Elderly WB man dies in the sea off Cemetery Beach

| 28/05/2024 | 10 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Police are conducting inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the death of a 78-year-old man from West Bay who was pulled from the water close to Cemetery Beach at around 8:15am Sunday. A 911 call was made reporting that a person was in distress. When police arrived at the scene, the officers saw that members of the public were giving CPR to an unconscious man on the beach.

The officers were told that one of the people on the beach had noticed what appeared to be an unresponsive man in the ocean. People in the vicinity pulled the man ashore and started CPR until the emergency services arrived and took over. The elderly man, who has not yet been identified, was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead by the attending doctor. 

He is the seventh person to lose their life so far this year in local waters and the third this month.

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  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    Cemetery Beach offers terrible snorkelling, aggressive nipping Bermuda Chub, a dangerous cross walk, and is the deadliest spot for in-water activity in the Cayman Islands. It shouldn’t be on anyone’s top ten list.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh PLEASE! I’m a healthy 30 year old and it’s one of the best to snorkel.

      If you’re age 75+ and at risk of a sudden cardiovascular medical emergency, you shouldn’t be doing strenuous activities in the ocean period.

      • Anonymous says:

        One of the best…in comparison to Nebraska? There are MUCH better places to snorkel, including some that actually feature live fish and coral!

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s why you’re going to helpfully list them all out below.

        • Anonymous says:

          Snorkel in Nebraska… really? Where are you – Indonesia, India, Pakistan? Learn about the country you are posting about.

          Sorry CNS, but this shouldn’t even been posted!

          CNS: Apparently, they don’t do sarcasm where you’re from.

        • Anonymous says:

          Governor’s beach has a live reef right in front that offers that and it’s a stone’s throw down the road, but my god, untwist your panties Karen.

        • Lou says:

          Been to the Caymans multiple times. This is still one of the best places to snorkel. Two weeks ago I saw two large clusters of turtles mating, multiple lobsters, a nurse shark, barracuda and lots of other marine life

    • Anonymous says:

      Anything else?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Very sad news. May he Rest In Peace.


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