NRA to start work widening Crewe Road to six lanes

| 30/06/2024 | 21 Comments
Crewe Rd expansion plans (source: the NRA)

(CNS): Five years after work first started to create a six-lane highway linking the Chrissie Tomlinson Roundabout through the Red Bay Roundabout up to Grand Harbour, work will begin this weekend on the stretch of Crewe Road that links up to the CUC roundabout. The National Roads Authority said the multi-phase road widening initiative aims to increase traffic capacity on the primary arterials into George Town and the intersections supporting them at Grand Cayman’s worst traffic bottleneck.

The expansion is being carried out in segments, as the process requires the relocation of utilities and the removal and replacement of boundary walls, fences and other structures. The work will take place between the Grand Harbour Roundabout and the CUC Roundabout on both the eastbound and westbound lanes.

For more information on road projects, visit the NRA website.

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Comments (21)

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  1. Courtney Platt says:

    Reading the comments, I’m amazed by all of the short term, very temporary “fixes” being offered without addressing the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: our currently insane, 10% per year population increase. If we are now at 85k, add 8.5k= 93.5k next year. 93.5k + 9.3k= 102.8k in 2 yrs. 102.8k+ 10.3k= 113.1k in 3 yrs. I’ll skip ahead to 150k in 6 yrs, 200k in 7 years! Any traffic solutions we can devise would be negated in just a few years without slowing our pop. growth to a crawl. And CIG is not even talking about EVER reducing our rate of population growth because it makes money. The problem is IT’S AN ISLAND! I’ll say this to my dying breath, we MUST assess our current carrying capacity based on today’s infrastructure and limit population growth via immigration to match our capacity. Then, as we carefully increase the weakest links in our infrastructure we can slowly increase pop. as necessary, if necessary. I do not pretend to know diddly about what that would do to our economy or Government debt, but I do know that we cannot blindly, massively increase at the rate we are going. Surely the infrastructure spending outpaces the benefits of increasing population. Smart bean counters should be able to calculate this. DO THE STUDIES please and then, unlike so many other studies done in the past, act accordingly on the advice given instead of ignoring the actionable findings, please, please, please.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Please reshape the Kings Gym roundabout so that it isn’t simply a straight run from the Lions Centre to the LPH. Traffic barely slows down at what is a “give way” and anyone coming round the roundabout (that should have right of way) from Crewe Road/Silver Oaks risks being t-boned by morons that don’t think give way means using your breaks or eyes!

  3. common sense says:

    6 lanes that all merge in Savannah at the corner of hirst road and shamrock road into a single carriageway and the extension to woodlands has taken 8 years now.

    One would think the money would be better spent making the section from Tall trees to Agriculture grounds dual lane coming out of town to allow the traffic to merge from hirst road into shamrock road and make everyone’s life better going East. Remember BT is the second largest voting district after GT now and to get to Northside and East End you have pass this junction every night – election is next year!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cayman urgently needs safe cycle routes to provide an alternative to cars. Buses aren’t the answer. eBikes would be cheaper, faster and more pleasant. They are already proliferating among constructions workers and security guards.

    • Anonymous says:

      How else do you think the government makes money.. It’s by cars. The Island would be struggling way more now if it wasn’t for cars

  5. Anonymous says:

    We keep pouring concrete and asphalt on this tiny island contributing to global warming. Hope you all understand our failure to take heed is creating more environmental issues like more severe and intense hurricanes before peak season in September.

  6. WGW says:

    We don’t need more lanes “parking lot” we need traffic signals instead of round abouts. There is no traffic control with round abouts. If we want to prove this put traffic cops at all intersections from Town and from ALT to Grand Harbour and see how there is no traffic.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can have both. Plenty of roundtabouts in UK cities have traffic lights to control the flow on roundabouts at peak times.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This place is crazy.

    I love how they try to encourage indicator use, then have the most crazy assed signage. E.g. entering Kings (CUC) roundabout from LPH, it’s pretty much a 90 degree turn, but they use straight arrows. Same for the new roundabout, 3 lanes all go straight, but it’s in fact another giant right hand turn just with straight arrows. How’s this decided?

    Entering the new roundabout from Fairbanks, it is two lanes to pull into three, but the amount of cars in the right most lane that then goes into the middle lane!!! Please put some signs to explain how this works.

  8. Anonymous says:

    can they just finish one project before starting another.

  9. Anonymous says:

    its almost like the NRA have to be kept busy…..but of course that is the truth…if nra stopped their ‘projects’ their numbers and budget would be cut.
    bonkers system

  10. Anonymous says:

    from the people who said building more roads is not the solution….yep, you are getting more roads!
    welcome to wonderland

    • Anonymous says:

      NRA said it wasn’t the solution.
      Politicians only know how to order more roads. The holistic approach is hard and so they’re not going for that. Easier to just tell NRA to outsource some more asphalt paving.

  11. Anonymous says:

    the worse you create conditions for pedestrians and cyclists, the more you force people to get behind the wheel of a car and thereby provoke traffic jams.

    the question of transport is a question of mathematics and geometry. these sciences do not care what your culture or climate is because these are objective indicators.

    In general, mathematicians and economists have long proved that the more roads you make, the more you actually get more cars and even more traffic jams.

    4 postulates proven by mathematicians that say that it makes no sense to add new lanes or build flyovers in an urban environment

    1️⃣ The Pigou-Knight-Downs paradox states that expanding road capacity does not reduce travel cost because traffic may simply shift to the upgraded road from other roads, which increases the congestion of the upgraded road.

    2️⃣ The Downs-Thomson Paradox- traffic will increase without limit until the option of public transport (or any other form of transport) becomes faster than the equivalent trip by car.

    3️⃣Dietrich Braess’s paradox is the observation that adding one or more roads to a road network can slow down overall traffic flow through it. 

    4️⃣Lewis-Mogridge postulates
    that as more roads are built, more traffic consequently fills these roads. Speed gains from some new roads can disappear within months, if not weeks. Sometimes, new roads help to reduce traffic jams, but, in most cases, the congestion is only shifted to another junction.

    Mathematics don’t care if it is London, Paris, New York or Grand Cayman and Bermuda.

  12. Anonymous says:

    But I was laughed at and assured by the NRA when they were partially taking away my land that this stretch of road would remain 4 lanes maximum.

    Bottom line, don’t trust the NRA.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The Grand Harbour roundabout is a nightmare. IDK what they were thinking when they put that there.

  14. Anonymous says:

    more lanes does not solve the traffic problem.
    speading workblocations, work from home, different work times and especially in cayman better education on how to use the road and your indicators.

    last but not least, revoke driver liscences from anti social drivers.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Just one more lane guys, we’ll definetely solve traffic problem then!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Can’t quite follow the frowns on this one. We all agree that the bottleneck is Grand Harbour. More lanes from there is part of the solution. (Yes, still needed in the other direction(s) from Grand Harbour but this should be not nothing.)


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