fully accountable!

  3. Anonymous says:

    nice to know this jackass can constantly endanger other people’s lives without consequences. #StayGreatCayman

    • Anonymous says:

      Is the post on CMR that the doctor didn’t take a blood sample as requested true?

      CNS: The RCIPS says it will be sending a release about that.

  4. Anonymous says:

    John-John’s involvement in yet another road accident is deeply troubling, especially given his history of similar incidents. This isn’t the first time he’s been in a crash—there was the light pole incident back in 2018, among others, that have raised questions about his driving habits and overall accountability. As a senior government official, he should be setting an example, not contributing to the problem. It’s crucial that this latest incident is thoroughly investigated, with complete transparency regarding any findings of impairment or negligence. The public deserves to know whether their representatives are upholding the law, and if not, appropriate consequences must follow. We can’t afford to have those in power repeatedly involved in dangerous situations without facing any repercussions.

    • Anonymous says:

      “crucial that this latest incident is thoroughly investigated, with complete transparency..” – except we now hear that the attending physician refused to take the blood sample on the basis it would interfere with the patients care. Right, because a quick sample either before or after the MRI would make a difference in his treatment. Is the doctor on a work permit?

    • Anonymous says:

      Look at CMR, blood test not taken.

    • Anonymous says:

      Best not hold your breath

  5. Chris Johnson says:

    It is about tine the RCIP did something about older drivers.
    For far too long older drivers have caused havoc as they hog the left lane, stick to the speed limit and stop at traffic lights, causing great inconvenience and often preventing others from doing whatever they like.

    Another major concern is that by avoiding and fines they are not doing their bit for the revenue of the island and are therefore placing a further burden on younger drivers.

    Until older drivers can prove that they are proficient at weaving in and out of traffic, driving whilst texting, tailgating, using alcohol, hitting excavators, poles and other nationalities they must be banned from holding a licence.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Any news on the blood test result, usually takes only 24-48 hours? I guess it’s wishful thinking for CIG to be transparent on this considering their track record of throwing the rug over things.

  7. Anon. says:

    Betcha if it was a donkey he wouldn’t have hit it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the “Cayman Heavy Equipment Association” is tired of not getting any work

  9. Anonymous says:

    Horribly bad luck. A vehicle travelling on a road , with street lights & a relatively low speed limit that utilizes speed mitigation measures in the form of amply spaced speed bumps , collides with a +30 ton earth moving implement that somehow left its extended boom at almost full extension , out into the road way. At midnight.
    To amplify this bad luck scenario, the driver of the expensive government provided vehicle , whilst doing the posted speed limit & driving at a speed safely to negotiate the evenly spaced speed bumps, did not see the bright Yellow color Caterpillar extended boom , despite a relatively brand new model Chevrolet SUV having bright LED ‘State of the Art” headlights , capable of illuminating through heavy rain, fog , sleet & snow.

  10. UPM stop giving away our Money says:

    Tell me it is not so Jon Jon supporters actions have nearly cost him his life ! The irony is that it’s him who brought dem here with their crime and violence ! Now it’s has comeback to bite him .Stop the foolishness minister stop the foolishness.

  11. Anonymous says:

    $50 says the blood alcohol sample disappears or miraculously becomes inadmissible.

  12. BWindsor says:

    Will someone tell John-John to keep away from the pork dock. There is a very large excavator there by the fencing. It looks rather vulnerable. Rumour has it there will be a police escort headed by PC Fabian 0’Connor to take it to a resting place for self protection. I

  13. Hancock says:

    To assist all politicians all poles and excavators should have a red light on the top.
    Over to you Minster of Transport.

  14. anonymous says:

    Yet another high priced Tahoe that was leased for a ‘Minister’ and I use that term loosely. Thanks to Chief Eric. Since when do all of the minister get a new vehicle and some a driver on our (the people’s) money. VOTE EM OUT and stop this robbery and utter embarrassment for all of us!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully he loses his licence and has to pay back CIG for loss of the vehicle. And if his blood tests positive for alcohol he needs to be penalised just like anyone else DUI. The public expect a thorough investigation and complete disclosure from the RCIPS as it’s reputation is already severely degraded from his last crash. And any whiff of a coverup needs to be swiftly investigated by the ACC.

      • Anonymous says:

        The RCIP reputation was severely degraded long before the last crash. First Cayman Bank, Status grants, Gasboy, Pavinggate, Trainergate are all apparently uninvestigated and unresolved instances of potential criminal conduct the RCIP seems to have contorted itself to avoid looking at.

        That’s even before we consider the small issue of vast amounts of drugs being taken from the police compound, or a politician loosing off some rounds many years ago.

        There is hope. The RCIP is now dealing with a 26 year old murder. More of the same please. The witnesses are dying of old age, and our lack of ability to trust our police is killing our country.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t blame the elected MPs.
      It’s the civil servants at the trough also who make these decisions!
      Spell Porkbelly.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Wondering why the Vaseline was out at 2.00 in the morning.

  16. Anonymous says:

    As reported, why was he driving a government vehicle at that time of night/morning? Did not buy a new personal one after the light pole hit him? if a government vehicle, then should not be replaced with our money…should the excavator pay for it or the driver..?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Dang. This is a serious cross species pandemic we are facing that is unique to the Cayman Islands.

    Moving power poles to moving light poles to moving parked and shut down excavators.

    • Anonymous says:

      Must have been a duppy who had driven the Excavator in his path, when they saw him coming and made him ran off the road. It is very strange that no other driver noticed the Excavator in the middle of the road and reported to the Police. Very strange

  18. Anonymous says:

    It is said that some learn languages they never knew before after head injury.

  19. Anonymous says:

    When investigating politicians and senior government officials the police should mirror the approach taken when there are shootings involving the RCIPS – which is bringing in officers from another OT with no connection to Cayman to spearhead and oversee the investigation (the last instance involved Officers from Bermuda)

    Police here are far too chummy with politicians and its put on display every time with the special treatment they receive

    That blood should also be sent overseas for independent testing and verification.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed but the biggest problem is take it to a jury trial and they’ll get off anyway. Wouldn’t want to insinuate there is any form of bribery or corruption taking place but the regularity at which powerful and wealthy Caymanians are found not guilty in the face of overwhelming evidence is astounding.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Like him or not he is a human being and the accident is being investigated. Stop speculating. Be kind!

  21. Anonymous says:

    So nobody else noticed the excavator in the middle of the road BEFORE midnight?? smh

  22. Anonymous says:

    Quite remarkable that his was the only vehicle to use Anton Bodden Drive that night.

  23. Kman says:

    Please wake me up when this embarrassing Side Show Bob Show is over. We’ve Jokers and Clowns for Politicians 🤣

    • Anonymous says:

      Curious to know what the “Bob Show” is?
      What is the origin & history of this “Bob Show”?

  24. Secetary to Cayman’s Ministry of Silly Walks says:

    Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather here to discuss a most peculiar and unsettling incident that occurred in the early hours of August 9th, 2024. A senior politician, Dwayne “John-John” Seymour, was involved in a vehicular accident with a mysterious excavator that seemed to have a mind of its own.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking: “What does an excavator have to do with the Devil?” Well, my friends, let me tell you a story about the dark forces that lurk in the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

    The excavator in question was not just any ordinary piece of machinery. Oh no, it was possessed by none other than the Prince of Darkness himself, Lucifer! You see, the Devil has many tricks up his sleeve, and one of his favorites is to infiltrate the minds of inanimate objects and use them to cause chaos and destruction.

    On that fateful night, the Devil saw an opportunity to wreak havoc on the life of a prominent politician. He took control of the excavator, moving it into the road and extending its arm to create a dangerous obstacle. And when John-John came driving along, unsuspecting and innocent, the Devil struck.

    But here’s the thing, my friends: the Devil may have won this battle, but he will not win the war. God is always watching over us, protecting us from the forces of evil. And while John-John may have been injured, he is alive and well, a testament to the power of faith and the grace of God.

    So let this incident serve as a reminder to us all: the Devil is always lurking, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. But as long as we have faith in our hearts and trust in the Lord, we will be protected from his evil machinations.

    Let us pray for John-John’s recovery and for the strength to resist the temptations of the Devil. And let us always remember that no matter how dark the night may seem, the light of God’s love will always guide us through. Amen.

  25. Nautical-one345 says:

    John, John crashed again? Something seems very strange! Hopefully the Police do a thorough and impartial investigation!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Was he breathalysed? If it was you or me we would be as a matter of routine.

    • Anonymous says:

      The CAT was sampled roadside & delivered a high concentration of ethanol blended distillates, perhaps given the pressure it was then under, the cause of the extended boom?

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair, you wouldn’t if you had a head injury and were receiving medical attention at the time. They would attend the hospital and either ask for one after you were patched up, or as in this case, ask the hospital for a blood sample.

    • Anonymous says:

      No as just like Donald Trump, Jon-Jon has immunity because this happened while he is performing his official duties.

  27. Anonymous says:

    If the police ever try to ask me for a breath test, i’ll refuse and if they arrest me i’m going to suit them and ensure it makes international news. If John John dont ever need to take one then i dont either. This is the third incident in recent years and its covered up every time. the police allowing this should be investigated also.

    LTD da Unboozler.

  28. Ambidextrous says:

    Let us look at the photos of the collision and the extent of the vehicle damage, being totally written off and the top roof being ripped open. It’s like a crushed can of sardines.

    Let us look at the placement of the excavator and the boom extending into the road.

    The boom should no longer be there and in that good condition if there was a direct collision.

    So this begs the question as to whether the escalator was there before or after the accident.

  29. Anonymous says:

    This your boy Cayman. Well done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah yes, ensuring that government by Jamaicans, for Jamaicans and of Jamaicans shall not perish from Bodden Town.

      He does not represent Cayman.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I live near where this happened. Something is very very strange about this version. There is a lot of traffic along this road well before midnight every single night of the week, trust me. Speeding cars and motorbikes use the straight bit to display their manliness. How come, then, this excavator was only discovered around midnight by of all people Seymour? Did no one report it before this? Or was it moved there after he hit it which, of course, is what local people in Lookout and around who know the area are saying.

    • Anonymous says:

      If that happened, EVERYONE involved would surely go to prison for a very long time, and Caymanian or not, get hounded off the island after. That IF we have any sense of accountability or propriety left.

    • a says:

      We gotta protect our John John.

    • Anonymous says:

      If driving at the correct speed limit and keeping a proper lookout… damage seems extensive both in front of and behind bucket and arm. I’m pretty sure the vaseline on the floor wasn’t deliberate though (ref pics on CMR)! :-/

    • Anonymous says:

      since a lot of people drive that stretch of the road then how could they not see the “after the accident” activities?
      The man has severe had injuries. He was definitely in a state of a shock after the accident.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Why is Mr Seymour so often involved in these strange occurrences?

    • aduh says:

      Please answer your question! (Because he is …).

      And will be re-elected to office from the highly informed electorate in his jurisdiction. Cayman, you are a mess!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s to do with lunar cycles.

  32. Anonymous says:

    With that much wreckage on the road I’d expect the arm to be damaged and the excavator turned right around. Something doesn’t add up in that picture.

    • Anonymous says:

      Now Jon Jon’s head is harder than the rocks that excavator is designed to break up, but no family vehicle travelling at even 100mph is going to move an excavator that size.

      • Anonymous says:

        He turned his head at just the right moment and as emergency services pulled him from the wreckage he raised his fist and shouted “Fight! Fight! Fight!”. He has been ordained President of the Immortals, and walks in the moonlight with Mary, Jesus, and a donkey – which is now to be his preferred mode of transport.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Well, that’s a strange story. I’ve been driving by there recently and saw the two excavators at work. I’m given to understand they belong to KP Equipment whose owners are connected to the owners of that land and are very responsible BT and EE quarry owners who would not leave one of their excavators sticking out into the road. Has the police checked with them? Very fishy story but in line with the donkey/full moon MP. People heard the excavator around midnight. Wtf?

    • Anonymous says:

      He didn’t see the bucket for the donkey jumping over the moon. But if something amiss it’s not very fair on the owners who could end facing prosecution and/or a law suit. Police should closely investigate street, security and ring video evidence in the surrounding area, might shed some light.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Wonder if he tried to call JuJu after crashing? He must be running out of “get out of jail free” cards now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ju Ju, as a good christian Caymanian could not possibly ever be involved in a cover up operation.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Amazing hoe CNS posters can determine blood alcohol level by looking at a photo.

  36. Anonymous says:

    No chance there was a CCTV camera anywhere (again) was there? Nope. No chance.

    Nothing good happens after midnight. Mr. Seymour should have already known this.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why not CCTV? I know we paid for it. If we didn’t get it, wouldn’t there have been some arrests by now?

  37. Anonymous says:

    Who parked the excavator there?!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Who owns it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Whoever did should be imprisoned. There is literally no excuse (whether or not the guy the hit it was impaired).

      • Anonymous says:

        What if the owner didn’t leave it that way? Easy enough to find out, nuff traffic in the area to establish it’s position shortly before the accident. Unless you’re suggesting the owner came out in the middle of the night and deliberately moved it like that… which makes no sense at all.

      • Anonymous says:

        Others should have been imprisoned long ago! Wakey, wakey!!

    • Anonymous says:

      More like when!

    • Anonymous says:

      Some of our feral youth in BT moved it I’m told. Why it wasn’t secure from that sort of activity would be for the owner to explain.

  38. Anonymous says:

    He must be checked independently for being under the influence of alcohol or drugs just like anyone else. I hope this is not another coverup to protect his position.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Another” ? Should not those responsible for any previous one be arrested and charged?

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you manage to run into an extremely large, bright yellow excavator arm, even if it is in the roadway? Mind you, how do you manage to run into a CUC power like that is off the roadway. Guess the answer to both questions is the same – tiredness after a long day at the office.

      • Anonymous says:

        Damn, you are good. Your comment made me smile. Let’s see if he gets his just deserts this time.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Amazing how we act in Cayman.

    If this was any of us, or especially a typical drunk 22 year old driving a type R, they would’ve been hung in the digital gallows on marl road for careless driving. I’m sure his bright lights work.

    Duhwayne’s second wehicle getting wrote off? Awww I hope you’re ok! I still getting that fridge you promised before elections, right?

  40. Anonymous says:

    Taking bets on the thing being moved into the middle of the road AFTER the crash to cover something up?

    • Anonymous says:

      does it have the collision marks? easy to see

      • Jus Dis says:

        It likely does have the collision marks….but the accident / collision may still have happened off the road {where such equipment would normally be) and then placed in the road afterwards to cover for the one and only John John. He should ride a donkey LOL

    • Anonymous says:

      It seems very strange that any heavy equipment operator would have just left a machine like that out in the road but why didn’t anyone report it before 2:00 AM in the morning? This will just get swept under the rug like everything else for the right people. XXXX

  41. Anonymous says:

    Political preferences aside, I truly hope the Hon. Minister is okay. An excavator’s arm extending into the road is extremely dangerous. Anyone could have potentially been injured.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was likely move there after the fact. Either that or it’s the world’s largest coincidence that an elected member of parliament would smash into it mere minutes AFTER a phone call reporting it being in the road.

      Amazing how these inanimate objects keep jumping out at his most honourable minister Seymour.

      • Anonymous says:

        Glad everyone is alive. The person who made the call has identified themselves on CMR. This will be interesting to watch. Getting popcorn.

      • Anonymous says:

        So you believe that Jon Jon has an army of excavators sitting idle just in case he happens to get into a near fatal accident on a random night ?

        Please make sense !!!

  42. Anonymous says:

    WTH is it doing in the middle of the road?!

    No comment on what john-john was doing, but you can hardly expect a digger arm in the middle of the road at night.

    • Anonymous says:

      Granted it shouldn’t have been in the road, BUT a sober person doing the speed limit would see the arm, stop the vehicle, put on hazard lights and call 911.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Must have been working late at “the office”.

    • Anonymous says:

      You think?

    • Anonymous says:

      Where else would he work because the “office” in Prospect isn’t open.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe he was at the trainer working out.

        • Anonymous says:

          You must be very brave or stupid to make such insinuation. Mary, the donkey and the baby Jesus…

          • Anonymous says:

            #Legge was right, and those responsible for our governance have long become complicit in the #worldclass #shitshow.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ah, memories…

          • Cayman’s Ministry of Silly Walks says:

            🤣🤣🤣 That joke never gets old 🤣🤣🤣 ,

            That said it seems awfully strange how heavy equipment like that is left lying around! Quickly let’s all call OfReg to ban all existing excavators from the island and let’s get the existing ones an exorcism! Vade retro modernity!

            As to how the arm was left extended, the mind boggles, irresponsible operator, arm dragged after the fact, or demons possessing under the cover of darkness? The public needs to know!


          • Anonymous says:

            Moon shadow, moon shadow…


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