Gun pulled in nightclub during fight

| 14/11/2023 | 16 Comments
Gun crime, Cayman News Service

(CNS): Police are investigating a report of a gun being pulled out during a fight at a nightclub over the holiday weekend. According to an RCIPS press release, officers were called to the Strand Entertainment Complex at about 1:30am on Monday about the altercation and the sighting of a firearm.

The police officers who attended the club conducted inquiries but those involved, including a man who had apparently been assaulted, appeared to have already left the location, police said. The officers made further checks in the surrounding area but they didn’t find either the victim or the suspect.

Anyone with any information, particularly the victim of this incident, is asked to contact the Criminal Investigations Department at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Nothing good happens after midnight in Cayman.

    A decade ago, RCIPS used to walk in bars and clubs during their peak hours. They used to do sweeps at closing to herd everyone away.

    Why did this stop? I suspect the club/bar owners petitioned their MLA/MPs that it was costing them money. Sames goes for the former enforcement of not selling alcohol to someone who was already intoxicated. Those laws are rarely enforced.

    We should do better. Not sure if we can or will.

  2. Anonymous says:

    they should make people check their guns at the door!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      metal detectors needed

      • Anonymous says:

        The metal detector wands cost <USD$25 each (with batteries) on Amazon. If these are too expensive for bars/nightclubs with track records of past violence, just pull their liquor licenses and close the businesses. These club owners don’t care about the public, their clientele, or the headlines that impact all of our Tourism. Shut them down, and prohibit them from applying for any future license. We don’t need a three strikes ruling on this.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Dear RCIPS – could you do yourselves a favour and share some useful info such as; CCTV footage? Image of either involved party? Description?

    NOPE – nothing of use to be shared as usual, but then turn around and beg the public to help find the suspect/victim(s) way after the fact.

    LOL! Can’t make this sh*t up!

  4. Anonymous says:

    which club?
    free solution that should be enforced by all clubs:
    no sports tops/shorts
    no caps
    no sneakers
    no drinking in carparks
    no sunglasses

  5. Anonymous says:

    Pull the liquor license for these places. It’s clear they don’t intend to put any of the easy security measures in place to keep their clientele safe. They are complicit in the shootings, stabbings, violence, the DUIs and rapes. We don’t need any more of this. The liquor inspector should be asked for comment on why places like this should retain their license.

    • Anonymous says:

      So your solution.
      ( must have thought bout it for 2 mins before typing it )

      Is to pull the liquor license of a club that is trying to just make money.m, and Because a bunch of IDIOTS who are running around the roads / committing crimes / beeen drunk in public / smoking drugs in public / and NOT BEEN PROSECUTED by the police for anything ) they know who they are ),
      Who are then been left to do whatever they want on the road UNLESS AN EXTREME circumstance happens so the police actually have to act and do their job ?

      We should let them roam free and punish the business ?

      • Anonymous says:

        No, the police should be doing their job as well – they are awful at their job – I believe this is due to their involvement in the vast majority of crime on the island – and rarely (if ever) held accountable. However does that mean we should not hold the business accountable for fostering an environment where this type of activity succeeds? If anything, considering the years of violent crime at this establishment and all other evidence provided, it sounds to me like the business is intentionally catering to the type of crowd where this is common. If they can’t do the bare minimum of making sure guns and other weaponry are not in their club, they are not contributing to society in any meaningful capacity. Rampant, unchecked capitalism is not a good enough reason to allow that to continue at the detriment of the rest of our society.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Behooved to say if da nightclub plays ghetto music it’ll attract a ghetto crowd of Tupac turds.

    • Anonymous says:

      Play ghetto music.
      Have no dress code.
      Let people do whatever they want in the car parks out side licensed liquor establishments.
      Don’t prosecute criminals

      You get this.

      Place then shuts down
      Then the undesirables just move to another location and destroy that

      And make no mistake
      They are undesirables

      An absolute embarrassment to the country and its people

      Keep going cayman
      And say good bye to whatever tourism you are able to save

      What happen to raising kids right ?

      SMH cayman

  7. lil Bobo in East End says:

    You read the recent headlines and can’t help feel we are losing our way of life here. This needs to all end.

    • Anonymous says:

      We need immigration reform (or at least enforcement of the law we have).

      • Anonymous says:


        And take it away from those who commit serious crimes


        Problem solved

        Don’t forget
        ( you import the 3rd world… then you become the 3rd world )

    • Anonymous says:

      For starters, normalised ritual drinking shouldn’t be the way of life. Time should be up on that part of our culture.

    • Anonymous says:

      Easy solution is play country and fluffy pop music instead of ghetto hip hop in da club. I’ve never seen a fight break out when Shania Twain is playing…not even when Who’s Bed Have Your Boots Been Under is playing


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